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Everything posted by Lorilou

  1. the trolley is awesome Chicago Free Trolley Bus-Save money, avoid cabs and see Chicago the easy way
  2. i wish i could. I'm heading out of town tomorrow after work. I love this kind of stuff...
  3. That sucks. We are experiencing the opposite issue. 2 people have backed out and we can't change our headcount with the caterers, therefore we are down $274 b/c they changed their mind at three weeks before the wedding. UGH!!! plus all of the money i spent on the OOT gift bags. WTF!!!! people are RUDE!!!!!!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 And can you tell me who the designer is? Honestly, it really is my favorite dress so far! i love her dress too. my girlfriend had the same one, it's a Monique Lhuillier Scarlet dress. I'm a monique fan also. mine is the Claire style. She makes the most amazing gowns...love, love and yes Kash looked fab in it.
  5. also, there are tons of shows in chicago. so if you are interested in that sort of thing. I'd recommend Second City and any off broadway shows. I've been to a ton so if something interests you, ask and i'll give my 2 cents.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura In terms of things to do for your anniversary like a spa and dinner, I have a few suggestions. Spas 1) Allyu (pronounced Ah-yoo) Spa Allyu Spa - Chicago Day Spa - Massage, Acupuncture, Facials and more they have GREAT treatments and even better prices. you can do side by side massages here! (plus its across the street from my house!) 2) Spa Space Chicago spa: Spa Space Downtown Chicago - a great spa, but kind of expensive. 3) Bliss Spa in the W Hotel on Lakeshore Drive. Really nice, but kind of way overpriced if you ask me, and way more boutique-y than Allyu. For dinner, what kind of cuisine are you feeling? I have lots of ideas for that depending on what kind of food you want. Also, I would recommend a boat tour. This is a good one that has a couple options and it boards on the river off of Michigan Ave near Wacker. Wendella Sightseeing Boats, Chicago original since 1935, Schedules and information I DEFINITELY Second Maura on the Boat Tour, they are very educational and scenic. They take you down the chicago river and out on Lake Michigan. It is one of my most favorite things to do in the city. I've lived her 12 years and I've been 5 times and never get sick of it!! My suggestion is to get tickets early b/c they do sell out. you'll most likely have fantastic weather in June, so it's lovely thing to do during the day! also for dinner, DeLaCosta is a nice restaurant near Navy Pier within walking distance. I've been there a number of times and enjoyed myself. DeLaCosta 465 E. Illinois St. Chicago, IL 60611
  7. so true, especailly #3...i hate acting like his mother.
  8. i love CB2 there's one not to far from our loft. go there for some crazy pieces to furnish our place. Great ideas on the decorating.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Yvette we had the same situation with our resort, the group rate wasn't worth it so we decided every man for themselves. no biggie. we did the same thing. I hated saying to my guests, "you have to pay $X to stay at this hotel and if they searched the same resort on their own they'd pay less then $X." I didn't feel right about it so, they had to fend for themselves and everyone coped just fine. Most are staying with us and others are not but at least I didn't have to feel stink about it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz AAAHHHH...my ticker is down to 1 month exactly. 1 month from today I will be getting married! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! I took a "sick" day today. I actually do feel crappy and am going to my doctor at 10:45 this morning. But it was more of an excuse to get a lot of little wedding things finished up. I've been taking pics as I go along, so I'll be posting my planning thread in the next few weeks. Hey Lizz, I'm getting married the day after you! So I feel your pain and excitement. I'm thinking of taking a day off next week to get caught up and catch my breath! We have to go out of town this weekend to see my new niece so that's shot for getting stuff done. Just bought a few dresses from Nordstroms.com for my rehearsal b/c I don't see me having enough time to go shop. good luck.
  11. yes, i'm freaking out too. I leave on the 10th so even though we have 1 month until the big day, I have only 24 more days until we leave. meaning I have to get the rest of the stuff done now. And my bro just had a baby so we are heading out of town this weekend to see them...meaning, none of the things on my list will get done. Oh well...eventually, they will.
  12. Nordstroms has some really nice stuff also. I got a couple of nice and comfortable camis and babydolls.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LMP333 There are so many different choices on the site. Did you go with COLLAPSIBLE CAN HOLDER (KZ005) ?? yes, we went with the collapsible koozie so we could transport easier. we have 86 guests, so we are bringing that many in our suitcases.
  14. i'm waiting to send out the wedding thank you notes until after the wedding. I'm just keeping track of wedding gifts verse shower gifts. And sending out the shower gifts thanks ASAP. with regards to thank you notes to those that attend the wedding, I am if they give a gift or not...that's just me though. I know you have up to one year to send a thank you note out...but i think if you wait too long it's a bit rude...
  15. Altoid and palm sized hinged tins or these...just do a search on metal tin and there are lots of options
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye If some ppl want some, but don't need 100... would you guys consider not having your date or names on them? Because then 2 or more ppl could split an order & just put something tropical on them like a palm tree or a cute wedding saying "to have & hold & keep your drink cold" or something along those lines... Just a thought! That;s a great idea...i'm sure you'll get some takers. How many would you need?
  17. I have it as follows: Prelude Seating of the parents Processional Bridal Processional Greeting Readings Exchange of Vows Exchange of Rings Rose Presentation Sand Ceremony Signing of the marriage certificate Blessing of the Marriage Pronouncement of Marriage Recessional But if you are having a Protestant ceremony-just check with your minister, they'll have a ceremony.
  18. do you want an actual ceremony or just a layout for your programs?
  19. Lorilou


    Hi Lori-Ann!! Welcome, I'm a Lori Ann also...first and middle name!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DJ_Jeff I could do that for you being a DJ/Producer or really anyone can who has a nice computer with correct software, a kid in the neigborhood perhaps. The two songs could also be mixed live at the point you choose if you are having a DJ play at your wedding. Hope that helps. Feel free to check back. okay, awesome. I'll get the MP3 files and then figure out when I want them to fade into each other. I don't know if i'll be able to communicate well enough with my dj- i don't speak spanish. So i'd rather have it done beforehand....or my Bridezilla might come out. Hee, hee...jk. Thanks, expect an email from me. thanks so much!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by edna Thank you for all your responses.. Is just weird for me to book someone to do my hair and makeup for THE DAY without knowing about their work... i can give you a review when i get back at the end of May.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan There are programs for doing this. I guess audacity is a program. I've been meaning to look into this. I'll try to do it soon so I can get back to you with info. I don't think it's hard to merge two songs. You just want them to blend together? Or are you mixing them up like a DJ? If you just want them to fade into each other that shouldn't be hard. we are not doing anything too crazy. just want them to fade into each other. So just blending out of one and into the other. if you figure it out, I'd LOVE it. you are wonderful to look into it and so talented with figuring these things out. THANK YOU!
  23. yes, she does, but wants to charge me an arm and a leg. if i can do it myself, that's huge!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I would use audacity and just overlap them. I do have a friend who could probably do it for you. Hes in Houston. I could ask him. Sorry i'm so naive, what is "Audacity"? If you don't mind, could you ask? thanks a bunch!!!
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