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Everything posted by Lorilou

  1. I have a photo like the Sphinx photo...so fun!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild When I made my postcard I did a google image search and got some pics that printed great. Unfortunately I didn't save them ( This is a blurry pic and the color is off, but here is basically how mine turned out: they did turn out great. so did you use vistaprint?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mora Lorilou, I dont think there are languaje issues, but if you have let me know and I offer my help to translate your email in to spanish and help you with it, not a problem for me ok? My name is Edna , yours is Lorilou? SOrry Edna. I'll email the transport company and let you know. thanks for all your help. Very informative. Name is Lori, nickname is Lori Lou.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Okay I'm bad with resolution and am not sure how to tell if it's high, but between my guests and myself we have lots of pics without us in them. How can I tell if they are high resolution? I think it has to do with how many pixels your picture has, the more pixels, the higher the resolution. Anything greater than 3 megapixels, i would imagine would work for the postcards. not an expert, but somewhat familiar. Thanks!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mora Lorilou they sell those small bottles at many shops in PV at the Malecon Area. I saw the Mini Don Julio reposado bottle and from my mexican point of view is one of the best tequilas in Mexico , you can buy them a whole case.. or try Vinoteca or Vinos America the big liquor stores at PV. They can sell a good price and you dont have to carry them on your luggage... Awesome...do you think if i budget $2-$3USD each bottle, that would be a fair price? Thanks Mora!! great idea for my OOT bag...along with chips, margarita mix and shot glass...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by bethtamar We will be at the Grand Mayan in Nuevo Vallarta from May 22-May 30, 2008! I think a few of us will be there at the same time!!! Cocktails ladies Beth I'll be in the PV area, but in Punta Mita from May 19-24th (on my honeymoon).
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB We were thining about doing small bottles of Tequila and custom shot glasses as part of our favors. Kindof incorporates our wedding location. did you ever find the small bottles of tequila? i'd be curious to find out how much they cost and where you found them? thankS!
  8. thanks for the info ladies. Mora, i can't read or speak spanish...do you think if I emailed the first company, they'd be able to answer me in english?
  9. does anyone have any high resolution photos of Puerto Vallarta? I'd like to make a postcard like the cheesediva did for our guests. I think it's a great idea and i give her full credit. if you do, please PM me and I'll give you my email address. thank you ahead of time.
  10. this is such a great idea. I'd like to do it for PV. i'll have to see if anyone has any high res photos of PV. thanks for the idea!!
  11. does anyone know the cost per hour for shuttles or passenger bus rentals in PV? We were thinking about arranging transportation for our guests to the Rehearsal/Welcome dinner and possibly the wedding? thanks!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi I use Fireworks, not Photoshop... but in Fireworks there is a tool called the 'Polygon Lasso.' You just need to carefully go around the edges of the santa hat with it. Copy it, and then paste into your original photo. I'm sure Photoshop has a similar tool! Good luck! Oh, I also resized the hat after I pasted it into the current picture. Also used 'Free Transform' to rotate & flip to desired angle. awesome, thanks! i'll give it a try. thank you!!
  13. Thanks Heidi!! could you give basic instructions on how you added the santa hat? if it's too complicated, i can try and play with it again tonight. Yeah! so fun!
  14. Okay, my FI came up with a really cute idea for our holiday greeting cards. There is a picture of us on top of camels and we'd like to add a red nose on each camels nose and then santa hats on our heads. I've figured out how to add the red nose but don't know how to add a santa hat. I've found a clip art santa hat but don't know how to resize, edit it to fit our heads. Anyone a whiz at this kind of stuff?? thanks!!! here is the picture!
  15. We are arriving May 10 staying at the westin until May 19, then off to Punta Mita until May 24th!!! cannot wait!
  16. Welcome, PV bride here too. let us know if you have any questions.
  17. do you know if your friend can ship to the USA?
  18. good stuff thanks!! I swear, i got so many ideas...just don't know where to stop! I guess it's better than not having any ideas...
  19. I know I was watching for its opening to be announced b/c we wanted to honeymoon there...won't be finished in time. bummer.
  20. I think it's super cool...just not doable in Puerto Vallarta...oh well, maybe for my fiance's 40th birthday in a few years!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv What are your Mom's wearing for the ceremony? My Mom just picked two outfits (one dress and one pantsuit) and will decide which one looks better once they arrive. She picked a turquoise/aqua color, which is one of our wedding complement colors. So, I think I'll tell my FMIL to look for something coral in color (which is our other complement color). This is the pantsuit my Mom picked. She doesn't have a pic of the dress yet. Any thoughts? I know what you mean, my BM dresses are tangerine and we have chocolate brown, kiwi green and cream as the other colors. So I wanted to stay within the brown family. I ordered her this dress in two different colors. and I love the copper rose color--of course, she doesn't. She likes the blue, which is nice but I'm afraid it may clash...maybe not, just want her to be comfortable, likely be in the high 80s...
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