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Everything posted by Jones4Me

  1. Where we are from, some receptions are very low key. (back wood style, I guess!) I have known people to rent a inexpensive local place and do cheap foods. Such as: the VFW or Eagles or Moose clubs. They pay for "open bar" for beer only (cash bar for other drinks) and do stuff like wings and fruit trays and stuff from Sam's club and the like. Including a DJ, I know someone who did this with decorations and such (was the only reception) for around $2500. Could have been less. Maybe you could look for more of a party location and do a "meet the mr. and mrs" party rather than a "reception"?
  2. I was thinking ones from our own camera from the whole week. I am sure we can get at least ONE good one on the wedding day with it. And, we will do the reception about 6 weeks after we return. (due to timing of other stuff) So, it should work well! THANKS again for the idea!
  3. This idea would be SO perfect for the AHR guest book! If you have photos from the trip/wedding to use too! I LOVE it for that. Since there will be no guests at our wedding, it would work soooo well! THANKS MORGAN! What a great idea for a guest book. I may use it for mine, if you don't mind!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride I got a pretty pink Schwinn Beach Cruiser!! May seem like an odd gift for a 28 year old woman so here's the background: We rented a house in Ocean City, NJ for two weeks this summer. My daughter is really excited and she said she wanted Tim and I to get bikes so we could all ride together on the boardwalk. I was shopping in Target one day a few months ago and saw this fabulous sparkly pink beach cruiser bike. I took a pic of it and sent it to Tim and said this is what I will be riding down the shore! So Christmas morning my daughter was opening all of her presents and we got her a basketball net that was set up outside so I went running out with her to catch a picture of her when she saw her b-ball hoop and there was my pretty bike. I was so excited, I felt like a kid again getting a bike on Christmas morning! 1. I adore the bike - too cute! 2. I LOVE Ocean City, NJ. I summered there before.... It brings back happy memories just to hear the name of it.... Thanks for the smile!
  5. Yeah - I am laughing because that is some mess that my FI would come up with too! He listens to much different music than I at times... It's funny when I mention a "hair-band" from the 80's and he starts singing.... CRACKS ME UP!
  6. Seems like you got an OVER-ZEALOUS telemarketer there! WOW! Just throw it away. They may follow up if he marked the paperwork as you "committed", but just tell them you are not wanting to donate and explain the unethical behavior of the original caller.
  7. I changed mine! Yeah! AND - I posted a new thread about it to get more points! LOL
  8. I sent a PM, but wanted to say it here too: THANK YOU!!!!
  9. I was wondering about that too.... Darn those points! I am trying to save mine for opening stuff.... I did the same - thought it would just be used to sign in.....
  10. It looks great, Morgan! It's nice that it is so personalized! And, your guests will certainly like it as well. Great job!
  11. Most jewelry stores and jewelry repair places can do this. Shop around local places for the best price if you are getting more than a word or two. It can vary quite a bit! And - what line are you doing?
  12. to the forum! The other day I saw a posting about David's Bridal having some tea legnth dresses. Also - often bridesmaids dresses can be ordered in white. HAPPY PLANNING!
  13. I would love some suggestions too. In the past I have used ones that are now banned. I had no issues with them, but they are no longer available. I just don't want the kind that make you go to the bathroom a million times a day! I am already doing that with switching from soda to water!
  14. A DW wedding with no passports? I would say St Thomas, as I am to biased! But, you could consider the USVI, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, or even Florida. And CONGRATULATIONS and Happy planning, too!
  15. When I was married before, I had a toss bouquet and one exactly like it. I did the "other one" first. I got on the mic and told everyone about what a great grandmother I have and how much I love her. I explained that she had been married to my grandfather for 50 years and was an example of what I want to be as a wife. I gave her the bouquet. She LOVED it. And, since it was silk, she STILL has it in her house 7+ years later!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I like giving better than receiving, so that's going to be my list. I LOVE to give gifts too! I dont even care to open mine - I just like watching everyone else! I'll do the same: My FI: a TomTom, a Bears jersey, some other clothes, and a stocking full of razors, candy, etc My Daughter: a cabbage patch doll, clothes, bilingual books (Spanish/English), hair accessories, a leap pad, puzzles, etc Mom: a digital camera - she was still using film & with a grandchild this is much better Dad: a digital frame Lots of other folks too...... My favorite gift: the DVD/VCR combo to replace the DYING DVD player in our bedroom and get rid of the 2 units to only have one. OR the 20 inch TV with built in DVD player for my daughter's room (from my mom) so that she can watch "her movies" when we want to watch stuff like Grey's or other "grown up TV" as she calls it!
  17. CONGRATULATIONS! Yeah for you! It is such a wonderful story. It's nice that he built up the acticipation and was able to suprise you in such a nice way! Very sweet!
  18. to the forum. There are LOTS of Cabo people here to help. And, I am sure they all can't wait to here what you find on your visit! Be sure to post pics!
  19. In my opinion, there aren't really any rules. You should do what you want to do. If you want 7 or 17 - do what works for you.
  20. Now we are all in suspense with you! Can't wait to see what it is - you gotta post pics!
  21. to the forum. I am sure that you will find lots of wonderful ideas here to help make your wedding day special!
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