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Everything posted by Lorilou

  1. just had a quick peak. they look fabulous. how anxious are you to get them? you look beautiful!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege WalMart has Coppertone for $.97 each (In case you can't spend $80 on sunscreen). i think it's beneficial if you have to order other products too like advil, aloe, etc. Plus I have to order for 60 OOT bags.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I got mine from the travel bins at Target, they were 99 cents, so depending on shipping... if you spend more than more than $79.99, you get free shipping.
  4. I found a 1 oz Block up 30 SPF sunscreen for $0.90/each at Hard to Find Brands versuses $2/each at other sites. I just ordered so i'll let you know how it goes. they have other items too so check it out.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bounciekat victoria's secret is having a killer sale on bathing suits right now- as low as $6.99! i bought 3 and it came to $40 including shipping! i also made sure to buy a white bathing suit to wear while i'm lounging around by the pool the morning of the wedding. awesome, thanks for the tip. i'll check it out.
  6. i have a new bathing suit for every other day, granted we are away in PV and then Punta Mita for two weeks. Been acquiring from summer sales. I'm definitely going to load up on lingerie (hopefully from bachelorette party). and also fun shoes and dresses...will DEFINITELY Over pack...but that's the time to do it.
  7. i'm wearing my dress for sure..what a great excuse to wear it again!! my AHR starts at 6pm until 11pm, food, drinks, dancing, etc.
  8. Lorilou

    Hi Everyone!

    welcome...if you have any questions, let us know..
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt ok i think this is enough to make me not to do it I was thinking the booth thing - i'm not sure i want some random person spraying tanning stuff on me! the spray wand works really well. the mystic tan is a little tricky. just need to exfoliate and make sure you use the "blocker".
  10. great pictures susan!! everytime i see pictures of everyone's weddings, it makes me soooo excited for my own. thanks for reminding me how spectacular things will turn out!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Leia78 It's nothing fancy... I ordered them from Invitations By Dawn. I was able to customize them and put our wedding website @ the bottom. Then I laminated them and stuck the magnet behind it. They'll be sent off as soon as we get back from our site visit next week. i think they are super cute and are so appropriate. great job
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 That last one is really cute, Lorilou! And if you put it on cute tropical looking invite cards it will make it even more adorable. thanks. I think we are using the "join us in celebrating the marriage of our daughter..." b/c my parents are throwing the AHR for us.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by meandpaul I am getting married in Jamaica and I have only verbally asked a few people to join us. For the reception....need to send out invites to everyone. What are some of you ladies doing? How do I acknowledge that we will have already gotten married but want them to attend our AHR? Your templates would be wonderful if you have any or suggestions on how you worded them. I have the template for the ticket type invitation but that seems more appropriate if I was inviting everyone to come to Jamaica (which I would if they could afford it). here are some options: bride and groom will begin their lives together on May 17, 20xx at venue in destination Please join us in a celebration to honor their marriage at AHR venue Saturday, June 21, 20xx time, date, location or Love makes life a paradise... bride and groom joined hearts and were married in destination May 17, 20xx join them for a wedding reception June 21, 20xx 6:30 p.m. At AHR venue street address OR Join us in celebrating the marriage of our daughter, bride to groom with a reception marking the return from their wedding in destination The reception will be held Saturday, June 21st at 6:30 p.m. AHR venue street address OR He slipped the ring on her finger a promise made for life... Join us as we share their joy now that they're man and wife! A party to honor the newly married groom and bride will be held on June 21, 20xx At AHR venue at 6:30 pm I think I got these idease from Invitation Wording Samples by InvitationConsultants.com - Private Ceremony & Reception after
  14. Kristi... good job as always. i can't wait for you to cover our wedding!!! only 6 more months!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride it looks great! did you use Vistaprint? yes, i did use vistaprint. i can't wait to get them!
  16. great job!! if i received that gift, i'd cherish it forever...so sweet of you.
  17. Here is the photocard I made for Puerto Vallarta This is the backside... Thanks Morgan for your help!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen I think I will go with my gut on this then. Make the deadline Feb 28th, then perhaps after that, I can send a postcard reminder or something. Or start stalking people, whatever works! I'm sending mine out early too.. have to for planning reasons OOT, venue, welcome dinner, etc. that way I'll know and MAKE people book. only one of our wedding party out of 8 have booked so far too...you're not alone.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen I am getting my invitations ready to be printed since I finally booked our AHR and I am wondering what to use as my RSVP by date. My wedding is May 17th and my AHR is July 12th. I am sending boarding pass invitations with the RSVP referencing both dates. I need to give myself enough time to plan the wedding, but I don't want to be crazy requesting rsvp's for July in February. Any advice? I don't want to send out separate invitations for both, cuz I just don't feel like having to deal with it! I wanted to use Feb 28th as my rsvp date... I'm in the same boat. My wedding is the same day as yours in Puerto Vallarta, May 17, 2008 and my AHR is June 21, 2008. We also have an added stresser, my FI is from New Zealand with friends and family all over the world. So invitations have to be mailed extra early due to the international snail mail factor. I was thinking of sending them in February then requesting them to be returned by mid March 2008...what do people think??
  20. we are getting married in Mexico. so our AHR venue said they could do a signature drink such as a margarita and stock mexican beer. Also, doing mexican style food. As for decorating, doing something like this... For seating assignments... For favors...flip flop photoframes or personalized margarita mix...(haven't decided yet)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild LOVE IT!!!! Might I add you're in the perfect outfit for exploring in Egypt..lol yes, it's SOOOO hot there that you want to cover up every inch so the sun doesn't bake you! I have another one of my FI picking the Sphinx's nose.
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