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Everything posted by Jones4Me

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I agree! It fits wonderfully....and I also like it without the sleeves. I agree on all but the sleeves. I like it both with and without them.... You look GREAT in this dress.
  2. Both are very nice and pretty, but I like #1 better. I like the way it flows.
  3. WOW! That is expensive! But, at least it is done and over and you will be there NEXT WEEK! I can't wait for your review!
  4. They are GREAT! I really like the brown and pink and blue together! You could SO make $$ doing this! GREAT JOB!
  5. Very unique. I know a couple that would have LOVED them - but they are already married....
  6. to the forum! I am sure you will find TONS of usefull information here! Happy planning!
  7. Heidi - you are the best! I feel like I can't get enough info for the planning - I guess that's why I joined this forum!
  8. to the forum and happy planning!
  9. to the forum. Sorry to hear about your loss. I can see why planning is rough for you. But, the forum is here to help you! Ask away and you will get lots of responses.
  10. You are soooooooo right - tons of new members lately!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus i totally agree with you there. everyone wants it to be perfect. and with a wedding like you are planning down in the VI i dont see how it cant be. the one thing i always emphasis though is that little hurdles will come up on your wedding day, and some things wont be exactly like you planned, BUTTTT don't ever let that get to you. as long as you are there and yoru groom is there that is all that matters. when you look back at it you wont even remember that your center pieces werent exactly like you planned or the dj played the wrong song during you walking in. everything always works out and no one else will notice In my case, there will be a LOT less to go wrong as we are having no guests. Just the 2 of us. We are going to do a champagne toast and a cake after the ceremony - there on the beach. Maybe a first dance too, played on CD. So, now I am just really trying to figure out which beach.... That's driving me CRAZY! Thanks for the good thoughts!
  12. I like the idea of doing it before your AHR. maybe it could just be the 2 of you and your parents - so transportation wouldn't be a huge deal. Something intimate and brief - but meaninful for him.
  13. to the forum! Glad to have you join us!
  14. to the forum! You still have lots of time to plan - and this site will be a great help! Glad you joined us!
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