I used to get them and every time I would put Melalueca oil on it and it seemed to be gone the next day. It is my cure for everything (cuts, burns, scrapes, cold sores, etc). I love that stuff!!
We had one white balloon for each person that had passed away and we released them into the sky. It was a very nice memory as we paused for a moment and watched the balloons fly away.
I work out in the burbs and getting cheaper gas used to be one of the perks but not anymore. We are up to $4.29 and I have found cheaper gas actually closer to home. I need to buy a Smart car.
That is the sweetest thing ever. I am so excited for you!!! The hints are throwing me off. Maybe it is supposed to make you overthink it but they don't really mean anything? Hmm. Or maybe the first letter of each clue spells out where you are going. Perhaps he was lying about the US. Maybe you are headed to the Galapagos!! Anyway, enjoy!!!
We had two ring bearers and gave them the ring bearer pillows as gifts. They were stuffed animals that looked like our puppy (see avatar) and they loved them.
We also got them chalk mats that they could use to entertain themselves during the reception and few other small items.
Madallie: A Children's Travel Store - Crazy Art - Oil Cloth Chalk Mat/Blue
Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 So I think we've decided to go with Martha Roque. I made FI sit down last night and look at both photogs pics and he liked Martha's slightly better but had a hell of a time choosing LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by coquetayloca I decided to go ahead with Martha also... I will be getting a whole lot from her... We will do an engagement/family session the morning of the wedding, then we will have her for 6 hours at the wedding and a TTD session the next day. She will stay with us at the resort also... I am so excited that you guys decided to go with Martha. She is so wonderful and you will get some amazing pics. Congrats!!
Hi Amy. Welcome to the forum. You are right about the color of the Cancun water...it can't be beat. But I am a little biased since I was a Cancun bride. Best of luck. Happy planning!
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear this devastating news. Sometimes it is hard to understand how people can be taken so suddenly from our lives especially when they are so young, but know that he will still be the first one there at your wedding. Give your FI a big hug. Again I am very sorry for your loss.
It is a beautiful dress and looks great on you. I remember that feeling of finding "The One" and I also found mine on a whim. Some things are just meant to be! Congrats.
Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I had a similiar thread a few weeks ago (although you made yours in the appropriate forum, I don't know how I didn't notice this forum before!).
Maybe it will help a bit.
Thanks so much for the link Jessica. I didn't see it before but it was very helpful. BTW, Aiden is tooooo cute!!
Quote: Originally Posted by ccarmany23 Thanks for the review..I am having the reception here so hopefully this review will me get everything cleared up in advance- thank you soo much for feedback! Did your DJ also MC (announce bridal party, first dance, etc.)? He did MC too but he only announced us and when we walked in we went straight to the dance floor for our first dance. Then we started the reception.
Quote: Originally Posted by ccarmany23 And I will def. not be going with Marvin for flowers (I think he was one of the people she recommended to me too). I will search forum but if anyone has anyone off hand they recommend for flowers/decorations it'd be great! I have to say that Marvin's flowers were gorgeous but you just have to be clear and double and triple check the time if you go with him. And make sure you talk directly with him and he understands the time. It was a shame because I loved loved loved my flowers. He was just late in decorating the church.
We did a TTD session and it was so much fun. My husband was hesitant at first but he is so glad that we did it. So many people comment on how amazing the pictures look and I couldn't agree more. We had a blast doing it and the best part is that my dress came out cleaner. It was flithy at the bottom from the actual wedding and reception but once I came out of the ocean I noticed the bottom was so much cleaner. I guess it shouldn't really be called trash the dress because the dress doesn't get messed up. It is just salt water!! I say go for it. You will regret it if you don't!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 I really like Princess. However, I would avoid Carnival at all costs, if possible. In my opinion, it's like the Walmart of Cruising. Thanks for the tip.
DC is fabulous!! I have lived here for almost 10 years and I love the diversity. I come from a small town (well not so small anymore) near Columbus, Ohio and it was all the same type of people. I love that you can stand on any one street corner in DC and hear so many different languages being spoken. Even though the traffic is horrendous at all hours of the day (and night) and it is very expensive to live, there are so many things to do that are free and there are plenty of beautiful views. We also have some of the best schools in the country. Didn't we have 15 in this area in of the top 100 schools in the country?
JM ~ It really was just the traffic that bothers you huh? I am a very laid back person too and I am on the verge of road rage everyday!! Please don't hate our city.
Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride Celebrity or Royal Carribean are great. I was actually on celebrity last NYE and it was awesome! Thanks! I have heard great things about Celebrity.
Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Are the spanish for dummies travel size? If so I will take them. Where did you get them so I can get more. Thanks so much! Yes, the Spanish for dummies are little pocket sized and I got them in the $1 bin at Target a few months ago. Unfortunately I have sold everything except for the votive candle holders.
Quote: Originally Posted by morenaindc Hel MelG...those look very sarah-ish to me...well done! Sarah does amazing and beautiful work and made my logos so good eye. I just changed the color on this one. Thanks.
My husband and I are planning a NYE Caribbean cruise. We both have traveled extensively but we have zero experience with cruises. Can anyone recommend a cruise line and tell me your experience or if you would not recommend one that would also be helpful. We are probably going to do a 7 or 10 day and don't really care about the port. We are also going to try to get several of our friends to come along. Thanks in advance.
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I am a Cancun bride so if you decide on that location let me know if you have any questions. We picked Cancun because it was easy for all of our guests to get to. Most were coming from the east coast (DC area), Panama and Ecuador. And we picked Cancun instead of south of there (Playa del Carmen, Tulum) because we were expecting 80 guests and it was just easier that they didn't have to travel an hour or two once they arrived in Cancun since they had already traveled far to get there. You will find all the info you need right here! Good luck.