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Everything posted by MEE

  1. Thank everyone so much!!!! Those are some really good ideas. I was thinking about the one or two reception tables and definitely doing a steel band instead of a DJ. I would only do DJ with 20 or more people. Can anyone give me insight on the steel band? I've never been around one and have no clue what to expect. Can you slow dance to the music? Fast dance if you want? My fiance and I (and my dad) are pretty much the only ones that will be indulging in the alcohol...lol...so, we may be the only one's dancing. I just want it to be beautiful and special. I have gone back and forth with hoping I won't regret all my friends being there, but it was pretty short notice and most can't afford it. I think we do have around 3 friends that are toying with the idea of coming. I am limited on where I can do everything b/c one of them is in a wheelchair. Anyway...thanks for your help! Any insight on the steel band will be great!!!!!!
  2. Hey everyone! I was wondering if I could get some opinions from you... My fiance and I are exchanging vows in Aruba (we are actually getting married in the U.S. at the JOP like 3 months before).....which I hope people won't think is a ridiculous idea.... Anyway....due to short notice, we may only have immediate family in Aruba when we exchange our religious vows. So... Has anyone in here only had about 6-8 guests at your DW? If so, what did you do for the reception? We would really really like music and all of that, but don't know if that will be weird with only 6-8 guests, mostly parents/grandparents. I would love any advice/opinions/past experiences!!!! Thanks!
  3. MEE

    Kind of New....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford Congratulations, that sounds like a wonderful location! Do you have a date picked yet? Thanks! Yes, our date is October 24 of this year. I'm so excited!!!!
  4. MEE

    Kind of New....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi We almost chose Aruba for our destination. I did a ton of research there - where are you looking at getting married?? Hey! Thanks! We are getting married at the Occidental Grand Aruba. I have heard good things about it and had some friends go there on their honeymoon and highly recommend it. Do you know anything about it b/c I've never been and am a little nervous
  5. Thank you so much! That is definitely an idea that I am going to run by my fiance:) Congrats again! Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Yes, he is in the Army. He wore his blues for the ceremony and changed immediately afterwards b/c it was so hot in that full dress. We also saw each other before the ceremony so he had his blues on for those pictures too ... but really he was sweating to death. I'm so glad we had a casual outfit for him for the reception. I had his dress blues in the bag with my wedding dress and we just carried it on the plane and hung it for the flight. No problems at all!
  6. I am so sorry! I know first hand how you feel and what you are going through b/c my MOH and I "broke up" about 2 months ago. Although not for the same reasons, but very similar. She basically got a new job that went to her head and I was no longer "good enough." This was when I was still planning a traditional and huge ceremony in the U.S. In the end it has worked out for the best. Is your ex MOH married? This was a huge issue with mine b/c she was jealous about the fact that I was getting married and she wasn't. It was very childish. Do not let it ruin your day for even a second. In the end it will be her loss. The hardest part for me was explaining it to everyone and then deciding what to do about no MOH. In the end (when the big wedding was still planned) I just decided not to have a MOH and to just have bridesmaids. I am sorry you have to go through this, but some people just can't handle other people being happy!
  7. I just looked at your pictures and they were absolutely GORGEOUS! Congrats! I see that your husband is in the military. I loved how you had some pictures of him in uniform and some of him in civilian clothes. How did that work? Did he have his uniform on right before the ceremony and then changed? We would love to incorporate the uniform, but thought it would be a pain to get to Aruba. Any advice would be appreciated! Again, congrats on a beautiful wedding and getting married! Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv They have finally arrived!!!! Still waiting for our day-after and TTD photos ... but so very happy with these pics. There are fabulous shots in each folder, so while I know it can take forever to browse, if you have time -- please do!! http://www.pictage.com/466841
  8. MEE

    Kind of New....

    Thank y'all so much for the welcome:)
  9. Hey! I am getting married in Aruba in October and just did all the research on this. We decided that since you could only get married legally in the courthouse in Aruba and then do a ceremony after, that we would just go ahead and get married at the Justice of Peace before we go to Aruba. We are actually getting married at the JOP like 3 months before we go to Aruba for our religious ceremony (due to health insurance reasons and a few other things). I am sure if you want to get married in Aruba (civil ceremony) that it wouldn't be too complicated. I think you just have to submit the information a certain amount of time beforehand. Do you have a wedding planner?
  10. MEE

    Kind of New....

    Hello everyone! I joined this forum a while back, but just decided to cancel my traditional wedding and have a destination wedding in Aruba!!!!! I look forward to chatting with you:)
  11. MEE


    Thank ya'll so much for the warm welcoming!! Wow!!! I'm still getting used to navigating through the site. Right now we are leaning more toward Vegas b/c we want family and close friends to be able to come and it seems Vegas has something for those of all ages. Who knows how many more times we will change our mind:) This is all very early "brainstorming" so-to-speak. Again, thanks for the warm welcome!!!
  12. MEE


    Hello everyone! I enjoy reading through the forums so much and have learned a ton since I found the site!!! My name is Molly and I have just started doing some preliminary research on different types of weddings. No date has been set, but I am thinking somewhere around the beginning of 2009 (better half will be in Iraq). We were thinking about Cancun, but are now leaning more toward Vegas. I look forward to learning some much needed valuable information from each of you!
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