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Everything posted by DLyteful

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaB Luv the hot pink and I like how you made yours bigger! Oh yes, all attention must be on me (LOL).
  2. Ok, its crunch time! So I did the TransFirmer this morning (40 minute workout) Barbell Strength group class then 45 elliptical for cardio. Now, hopefully I'll wake up to work out in the morning and night again...
  3. I’m so excited! They came so fast. I ordered them Friday night and they got here this afternoon. I ordered: 3 hot pink 32 inch $6.25 for my BM’s 1 white 32 inch $6.25 for my Mom 1 white 42 inch $8.00 for ME! I ordered from Asian ideas and it went so smooth. Paper Umbrellas Colored Exciting stuff!!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP We took the kids. I was upset with the partial sex seen for our kids I am just waiting for that bullet to be shot out in public. We LOVED it other wise. Yea Terrance Howard already set it for a sequel when he looked at the 2nd suit. Maybe he will be the green lantern because there is only 1 Ironmanl There is a hero called War Machine that wears the silver suit! The green latern is apart of the DC world (superman,wonderwoman, etc), Iron Man is in Marvel (xmen, the hulk). (yeah, I'm a comic/scifi/action girl) Sequel here we come!
  5. Oh my goodness! I went to see Iron Man today and it was SOOOOOOO GOOD. I loved it. Now I'm a Scifi/action kinda girls so this movie is just my type. It was funny with just the right amount of action. I totaly recommend EVERYONE going to see it. I want to go see it again. Actually I could have stayed for the next showing and loved it just as much. I think they might make a second one (I can only hope). IRON MAN :: OFFICIAL SITE :: IN THEATERS MAY 2ND, 2008 Yeah, I love it so much I added the link and uploaded a pic for it
  6. WOW girl! those were HOT. I want to do the waterfalls now.
  7. WHOOOOHOOOOOO! Are they up yet?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by djtinnie your dress is beautiful. mine is estimated to be $300 for hemming, taking it in, and the bustle. she told me the bustle will be $150 to $200. anything wedding related is always an eye opener when i see the price! Quote: Originally Posted by loveangel0610 Your dress is absoulutely beautiful. But I understand your questioning of the alteration price. I know when I saw your post and saw $200 I was like WHAT?! But then I remembered when I went to my senior prom my alterations cost $300. The top part of my dress was too big and it had ribbons goings across and the seamstress had to take it apart in order to fix it. I know how you ladies love pictures so I posted a pic below so you can see what I am talking about. Personally I think $200 is fine especially if you know this person is going to do a great job on your dress. Well good luck with everything!!!! Thanks! Ok, so I dont feel so bad. It just is so much for 1 day....I already splurged on the dress itself and now I have to add another $200 to it...dang it. But I guess I do have to remember this is someone doing hand work which is always more expensive these days.....and I want it done right so I guess I'll just suck it up. (dang it!).
  9. I dont live in Seattle but I voted for you anyway! Good luck!
  10. Lizz! I just purchased a order at customizedgirl.com and its all your fault! (I was not trying to spend more money) At least I found a 15% off coupon. Well, at least my honey will appreciate it since I put his name all over eveything (LOL).
  11. Have a wonderful time!!!!!!!! You have put so much work into your day I know it will be eveything you hope for and more. Can't wait to hear and see all about it when you get back.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz CustomizedGirl - Custom T-Shirt Design Thanks so much for the link!!!
  13. Oh, where did you get your customized girl stuff?
  14. Lizz eveything looks sooooo good!!!!!! It's all coming together.
  15. Congrats Glenna and all who participated. You all did a WONDERFUL job and I totally wish I could have joined in. Yari this was a wonderful idea and I'm sure will become more and more popular on the BDW board.
  16. Thank you so much for the compliments ladies! The cost of just getting the bustle is just crazy…. But you guys have made me feel a little better. Now I don’t feel like I’m the only one getting robbed. Now I know WE ALL ARE GETTING OR HAVE GOTTON ROBBED. But you know how it is, when you are not in it by yourself you always feel better.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I love you dress and you look so pretty in it. I was given a quote about $200 for the bustle. And yeah, I had the same question - didn't seem that big of a deal to do a bustle, but it may be because of the material they're dealing with. You would think for the price you pay for the dress, all of that should come with the package =) Thanks! And you are so right. The bustle should totally be included.
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