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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. Welcome, Welcome I'm sorry I dont have any info for you regarding hair and makeup at your location.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 I vote #4! Actually you could probably pick 2 logos and use them in different ways. #4 for your printed materials, etc. and #2 (with or without the heart shape) for other items since it has a picture. Great job on these!! Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Yea, I have several logos I ended up using! Go for it!! That is a great idea! I think my theme is the palm tree on the beach (I'm stamp embossing my invitations and I have a palm tree stamp and a silhouette of a bride and groom AND I'm going to order mugs from discountmugs.com and they have a logo with a palm tree and bride & groom) so I could use logo 3 or 4 for the OOT bags and all printed items (since those will probably print the best). And now that I've had time to sleep (I was up till like 2am YES this forum is addicting) I think I do like logo 1 so I'll have to figure out what to do with that one... I really appreciate everyone’s feedback!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I voted for 2 but when I looked back I like 1. How did you make them? Can you please share. Thanks! I did mine in a scrapbooking program called Art Explosion Scrapbook Factory Deluxe. You can also do the same thing in Word and PowerPoint, Its just a matter of finding clipart you like and playing around with it. Really you just find an image you like and build on it. For instance logo 3 & 4 are the same clipart. I just ungrouped the image and deleted the sun and birds to give me #3 (and added all those little pink dots). Do you have MS Word? I'll do a test run (to come up with the directions) and then try to post step by step instructions. Or I can do a couple for you and email them to you (I think I'm addicted...) It might take me a couple of days because I need to get some more clipart (from my Mom) and I'm working on my invitations right now.
  4. Thanks everyone for letting me know what you think! Right now logo #3 is the most popular!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I think 3 is the best for a logo, but I think you can use 1 for a lot of cute things. Where did you get the backgrounds of the beach? Very pretty! I am a scrapbooker, and although I do all of my scrapbooking by hand, I do have some scrapbooking software that just makes things easier to manipulate and also provides me with clip art. Thats where I got the beach background. My Mom has a whole set of clip art (with like 6-7 CD’s). I think I’m going to go get it so I can have more beach theme options. I think I can export the clipart and email it to you if you want.
  5. Ok, so everyone else has a cute little logos and I was getting kind of jealous… so I stayed up all night making a couple. Can you guys tell me what you think and choose the one you like best (1, 2, 3 or 4)? If you don’t like any, tell me! And let me know what could have been done better. Thanks! 1. 2. 3. 4. (I just figured out how to post pictures in a thread!!)
  6. Where did you find that? Thanks for posting! it actually gave me some ideas and I was considering having my bridal party wear all white.... or hot pink... now I think color really is the way to go.
  7. Will do!!!! I already have the feeling that its going to be..... ROUND 1 : Davina VS Michael (let me stop)
  8. OK, I'll do it for us if you like (and I dare him to be mean to me ) are there any specific questions you want asked? If you PM me your email address I'll CC you on the email and make sure you get the response. I am so glad I found this forum, you guys just don’t know
  9. Hey Heidi, that’s what I’m thinking of doing… I might just wait until I get there to arrange the videography. If you email him and ask, can you let me know what he says? (And he better not be mean to you in his email!)
  10. Thank you so much Jerzzygirl & Lizz!!!! It really helps knowing what I'm walking into!
  11. You guys are great! I would love to see that contract. I did sign up for the Royal package, but only because I though it would give me better decorations and for the possible room upgrade. If they do not have a room upgrade available I am going to definitely go with the free package. I think Jezzygirl said the Free & Royal package have the same decorations so I’m going to have to do it myself or go with their expensive upgrades. This is sounding much better. I wont even have to deal with Michael unless I want to a video.
  12. DLyteful


    Welcome, Welcome!!!!
  13. DLyteful

    new here!

    Welcome, Welcome!!!!
  14. Welcome, Welcome. Happy planning!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by J&M Hi all Does anyone have any idea how long it usually takes Chandlyn to answer your email? I sent one a few weeks ago and she answered the next day. Then i sent one early last week asking about arraingments for the dinner and she still hasn't repied. I hope I haven't left it too late to book the dinner...I don't need the Plantation as we only have 10 or 12 guests. hope she can fit us in somewhere... Thanks:) I would resend the email that was missed. It has been taking her about 3-4 days to respond to mine and it seems like she misses some of my emails. I just resend them…
  16. Congratulations! And Welcome to the forum!
  17. Welcome, Welcome!! You are going to find lots of good info and ideas here!
  18. Ok, I'll let my TA do the work and contact the corporate office for additional information and hopefully have documentation in writing... I'm sorry, I'm not emailing Michael, I already have a very poor impression of him and a rude email from him will just make things much much worse. Thanks Lizz
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz It seems like Michael is a huge pain in the a**. I'm sure all of the brides that are going before us will report back to how he acted. Don't start worrying too much til we hear more. Let me know what Chandlyn says about it though. Hey Lizz, Ok I received a response from Chandlyn… My email: Good afternoon Chandlyn, I have a question about the wedding photographer. My cousin, who will also be a guest at the resort and is attending the wedding, is going to do the photography for my wedding. It is my understanding that outside photographers are allowed as long as they are a guest of the resort. Is this information correct? Is there a fee/fine if I do not use the resort photographer? I would just like to make sure that I properly allocate the correct amount of funds to each area of my wedding. Your assistance is truly appreciated. Thank you, ------------------------------- Chandlyn Response: Hi Davina For information on Photo arrangements, please contact Michael at [email protected] as he will be better able to assist you. Regards Chandlyn So, she really didn’t answer my question at all and referred me to Michael. I really really don’t like how he responded to you girls and I would prefer to get the information from someone at the resort, not Michael, who has a contract with the resort. I’m just becoming so nervous because It’s my favorite cousin (who will have her brand new baby with her) who is doing my pictures and I will not have anyone giving her a hard time.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by yboone98 Hey DLyteful, This info is from an email from Chandlyn: You can get a private reception with an extra cost. Private receptions are held at the Plantation Restaurant and the extra cost is $500 USD for 2 hours (dinning & dancing) or $1,000 USD for 4 hours of dining & dancing. (The DJ is included) This includes the standard buffet menu. If you'd like an open bar its $10.00 for p/p for an open bar. Otherwise only white or red wine is served. There is a standard menu & there are other menu's available at additional costs. Hope this helps you! That helps alot. Thanks yboone98! I need to get on the ball and at least book the plantation so I'll have options when I get there (although, I hate thinking I might be holding something that some one else might really need).
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jerzzygirl Michael did not take any pictures at my wedding, we had another Riu photographer. There are a few. And yes you can bring any decorations you want, Just have someone in your family or a friend set it up for you. Thanks Jerzzygirl! Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to get everything down there!
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