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Everything posted by melglnh2o

  1. Everything is super cute. Very well done. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Here is the email that I have used [email protected] but Roberto never responds. I usually call 011 52 998 898 4659. Roberto and Diego are the managers. We call all the time and they keep saying they will transfer the money but we still have not received it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by marytete1 OMG you look absolutely stunning-the pictures are breath taking- Few questions for you I love the candle and your flowers-can you let me know where you got them- Also, do you have the information for the photographer and videographer? Thanks again I made the candles myself with some adhesive vellum and ribbon. The flowers came from Marvin at .::: Maya Diseño Floral Profesional :::. Flores y Plantas Exóticas. I loved my flowers but a word of caution...Marvin was 15 minutes late (as in the ceremony was supposed to start at 3:30pm and he didn't arrive until 3:45pm) and didn't bring half of the flowers we paid for. The photographer and videographer was Martha Roque at Photographer Martha Roque Cancun México. She was absolutely fabulous and I was so happy with my pictures.
  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE #3 so I voted for that one but the color in #2 is beautiful. I would also say go for a little bit smaller flower so it doesn't overwhelm your head.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by msasfraz how did you make/ apply the print on the bags? i was thinking of using cheaptotes.com for the bags but trying to budget on the print...idea is to do something similar for Jamaica ... I used iron-on transfer paper that I bought from Staples. You will need to invert your image and then you just print and iron. It was a very easy project and the bags turned out great.
  6. I used La Europea but I don't have the contact details with me right now. If you go to their website LA EUROPEA they have a phone number and the address of a store that you can go to. We went and it is located downtown. One word of caution is that we were married on May 10 and we are still waiting for the refund from the liquor that we did not consume.
  7. For the ceremony, I wore my hair up with a veil and lots of makeup. But for the TTD, I got straight out of the shower, wet hair and no makeup at all, put my dress on and away we went.
  8. Super cute Morgan. Congrats!! The best is yet to come though...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JODEY Wow... that is a huge adjustment, I have alot of respect for you marrying before you lived together, did you never wonder you may not get on ? I lived my my FI and his parents for 7 yrs !! we have now been in our own house for the past yr and love it, our biggest adjustment was the general looking after ourselves !! all the cooking, washing and ironing ect... but we soon got used to it... Well we spent a lot of time together and I was always over at his house so it was just the actual sharing of the bed that bothers me. All is great and I couldn't be happier!! Life is good...real good.
  10. I bought my dress from Bobbies Bobbie's Bridal They have many dresses and Bobbie was fantastic to work with.
  11. FI (now husband) and I wanted to do the legal ceremony AFTER we returned from our DW. We are both Catholic and we wanted the church ceremony to be our first ceremony since that means more to us and will be the day we celebrate as our anniversary. We didn't want anything to take away from the religious ceremony. We got married on May 10 and had our legal ceremony on June 2 which happens to be my husband's birthday. So we will celebrate the legal one but in the disguise of a birthday!
  12. WOW Amy. Everything is gorgeous. It all came together so nicely. Have a wonderful wedding!!
  13. One time I, er I mean my friend Mandy, went out with some coworkers to a club in DC. I (again Mandy) thought I could go mano y mano with the guys. So the shots were lined up (and down the bar) and away we went. After many drinks, I told them I would be right back since I had to go to the ladies room. The next thing I knew someone was pounding on the bathroom stall door and woke me up. Apparently it was already 3am and when I walked back out into the club, there wasn't anyone left. What an idiot I was back then!! Well at least the time flew by!! Hahaha.
  14. You girls are all so funny. I read that several of you were just dealing with combining your money. We haven't really talked about it but I actually prefer not to. Is that bad? I bet my hubby doesn't mind.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan the I loved it & he said it was lonely. Morgan ~ That is funny!! I love the different perspectives. Thankfully Charlie and I have his and her sinks because I could see how that might caused some issues but I must say that my hubby is very very clean!
  16. My FI and I did not live together before we got married but the biggest thing for me is sharing a bed. We have a Cal King so it is plenty big, but I always enjoyed going home at night and having my bed to myself. I think it is because I am such a light sleeper and now I get no sleep. I guess I will get used to it. I know many of you live or lived with your FI before you got married, but since being married what has been the biggest adjustment or something that you didn't expect?
  17. Try the Omni Puerto Aventuras. The hotel is small and it might be too late but you could have your guests book the whole resort and then it would be very private. Do you want an outside reception? If not, then ask hotels about ballrooms. We had our reception at the Fiesta Americana Condesa in their peninsula ballroom. It was very private and in the back of the hotel but I wouldn't recommend it because the ac was broken.
  18. Try doing a search. There are a lot of people that used Vanessa and Cecilia. I used Martha Roque Photographer Martha Roque Cancun México and she was fabulous. I loved all of my pictures and she was super sweet. Check out her website.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I'm doing the same time frame. too late to change it, but I hope its enough time. Our guests are only staying 3 nights. how long did your's stay? if people were staying 5-7 I'd want more time for sure. I want some alone days. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan it's an issue with vacation time for most people. they are all just making a long weekend of it. 2 couples are staying 4 nights. it's a quick flight from texas & that's how long my parents usually stay in mexico. So I hope by our guests not staying as long it will make 7 nights enough for us. We'll see. I guess it all depends. We had 70 people who came and people stayed anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 days. I loved spending all our time with everyone but I felt like we just needed some more time. I guess if we would have had 10 days there we would have probably still wanted more. Wednesay was pretty much a travel day. Tuesday was really the only day we had for ourselves and we did a day trip to Isla Mujeres but we were so exhausted from all the other activities that it would have been nice to have a day to do nothing! It will be fine for you I am sure. You are going to have a blast Morgan!
  20. What I would do again: 1. Have a destination wedding. It was magical. It was amazing. It was beautiful. It was more than I could have ever imagined. Don't even question it. Just go for it! 2. Treat all of our guests (70 total) to a sunser dinner cruise the night before the wedding. We did this through Aquaworld Aquaworld Cancun's Sightseeing & Attractions , Cancun, Cancun Diving, Diving in Cancun, Cancun Tours, Cancun Fishing,Swim with Dolphins Cancun, Cancun Jungle tour, Cancun Snorkeling, Cancun Hotels. It was exactly right and everything went perfectly smooth. We had a blast!! 3. Make OOT bags. It was quite a bit of work but all of the guests loved them and we received so many comments from guests about how they really felt welcome and appreciated for their coming to our wedding. That was so great to hear. We didn't go overboard with the OOT bags but we did the iron-on transfer canvas totes with welcome notes, itinerary, personalized map, personalized custom crosswords and word searches, personalized frisbees (although we could have done without these but FI really wanted them) snacks and water. 4. Hire a videographer. Well this was actually a surprise gift from FI's - I guess I should be saying husband now - grandmother and there was so much that I missed that the videographer captured. I would definitely say get one. 5. Hire Martha Roque to do our photography (she also did the videography). I took a chance on her since I couldn't find any reviews but it was a chance worth taking. She captured out most precious moments and it was like she wasn't there! It was one of our best choices. 6. Have fun!! Don't worry about the small stuff. There were several things that went wrong with our wedding and no matter how prepared you are, that is just the way it goes. Don't get caught up in. The day and weekend was still unbelievable. What I would have done differently: 1. Stay longer. We went Wednesday to Wednesday (wedding was on a Saturday) but we really needed at least 2 more days but probably more. It all went by so fast but it was a blessing to spend a lot of that time with family and friends. 2. Be adament about using my sand ceremony instead of letting the person do hers. I wasn't clear enough about what I wanted and I ended up liking the sand ceremony the least. Although we had a church ceremony, I also wanted to do a sand ceremony just for symbolic purposes and to take advantage of the beautiful backdrop (ie the ocean). It should have been short and sweet but the "minister" asked if she could do her reading and I said yes. What I didn't know is that she was going to make us read our vows again and exchange rings and it lasted a lot longer than we thought. This was definitely not what I wanted but it was my fault and I am still beating myself up about it but we joke about it. Of course the guests didn't know that it went wrong but my point is to be clear about what you want. Have people repeat things so they understand it and don't assume that they will do it the way you want. 3. Stay at the Fiesta Americana Condesa. They are fabulous at selling the place (it is a gorgeous hotel) but once you are there, they don't really care too much about you. I expected more, a lot more. Those are the highlights.
  21. Your pictures are beautiful Stephanie and you look gorgeous in your dress. I love the skee ball pic!!! You and your sisters look like twins. BTW, did they love the books you made for them? I am sure you made them cry! They were awesome.
  22. Thursday night we hosted a welcome get together at the hotel lobby. We paid for margaritas for everyone. On Friday night we rented out the Cancun Queen dinner boat and enjoyed a sunset cruise for 70 people. It was fantastic and I highly recommend it. There was dancing on the top level and dinner on the bottom level. We didn't know what to expect but it definitely exceeded our expectations. All of our guests still talk about what a fabulous time they had. More information can be found here Aquaworld Cancun's Sightseeing & Attractions , Cancun, Cancun Diving, Diving in Cancun, Cancun Tours, Cancun Fishing,Swim with Dolphins Cancun, Cancun Jungle tour, Cancun Snorkeling,
  23. I just voted too. We need more votes. Eric Olsen is a little ahead. VOTE FOR JASON!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by teacherbride Do you still have any of the spanish phrase books left? Also, where did you get them and how much were they? I think they'd be so cute to add! Unfortunately I do not have any of the books left. I got them from Target in the $1 bin. Maybe they will have another round of them again. Quote: Originally Posted by heather1172 I'm looking for the spanish books, and can't find them for a decent price. I missed the boat on getting them at target (when I saw them there, I had no idea I was getting married, let alone having a DW). If anyone has any tips on finding these, please let us know :-) You may want to check ebay. Good luck!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie Melissa, Thank you for the votive candle idea, we got personalized votive holders as favors, but they were too plain, so i bought vellum and ribbon over the weekend and spent two days taping and wrapping, they turned out great. Such an easy project and looks awesome, thank you soooo much. Quote: Originally Posted by LMP333 thank you for the idea and info! You are very welcome and I got the idea on here. This forum is fantastic.
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