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Everything posted by Jenn3878

  1. The half man half horse commercial freaks me out!! I have to look away when its on!! Also the commercial when they show a plate of food and then it turns into cat food YUCK!!
  2. When I got my tattoos they put "triple ointment" on it and i didnt know but I am allergic to the bacitracin it so i broke out in little bumps where they tattooed something like what you described!! It was a nightmare Hope it clears up for you!
  3. Congrats LIZZ!! Cant wait to see pics!
  4. Awesome shopping Shelley! I have been eyeing that cuff for so long!! Is it as beautiful as it looks online?? Let me know Thanks!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by luvtoteachlaw Update: We told both sets of parents this weekend, and both are thrilled!! We have moved the wedding date up 11 weeks, to May 2nd. Same location. We expect to have a few friends back out (mostly mine because they will still be teaching in the middle of the college term). Overall, I am relieved and now need to get invitations out ASAP and figure out if my dress is gonna fit me in two months! Thats AWESOME!! I am so happy for you!! Good luck!!
  6. I did my own taxes this year and was so proud of myself until I realized I put an extra # in my bank account number for direct deposit and they cannot re-route it so I won't be getting my money for a little while now What a DORK!!
  7. I think I saw the Shamwow at CVS also the Bra strap hider thing too they have a few things there and I have the ped egg bought it at CVS too, I love it so does my FI, I had to by him his own cause he was always stealing mine!!
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