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Everything posted by jenvh

  1. That's so funny...I just made an appointment to go dress shopping for the first time this weekend. I am excited. and nervous.
  2. I went to the gym tonight! the perks of working out of town and living in a hotel-free gym access. I did 30 min on the eliptical to make up for missing it yesterday and I did the leg lifts. I don't always get 64oz of water but I am still drinking more than i usually do. And no diet coke for 3 days!!! the funny thing is, I had one in my hand today and it actually didn't sound good. I put it back in the fridge.
  3. I get so frustrated with FI about house cleaning. I am not a neat freak and I leave my share of clutter, but when I am obviously cleaning up and would like some help he just sits at his computer looking up sports or something. And I don't want to constantly nag him. We both work long hours, but we also work freelance so sometimes he doesn't have a job when I do. Even then he doesn't clean because then he says he feels like my housewife and his man ego gets all bruised if I ask him to do anything. Ugh. So annoying. He used to be neater than he is now and I think in his head he thinks he is that person still, but his office (that is next to the living room and visible to everyone who comes in) is a freaking mess of paper and crap. Piles and piles. I suggested a maid at least for the dusting and bathroom and kitchen and he says no,he doesn't trust someone to come into the house-even those recommended by friends who have used their maids for years. I guess he thinks the nice little mexican woman who cleans our friend's house (and has for years) is going to stake out our house while she is cleaning and steal the plasma tv. So freaking annoying. Hmmm....guess I had that all pent up....
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Dear FI - Why is it that you feel you need to 'fix' everything? I know you're only trying to help, but when I'm feeling down about not losing weight, don't tell me I should cut out the salad dressing! The 35 friggen' calories aren't making me not lose weight! And going to the gym twice a day doesn't really work for me. I work 10 hours in a busy emergency department - I am physically exhausted when I get home. I cannot even imagine going before work and then again after! You go to work for like 4 hours a day (at most!) and then sometimes do some work at home. I'm working really hard to lose weight - why do you have to make me feel like I'm not doing everything I should? Can't you just say something like "That sucks... next week will be better... you're doing great" ? I know how you feel. My FI does the same thing to me. then when I try to "fix" something for him he gets defensive. he certainly doesn't listen to my suggestions...even though the things i suggest are the same things he is telling me i should do.
  5. Congratulations! My FI jokes to my family that he will have me pregnant within 6 months of getting married. If I keep hanging around here that jsut might happen. lol.
  6. I will do my leg lifts tonight. there is a Crunch gym next to my hotel that i can use for free. I am excited. There is no excuse for not going!! Maybe I will do the 30 min of cardio i missed yesterday as well. and now I am off to get a bottle of water...I haven't had any yet today (unless you count the water i used to make coffee. lol) this thread is so motivating. I love it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Dear Equity guys across the room: I've been working here for a year, and every single Wednesday since I've been here, I've ALWAYS gone to Chuy's to pick up lunch for MY guys. Remember how on Monday's everyone in the office always says, "Yah to Chuy's Wednesday". Well let me start off by saying I'm tired of picking up your damn lunch every single day, and I don't even work for you...or even in your group. But since I'm a nice person, I try to include everyone that wants to order....everyday. WELL I'M DONE!!!!!!! I'm tired of holding your f'in hand when it's lunch time. Yes, I'm going to get lunch today! Yes, you can place an order. NO, I WILL NOT SPOT YOU!! Yes, it's Wednesday and it's 10:50 a.m. and I already called in the order for my 11:15 a.m. pick up....just like I do every Wednesday! Why do you come to my desk and throw a $20 on it and walk away. NOOOO I didn't order anything for you because YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT YOU WANTED!!!!!! No I'm not an f'in mind reader and no you are not getting "the usual" from me because I DON'T WORK FOR YOU AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT AND YOU CAN GET MAD AT ME ALL YOU WANT WHEN I CALL YOU OUT ON IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE F'IN OFFICE!!!! GET YOUR OWN DAMN LUNCH FROM NOW ON, JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M DONE!! signed, the about to go postal on you assistant that works in bonds - - not equities!!!!!!!!! Dear Jim- I think it would be in your best interest to get your own lunch.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels I'm going to the gym in a bit, but I'm feeling a little unmotivated. I've been really eating pretty healthy this week, worked out 5 days, and I only lost 1/2 a pound! Sucks! I really wanted to have lost more... I feel like I should be losing faster as well. I am NOT a patient person. lol. But while the scale isn't moving that much, the pants I put on this morning aren't tight like the last time I put them on. Hopefully, that thought will keep me from stress eating for the next couple days. I am off to Chicago today for about 5 weeks and I am stressing about the work and being away from FI for all that time. All I want is comfort food!
  9. I think I will swap the 30 min tomorrow and the day off on oct. 13. That seems like the easiest thing for me. I am almost done with 40oz of water and am spending more time in the bathroom than at my desk.
  10. Thanks for the printout. That helps. I love this thread. I feel like I am more likely to do these things because I don't want to have to tell you guys I didn't do the challenge. lol. I drank all my water yesterday. I had to pee constantly! I am going to try and continue today as well as cutting out the diet coke. I am going to get a bottle of water right now. I did my 50 crunches on the balance ball this morning. Tomorrow is going to be diffiicult for me. I am working half the day then flying to chicago. I don't know when I will be able to exercise.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Have you tried going to downtown LA?? They have a "Mercado" there, or try the Placita Olvera. I have a ton that I bought in TJ, but I'm not sure if you'd want to drive that far. I have been looking at these. I completely forgot about Olvera street. I bet I could find a bunch of fun OOT bag stuff. How fun! I haven't been there for years.
  12. Ok. I think i need to join in now. i started WW a couple weeks ago and it has been going well. I think the important part for me is tracking what I eat. I really think about my food choices when I know I have to write them down. I have gone to pilates classes the last couple weekends but still have to figure out how to fit exercise into the week. Honestly, I know it's as easy as getting up an hour earlier but Iam sooo not a morning preson. I am hoping if (when) I see progress with the diet changes then I will be more motivated. Do I really have to give up Diet coke
  13. Dear FI - Why must you play Halo on the only tv that has cable and a dvr? If you played on the other tv I could watch this one. I know this one is bigger and prettier but you are not the only one here and I want to relax before I get shipped off to Chicago for work (at which time you will have the tv all to yourself)
  14. Unfortunately, I don't have time before I leave. I was given less than a week notice I am going. Fun, huh? I will try to make an appointment at a David's Bridal in chicago. I will have to wait until I get there to get the lay of the land. As far as I know I will be staying downtown. Any Chicago brides recommend any bridal shops other than David's? I at least need to get an idea of what styles I want. I hadn't thought about David's shipping it to my local store, but they probably would do that. Cross your fingers that I find something in stock and not on backorder.
  15. Not as often as FI would like. Maybe once a month. We both work long hours and I am always too exhausted. I do feel bad for him. Plus, the medication I take completely kills my sex drive. Completely.
  16. Here is my problem. I have to go to Chicago for work...I thought at the end of Oct for about 3 weeks. Now I find out I am going on Wednesday...yes, less than a week notice...and I will be there for probably 6 weeks at best. I had an appointment at David's Bridal which I now have to cancel. By the time I am back home and able to shop (and I have to assume I won't find "the" dress the first day) it could be December before I am ready to buy a dress. Is this cutting it too close for a March 26 wedding?
  17. Wow. I am so sorry to hear that. I think I gasped when I saw the title of the thread.
  18. Dear self- Don't start eating a bunch of junk food because you are stressing out. You have been doing really well with the "diet" (if not the exercise, but that's another issue). DON'T BLOW IT!
  19. Dear production manager- WTF is wrong with you?!? You have to communicate information to us. We have known for months we are travelling to Chicago to film and you just tell us now that the office there is opening monday and I have to go next week instead of in 2 weeks? Now I have to cancel my wedding dress appoinment and change my flight to my cousin's wedding. I don't suppose you want to pay for that?
  20. I really love this thread.
  21. That is so cute. With all those proposals he REALLY meant it.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I've narrowed my search to two dresses but I'm waiting for the Brides Against Cancer Dress Sale, which comes to L.A. in November, to make my decision. What is the Brides against Cancer Dress Sale? I live in LA and am just starting to look at dresses.
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