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Everything posted by Mel

  1. Oh how that sounds familiar... FI ex was forced to come to AZ from WA and bring their son for a visit, long long long story about custody battle, but anyway. She and her FI were picking up Brent (FI son) and she was complaining about how she got sunburned at the Desert Museum. She dropped her sleeve so he could see the tan lines and right in front of me and HER FI she shows my FI her boob. And simply replies opps. At this same time she is pregnant with a child with her FI. She has also had FI baby blanket since their son was born. FI asked for it back and she finally gave it back. I swear she had to have washed the thing in her perfume. Even after four or five washes I still can't get the smell out. She likes to send "just wanted to let you know how special you are to me" e-mail crap that gets forwarded around. And she always includes her first husband, who she has her oldest son with, my FI (her second husband), several other male friends and her FI. And if you are keeping up that makes three kids from three different fathers from three different marriages. NUTCASE...and like many have said before it doesn't get any better. My only advice is to be careful of how you FI approaches the topic of only calling when it is in regards to his son. I know the crazy ex that we have to deal with literally will not allow FI to see or speak to his son if he crosses her wrong in any way and she basically disappears for several months to the point that we have to have welfare checks by the police done on his son to make sure he is ok. This has been an ongoing battle that we have brought up in court but they always manage to take her side b/c she comes up with some cock-a-meme excuse of why she kept his son away. Mostly because "I offered for him to talk to his daddy but he didn't want to so I didn't force him to call and I don't make my son do anything he doesn't want to do" Just think when the child turns 18 no more. You don't have to give her your new numbers or addresses or emails. AHHHHH only 13 more grueling and long years for me!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by SDL I'm getting married at Las Caletas on May 25, 2008. I'd love to know what some of the other LC brides are doing for music. We're having a small wedding, 40-50 guests. I've received quotes from Enlace, but I haven't heard any samples and I definitely want to keep the scale of the music appropriate to our small wedding. Thanks for your help! Stacey Congrats! You get married 2 days before me. We are going with the DJ. My parents heard the DJ and said he was really good. He plays music during the reception and on the way back to PV. I heard that basically if you don't like what he is playing tell him you don't and he will change it. Its one of those things if he doesn't know then he thinks its fine and keeps playing it. No one in my family is very computer or IPOD savy so we felt the DJ would be well worth or money for not having to do the music ourselves. My understanding when I had mentioned songs to Kelley for the ceremony was that she would be the one doing most of the music. I don't know if this is right. Do any of the married brides know? She told me that if there were any songs that we really wanted to make sure to bring them just in case the DJ doesn't have it.
  3. I like the story, not lame at all. My FI used the excuse that he had to poop while we were hiking, so he asked me to get the toilet paper from my bag, which gave him enough time to get the ring out. I asked him why he used that excuse and he said "I dunno, first one that popped into my head." Gotta love em.
  4. Thanks ladies. I know that one day I will wish to look young again, but for now I want to at least look my age and not like a little kid. I was definitely looking at styles that have more volume, softer, and not pulled so tight. I have waist length ringlet hair that is beautiful and I don't want to change it. At least not 3 months before the wedding. I donate my hair every 4 years so I have to make sure that it is at least 10 inches long from where I would like it to end up. If I get my hair too short I am fro girl and I'm tooo lazy to straighten it and even then it goes curly in a couple of hours. I will have to go get help with the make-up. I can count the number of times I have worn make-up my entire life on one hand.
  5. I have been told at least 10 different times that I look like my FI's daughter. How embarrassing, but even more so for the person when we tell them otherwise. Most people think that I am between 15 and 18. Every time I get told this is when I have my hair pulled back and sometimes not. I want my hair up for the wedding, so how do I make myself look older? I know many of you are probably wishing you could make yourself look younger, but honestly I don't want to look 12 on my wedding day. Any suggestions?
  6. I have been looking all over and can only find it it black. I even went and looked at the mall and some websites to see if I could find strictly a halter top like this that I could sew in some spots for the garter leg strap things. But nothin. I didn't find it in any color, actually didn't find anything even like it at the mall in the general clothes.
  7. I am trying to gather around my outfits for my BD shot at the end of March. I have some of my outfits picked out but I am having trouble finding this one. I really want it in red, but I don't know if it comes in red or if there might be something comparable out there that I could just sew in a spot for leg straps (i have no idea if that's what you call them) I think it is super sexy and very much a teaser. Does anyone have any ideas?
  8. I guess you didn't get to the southern part of the state when a very unusual occurance happened...snow about 4" in some of the lowest spots. I've never seen so much in my entire life (I'm a desert rat...saw it snow for the first time on Friday the 15th), but for AZ and for snow to get down to about 3000 feet is unheard of. Glad you liked AZ, I love it and can't imagine being anywhere else. Its great how you can be in the desert and within a couple of hours the pines and in some cases around Tucson you can be in the desert and a short 20 mile drive up Mt. Lemmon and be in what resembles parts of Canada.
  9. FI passport arrived today...there will be a wedding!!!! His mom just sent in the hospital records and it was all good. Only took about a week and a half to get it back. I hope the school records work for your grandma. Cross our fingers! PS Wait til you see the new passports they look really cool.
  10. I listen to a lot of country. I am walking down the aisle to I Could Not Ask For More by Sara Evans. I had a really tough time deciding between this one and From this moment by Shania Twain. Lucky you, your FI is giving input, mine just says I think both a very good you pick.
  11. Morgan, I couldn't use the quote button for some reason but my FH needs to submitt all the affidavites and everything to apply for his passport. He already had his birth cert. I just hope that who ever was in charge of submitting her birth cert to the state after her birth was good and knew what they were doing, i.e. didn't put it in more than a year after her birth, otherwise you may run into problems with the passport office not the state department of health. I am assuming that is who you have been having trouble with laterly. FH had his birth cert and sent it in with his passport application, then about 3 weeks later we got a letter that said his birth cert was invalid because it was submitted more than one year after his birth, so legally I guess he is a year younger than he actually is. I dunno it is all confusing. I can tell you though that the passport people that we have talked to have been pretty helpful and nice. Good Luck, Keep us updated.
  12. I haven't bought my parasols yet. I am going to have my girls wear wrist corsages instead of carrying full bouquets. I wanted them to still have flowers but I thought it would be difficult to carry a bouquet and the parasol. Here are some that I liked, but I don't know if you could get them done in Mexico or with silk flowers. I was going to try to make the leg tattoo one with that sticky tape they use for strapless, backless bras. I haven't tried it yet though. Also not sure what kinds of flowers would look good since none of these flowers match what I am having or my bouquet.
  13. My microdermabrasion came in a package of 10 treatments to use whenever I want plus a bonus 3 treatments for getting the package. I paid $625. If your interested any you don't have the cash upfront, check into CareCredit. Its a credit card for medical stuff. On most purchases you can get deferred interest for one year. So as long as you can make the payments and pay it off in a year you good to go otherwise its like 25% interest.
  14. Most of the past brides in my family went to Azteca Bridal Salon. They are at 7th st and Washington. It seems like they have pretty decent prices and a lot of designers. The place has a lot of dresses in it so it might seem overwhelming and unorganized, but the ladies there are very helpful. I live in Tucson, so I bought my dress here.
  15. I don't know if we are having the same problem. My FH's birth certificate was filed more than a year after his date of birth. We found out that this was because the Dr. that delivered him was notorious for getting back logged and submitting birth certs more than a year after the births. They are supposed to be submitted within 7 days. So we got a letter saying that we had to submit an affidavit signed by his mom in addition to school records and a hospital certificate (the ones you get from the hospital that basically says Congrats) or we could get a census report. The census reports are crap because you have to pay $65 to have one search done from one year that the census was taken and if you can't remember the exact address your screwed or if the person taking the info took down any info wrong even misspellings it won't come back with anything. We just got the affidavit and sent it to FMIL so hopefully everything will get resolved. The funny thing is that he served in the military for 7 year and received high honors and fought in Iraq, but can't get a passport. Even funnier thing is that he had a passport, which was issued after 9/11, when he was in the military but it expired and he has no idea where it is at any more. What crap. I know what you are going through...even more stress to add to the other worries. Everyone who is going to our wedding has received their passports except the groom. Please keep us updated on how things are going.
  16. Ok I have a few questions that came up when I was looking at chrisnessa's photos (everything looked gorgeous). Did everyone else have chair covers or do you have to request them? I don't remember seeing them in anyone else's but maybe I just didn't pay that close of attention to the chairs (I was too busy dreaming of my day probably ) Was you dinner under the stars because you asked for it to be there or because of that roof thing missing? And if it is b/c of the roof missing wasn't that where everything was supposed to take place if it rained? Did Kelly or Nichole have other ideas or am I in the wrong part of Caletas and the backup area was somewhere else?
  17. LAS CALETAS!!!! Gotta check it out. Welcome to the forum...there is a lot of info on here about PV. It does seem to be pretty rare to run across people from AZ on here...native born Phoenician but I live in Tucson now but at least it is still the desert!
  18. Thanks for the great review. Makes me all giddy and antsy for my day to come. You looked beautiful and I love your veil too!
  19. I did a search on here and found only one thread from 2006 about work permits in Mexico. What the photographer's experience on customs and the work permits were and if they have the permits or if they just "take their chances"? Like have any been threatened to have their equipment taken away or is everything usually go pretty smooth. What has everyone else's experience been on this? I was told at a bridal show this weekend some horror stories and it makes me really nervous to hire someone that doesn't already have the permit.
  20. We are having a get together at my parent's house with everyone that couldn't make it to the wedding. We plan on having some finger foods and a cake bought from Costco. We are going to have the wedding pictures and video playing on different TVs and computers. We are getting legally married in Phoenix so we are also inviting family to that. If your house is small try a park. Not sure if that would be feasible were you live but here you can rent a ramada for under $50 for the entire day...just have to watch about the alcohol rules. You could also just try a restaurant that has a big room. Whatever you do I don't think it has to be big and fancy or formal...that is what your DW is for!!
  21. Why not leave out small details about the boat trip, so that people don't freak out. Or just inform them that there is no reason to worry because Dramamine or other motion sickness stuff is available. Also, try showing pictures of LC. My family was a bit concerned, but when they saw the pictures of the area they completely forgot about the ride over.
  22. Hi Holly~ I am getting married at Las Caletas on May 27, 2008. We are staying at the Melia Puerto Vallarta. We have booked the same package as everyone else, but will have between 20 and 25 people. I can relate in that we both have in laws that should not be together. My FMIL can't get over FFIL and new wife even though it has been years since the divorce. FMIL likes to provoke new wife and then they both get into trouble to put it nicely. Anyway, I have found only one problem with the whole stay and wedding--The hour boat ride from PV to LC. It is not a small boat but there is still no where to go! I am taking FMIL over with me and my girls early so that is one less time the in-laws have to be near each other. The rest of the time I am hoping that they behave, especially once the alcohol starts flowing! My parents joke that if anyone misbehaves they will be put in the cages. The cages are actually for the birds but still funny! The only other problem I have run into is that if you stay at an all inclusive resort, you can have guests but the guests can't buy alcohol or food. So if you are wanting to drink and eat with other people not staying at the resort you will have to go out. I think this defeats the purpose of all inclusive especially if you do it often. Anyway, welcome. The ladies on here are great and full of information. You have made a great choice on LC!!
  23. Were those pictures from your photographer or from someone else? Who was your photographer that came with your package? I am so lost on this whole photographer thing. The ones I really like I can't have because $$$ and the others are still $$ but not that good of work. I really need to figure this out too cuz I only have 6 months and as it gets closer it gets slim pickin'.
  24. I have had problems posting to threads. It accepts it and then takes me to a blank page with nothing on it like the page is still trying to load but says it is done, but won't show my post or that I was the last one to post. I just tried doing a search and it did it as well, took me to a blank page. Also, when I log in the only way I can go to my unread posts and to even see that I'm logged in is to click on the contact us button or join the community, then for some reason it will show the number of unread posts in the corner and I can click on that and it will take me to it. If I don't do this then I can't post because it says I am not logged in. Anyone else having this problem?
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