Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein Has anyone done their invitations for their AHR yet? That is one of the first things on my list and I'm stuck on how to word it! Here are a couple of options:
We did the blue invitation wording...
will begin their lives together
on May xx, 2008
at Venue Location
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Please join us in a celebration
to honor their marriage
at Venue Location
Saturday, June xx, 2008
6:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Venue Address
Mr. and Mrs. Parent’s names
Love makes life a paradise...
joined hearts and were married
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
May xx, 2008
join them for a wedding reception
June xx, 2008
6:30 p.m.
At Venue location
Venue address
Mr. and Mrs. Parent’s names
Join us in celebrating the
marriage of our daughter,
with a reception marking the
return from their wedding
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The reception will be held
Saturday, June xxst at 6:30 p.m.
Venue Location
Venue Address
Mr. and Mrs. Parent’s names
He slipped the ring on her finger
a promise made for life...
Join us as we share their joy
now that they're man and wife!
A party to honor the newly married
Mr. and Mrs. Groom and Bride
will be held on June xx, 2008
At Venue Location
at 6:30 pm
Mr. and Mrs. Parent’s names