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Everything posted by royfa

  1. royfa


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KellyMN I hate to say it... but if people are going to stay at a different hotel, they might as well not come. That's what I always say. It's harsh, but the destination wedding isn't JUST about the wedding.... it's about sharing the whole vacation with family and friends. I wish people would realize that! Personally, I think it's a long trip just to go to a ceremony! I have to agree with you! At first, my dad wanted to leave from Toronto (we're leaving from Montreal) and I explain to him that it wouln't be the same if we we're all leaving from different places. He finally decided to leave with the whole gang and I think it will make a big difference!
  3. royfa


    Welcome to the forum!
  4. royfa

    Newbie info

    Welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  6. royfa

    Cabo Newbie

    Welcome to the forum!
  7. Welcome to the forum!
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