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Everything posted by Jones4Me

  1. to the forum! Happy Planning!
  2. Glad it went so well! Congratulations and welcome back! Can't wait to see the pictures!
  3. to the forum. Let us know a little more of the type of info you are looking for and I am sure lots of ladies will have ideas for you!
  4. Very nice! I can't wait to see pictures with the alterations that you want to have done. It is so pretty on you! Glad you found THE one!
  5. Can you tell us a price range on this? Sounds interesting, but I am not sure how expensive it is... My cat has some issues that I would like to know more about!
  6. Will they be attending your wedding? If so, why not pay for an excursion during their trip?
  7. Good for you! I am sure it feels good to check things off of the to-do list. And it is GREAT that your FI is getting involved too!
  8. Are your guests going to be staying at an all inclusive resort? If so, insulated cups would be GREAT for drinks at the beach/pool. Drink cups at resorts tend to be small. Lots of girls on here have done cups or mugs. I am guessing someone could tell you where to get a good deal!
  9. I think it would look very nice! You could use gold with it too - like a sparkly tan. : )
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Hmmmm, makes me want to look into getting what ever I registered for from Target, elsewhere. Going to see if it matters.... (ie if I even registered for anything nice there, cuz the only one I really care about is BBB and Ten Thousand Villages) Sorry - offf topic - but Carly, I LOVE Ten Thousand Villages! I discovered it in Alexandria, VA when I lived in the DC area. Here in Indy it is called Global Gifts, but it is part of the same group. I LOVE THAT PLACE! I collect Nativity sets from there - they're the best!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. he should wear a speedo and a fan that hangs around his neck. TOO FUNNY! I vote this one!! LOL But really, everyone's ideas are good - go with what you this he will feel comfortable in. I am worried about my FI's suit. He may end up in the pants and shirt, but no jacket. We are doing St Thomas in May - and he is not one for the heat.....
  12. Mo, I wish that I had some magic wand to wave so that you would not have to go through this. My heart goes out to you!
  13. Your new drink sounds great! I love lime - but didn't like the mint so much in the mojito.... or maybe the few I have tried were not sweet enough.... But, didn't really like them. Gonna have to try your drink....But we have to name it....
  14. I would SO love to be able to do that.... However I KNOW it would NOT fly with my family! They don't even like the idea of registering at all.... they don't seem to understand that is what people do!
  15. to the forum. I am not so great with Mexico help, but I am sure that LOTS of ladies here can help you!
  16. to the forum. I am sure that you will find lots of useful information to help you plan. This place is great - and addictive!
  17. to the forum! Happy planning!
  18. I agree with the others. It would be totally fine to have people RSVP online. Especially since you know they all have access.
  19. I totally get the worries about theft and such. But, I just can't imagine not having my ring be the one that the minister prays over. How long will you be there before the wedding? Because once you are married, you can keep it on and not worry about theft. What about wearing it on your right hand from when you arrive until the ceremony? I wouldn't want to do that - but it wouldn't be left in the room that way.....
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