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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. Girl I am so sorry! I have no advice for ya... maybe the meds the Doc gave you and rest until you go. Help your body heal/fight off the infection it's self..... I'm wishing/praying for fast healing for you.
  2. You guys are freaking me out with this thread.... I have a TON of people who are waiting until the last minute to book. My wedding is at the end of May. I think I'm just going to ignore this thread... and start thinking about the saying "no problem mon" early.
  3. Hi Jenny, Welcome and happy planning!
  4. Welcome . The site can be a little overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, you'll love how much info, idea's and support is here. I dont know anything about your location but there are tons of girls (and guys) here that can help. Happy planning.
  5. DLyteful

    I made it!

    Congrats & welcome. Happy planning!!!
  6. Wow you totally have to post a pic of you in the dress. Did you get white or off white?
  7. Ohhhhhh I love you "will you be our" cards. Did you make them too?
  8. Your invites are really cute! I think the clear envelopes are a very good idea!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by lscilley I wish I could change how much time he spends on his computer, it's like his other woman! What is the best quality that made you fall for your FI/DH? His sense of honor, his respect for me, and his really cute dimple.... Oh and nice lips :-) Q: if you could kick someone out of your family, who would it be and why?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Hells NO!!! Totally not for me! Question: Would you rather immerse your naked body in a bathtub of cockroaches -OR- dive naked head first into a pool of chewing tobacco spit? (from the would you rather game - I'm not THAT creative! ) I guess I took to long, so I will answer Heidi's. I'll take the chewing tobacco anyday over cockroaches (that is the worst thing ever in life!!!!) Ok, so I guess you can add my question back. Q: would you think differently of your man if told you he did have a 3some at one point in time in his life?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP none trying to give away the one I have. LOL Seriously 2 was my goal and i had two. 1 living so I am done. Q: Would you have a 3some if your husband asked you? Heck no!!!! I take to much attention by myself and there is NO Way in that anyone else is touching my man! Q: Would you think differently of your man if he told you he DID have a 3some at one time or another?
  12. OOOOOHHHHHH, even tho I've been working out ALL month (even eating better) and I have only lost 2 little lbs...... So maybe this is the kick in the butt my body needs (come body, get it together). I'm in! Ann, I will PM you when I'm able to make my $10 payment (before Tuesdasy). Thanks for getting this together.
  13. Thanks for the review. It makes me feel better and better whenever I get to read a good review.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Everytime I see yours I hate mine. What are you talking about Your's is cute and it's about YOU! I love your strong women!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JenniferLynn Here's mine. I'm really sorry if it's too big, I've tried resizing it but for some reason it still shows up huge. Ohhh your is so cute! I love how much detail you have. I love starwars and serinity too. (not enough room on my little siggy pic) LOL. Someone must have resized if for you, cause the size is perfect now.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW ok so my siggy is small now? It looks huge to me, can you see pics clearly? can you read the wording? I wish your's was a bigger too. I cant see your pics well and it looks like you have some Interesting ones (is that some one dancing in the pic?). Love it.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Amy and Davina those are great! (love the Last Dragon...classic!) Thanks!!!! I know, I LOVE the Last Dragon! It's totally a classic! If you have not seen this movie, you totally should. It's a total 80's movie, but so so cute!
  18. Ok, here's my siggy pic..... I'm having a problem with size...... It's taking me longer to get it sized than it did to make it.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein Hi Davina! I just asked Chandlyn for that setup and told her my colours were aqua and that colour of fabric was just provided. It was a perfect match too, I was very happy! I am embarassed to say I never asked for an itemized receipt of my wedding costs, I just paid a total amount. The whole week was so crazy I just let it slide, but it was very close to what I estimated the costs to be so it was fine. Of my OWN estimate, I had estimated the beach decor gazebo to be as follows: Upgraded Beach Gazebo decorations: $412 Aisle Runner: $45 Aisle markers: $85 each and I believe I had 4? So I think what I was charged was very close to that...! Hope that helps! Thanks a bunch!!!
  20. Thanks so much for the link. I'm looking thru it now....
  21. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!and welcome back!!!!! I'm glad your wedding was everthing you wanted it to be. thank you so much for the review.
  22. OOOHHHH I love them all. Since I have to pick I'm going with the first one.... , but I really like pink. Any color that pops would look great in contrast to the white. You should try all 3 on....that will give you a better idea of which YOU really love.
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