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Everything posted by melglnh2o

  1. Congrats. I remember what a relief that was. Best of luck!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE No problem - we are having a cigar roller at the reception so the matches will serve as a double duty! Honestly - I didn't think about adding the matches to the bags until I remembered we had the candles! I ordered matchbooks with our names and date on them because we are having votive placecards and the matchbooks will be at each place seating but I called the airline to see if it was okay to bring them and they said no, not even in checked luggage. Of course I am going to take chance with them (I will remove the matches from the books-we have triangle shaped boxes-and pack the actual matches separately) but thought I would throw it out there in case you hadn't thought of it.
  3. melglnh2o

    New Girl!

    Hi Jaime. Welcome to the forum.
  4. Hi Lee and welcome to the forum. You will love it here and will find all the information that you need and even some that you never thought about.
  5. If you are having a rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner, have you picked out the locations for those yet? Maybe she could check out that kind of thing for you. How about anything to do with the florist (see samples), caterer (taste food) or anything that needs measured or counted (for decoration purposes).
  6. Hello and welcome. You are definitely in the right place to help plan your daughter's (and your) dream wedding!
  7. Hello and welcome. Cute story!
  8. Here is one website that you could check out. I know they are reputable but I don't know if they are the cheapest. Aquaworld Cancun's Sightseeing & Attractions , Cancun, Cancun Diving, Diving in Cancun, Cancun Tours, Cancun Fishing,Swim with Dolphins Cancun, Cancun Jungle tour, Cancun Snorkeling,
  9. Hi Lindsay. Welcome to the forum.
  10. Hi Pam. All the help you need is here. Welcome.
  11. Hi Meghan. Sounds very cool. Best of luck!
  12. melglnh2o


    Hello Kim. Welcome to the forum. You are definitely in the right place to plan your dream wedding.
  13. Hello Shelanz. Welcome to the forum!
  14. Hello and welcome. Best of luck with your planning.
  15. Hi Jackie. Welcome to the forum.
  16. Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum.
  17. Hello Sophie. Welcome to the forum. Have a look around and you will be able to narrow your location choices in no time.
  18. Hi Jackie. Welcome to the forum. Good luck with planning your best friend's wedding. You will be able to give her a lot of advice after reading all the wonderful posts on here.
  19. Hi Sonia. Welcome to the forum.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha 81 Pairs?? Thats not fair! I actually didn't think that was very many because I have heard of true shoe freaks owning hundreds. I barely wear all of mine and could probably get rid of some although I did that recently. Anyone a size 8? Sorry for the highjack.
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