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starfish kate

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Everything posted by starfish kate

  1. Congratulations and welcome!
  2. Welcome to the forum! I have always wanted to do a Windjammer cruise, but FH gets seasick. And to get engaged during your trip, that must have been awesome!
  3. Welcome to the forum Savannah (I love your name)!
  4. That is so thoughtful of your mom- that's something mine would do, too. Sounds like it was an all-around great weekend for you!!
  5. Happy Belated Birthday, Courtney! Man, I'm old....
  6. Welcome to the forum. There seems to be many new DR brides lately...
  7. Congrats and welcome- you must be so excited!
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  9. Welcome beachgal- what's your first name?
  10. Welcome Karen and Paul, I'm sure you'll find everything you're looking for here!
  11. starfish kate


    Hi Jen, welcome to the forum!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Thanks girls! I love when this thread pops up, makes me realize how much I really do love my dress. It is a Lazaro, you can view it (or others!) Lazaro Bridal Collection That's my last name- except I have 2 z's. I love Lazaro dresses.
  13. Shelley- I'm making your Crock Pot Roast today! I can smell it and it's driving me crazy. I shouldn't have done it on a day I'm working from home....
  14. The dress is beautiful and perfect for you, and the look on your face is priceless! You look so happy there, I can't imagine what you'll look like on your wedding day!
  15. I know there are travel agents that specialize in destination weddings and I'm sure that someone here can give you a name. Sorry I can't help, but everyone here has been a wealth of information!
  16. Welcome to the forum- you came to the right place!
  17. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  18. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!!
  19. Nailtique works great, and I use Burt's Bees cuticle stuff on my nails every night and they are pretty strong and grow really quickly.
  20. I am SOOO BORED at work... We have had no budget for Q3 and I have done nothing.... I had an awesome first interview last week and I should know this week if I go back. I am luck though that I get paid a lot of $$ to surf the 'net so I can't complain I guess. Good luck to all of you job seekers!
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