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Everything posted by Jenn3878

  1. Congrats SYL!! Pictures are amazing! You made a beautiful bride!!!
  2. Great planning thread - LOVE it all Congrats!! Good luck!
  3. Hi all Mommies!! We are finally married, not in Cancun but FL and just got back from our honeymoon in Jamaica!! I have been gone from BDW for a long time!! How is everyone?? CONGRATS Bisha!! What a cutie!!
  4. Happy Wedding Day Shelley!! I hope its an AMAZING day for you!
  5. Hey all May Brides just wanted to check in with everyone and see how you are all doing. Not sure if I posted here but we too had to cancel our wedding that was set for next week. After waking up to this nightmare 1 week before our wedding and countless hours of talking & crying we are getting married here in FL next Saturday, May 9th. Somewhere on a beach and having a reception in FMIL's backyard. My AMAZING fiance has been doing all the planning - I said he is my new wedding coordinator, he has called everyone local and has even set us up on a honeymoon to Jamaica during the time we have off from work!! I believe it but I dont believe it! I was getting so excited to post my planning thread on here but maybe I will still do that after I get back to normal life....whenever that is HAHA If anyone needs ANYTHING ANYTIME, please let me know Good luck to all my fellow May brides, I hope your weddings and marriages are blessed with LOVE, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS!! Love JENN
  6. Hey all Dreams Brides just wanted to check in with everyone and see how you are all doing. After waking up to this nightmare 1 week before our wedding and countless hours of talking & crying we are getting married here in FL next Saturday, May 9th. Somewhere on a beach and having a reception in FMIL's backyard. My AMAZING fiance has been doing all the planning - I said he is my new wedding coordinator, he has called everyone local and has even set us up on a honeymoon to Jamaica during the time we have off from work!! I believe it but I dont believe it! I was getting so excited to post my planning thread on here but maybe I will still do that after I get back to normal life....whenever that is HAHA If anyone needs ANYTHING ANYTIME, please let me know Good luck to all my fellow May Dreams brides and all other future Dreams brides, I hope your weddings and marriages are blessed with LOVE, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS!! Love JENN
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mc5363 I feel so bad for you! I just feel like it's one thing after another with Mexico this year. First, I had people asking me about the drug cartels and violence. Now, I am apparently a swine flu expert. It is just so sad that so much planning and anticipation goes into this and then a pandemic breaks out. I spent all morning trying to find alternatives. I want a backup plan in case this doesn't clear out. I agree, If I were getting married later in May I probably would react different, its just a little too close and risky. Quote: Originally Posted by ggrimmer Does anyone have a back-up plan? Yeah if anyone has a back up plan please let me know!! Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl oh jenn! i forgot one of our early may brides was pregnant! i don't know what to say ... a lot of this is just sensationalism, but i think if i were pregnant i personally would be afraid of the risk to the baby. even a mild illness in you could be detrimental to your little one's development. the most frustrating thing is there's just no way of knowing for sure whether everything will be ok, and can you take the chance? my heart just aches for you. Thanks Lisa, I am just at a loss.....I know and I agree I just would feel terrible putting our unborn baby at risk and my FI and DR think that canceling is the only option at this time because its too soon to know what will happen. I just hope our families will not lose their money that is just another one of the million things on my mind.....We haven't done anything yet we will talk about it again tonight but I doubt anything will change
  8. hey girls....we are scheduled to go to Cancun on May 6th for our wedding on May 8th....but at this time I dont think we are going the #1 reason is that I am pregnant and a little scared to travel at this time with all that is going on? I am so completely heartbroken I cannot think straight. How is everyone else doing??
  9. Great review!! You looked AMAZING!! I LOVE YOUR PICS!! The colors just POP!! Congrats!!!
  10. Congrats Andi! I hope you have an amazing wedding day!
  11. GREAT JOB Lisa!! The photobook looks awesome! I made one on Shutterfly too cause I didnt really like any out there!! There are some free codes for Shutterfly photobooks DB88-0ARY-SZCR-FESKBC from Davids Bridal!! I have made 2 so far and great quality!! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Congrats!! Everything looks amazing!! LOVE the dress especially! Good luck!
  13. LISA I love the dress!! You look amazing!!
  14. Smokin pics Mel!! He is going to die when he sees these
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