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About erik.wade

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  1. I love photography but wouldn't be "Thrilled" if I got this as a gift. You'd be better off getting them a gift card to Crate&Barrel or Home Depot.
  2. LOL...my wife... Well, thank you all for your suggestions. I am actually a little surprised as Drea doesn't normally want to camp because she and I have different views of what camping is. I am more throw a backpack filled with the minimum on and hike for a few miles into the wilderness and setup camp...anywhere. Drea is more of the back the truck up to the designated camping area a stone's throw away from some sort of restroom...unload the 4 ice-coolers filled with our kitchen, open up the 40 person tent equipped with sauna and couch, and relax. Just teasing babe...lol I love that she is interested again and would love to do any sort of camping she wants just so we can share it together. I love the outdoors and find being outside just relaxing. Thanks again for all the suggestions and rest assured, whatever strikes her interest...we'll try.
  3. The tradeshow your Fi is at is probably the same one I was supposed to go to myself but couldn't make. Just so you know, they are more work than fun by a long shot. During the show you are having to mingle and BS with lots of people, then after, there are "Dinners and Parties" which are nothing more than another opportunity to sell and make contacts. by the time you slip out of there, you run head long in the direction of the room and the bed because you are soooo spent. I have been on both sides of those shows and hate it from any angle. My wife can also tell you that I have on occasion forgotten to call her before I went to sleep on a few occasions and it wasn't because I was anything but exhausted. Give him a a get out of jail free card this one time but scold him...just know that coming from someone who has to deal with the same BS...it isn't really a free week in vegas...its a nightmare. Most of the people I know that go to those things can only do it for 1-2 days max before they come back and request a vacation... Erik (Drea's DH) Haven't been on in a very long time in case anyone forgot who I was...lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL My best friend from high school sent this to me today, I thought some of you might get a kick out of it. You are an evil person who should be punished...I AM NOT OLD! Plus, that's why I married a younger woman...she will ensure I stay young.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ooohhh - we can yell at Erik! ... maybe it's too much pressure. i guess i didn't consider that since, were i in her position, i'd probably just say right off the bat "hey, i just can't pull this off, i am sooo sorry" and be done with it. but maybe she is just looking for an out... <Erik takes a left, a right, another left...how is he still able to stand...my god ...the horror...folks it doesn't look good for our contender...he should have stayed playing video games before getting in the ring with this girl> LOL Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr ... Trust me Erik when I tell you she is not eating Ramen noodles or hawking her stuff. She is doing NOTHING!! She has no money, not even $100 saved for the trip, and we told her 1 year in advance. ...Erik, you do not know my recent history like all the other girls on here. My sister's husband (boyfriend of 15 years) passed away 4 days after their wedding, they had a 1 year old at the time and 2 days later she found out she was pregnant. I stand and apologize. I played the devil's advocate with someone who was living in a Hellish nightmare it seems. I apologize and would say that you should probably force your hand a bit with your friend and point out what you did to me. She will either step up and take responsibility or you can eliminate her and tell her that you are simply cutting down the number of BM and GM. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Erik, it sounds like in the situation you were in, that some of the pressure you felt was self-induced. Had you been honest with your friend instead of saying you would do whatever you had to in order to attend his wedding- ... Absolutely self induced...completely brought on by my decision to do whatever I need to in order to be there for my friend. I will never deny that, but I will say that there was a part of me that was too proud to talk to him about my own financial hardships until I had no choice. Unfortunately I seem to suffer from a rare disease called "Male Ego" that seems to be benign most of the time, but on occasion, it kicks my butt. My only reason to suggest what i did was to point out that I am a good representation of "what some shouldn't do...but do anyways". Had I learned to pull my enormous melon of a head out of my own backside, I might have realized the crap I was speaking was just that...crap. (Wow...what a colorful way of putting it eh?) All in all, I'll step back and let the girls talk amongst themselves...while I lick my wounds. Although I do still feel that you should confront your friend before it gets to be too late and you end up suffering because she is being selfish. <now for the beating>
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 to the forum! At least you have the date narrowed down. I'm not familiar with where you want to go, but I'm sure there are girls (or a few guys) on here that can help. Happy planning! I feel so unimportant that all the reference I get is (or a few guys). LOL
  7. welcome to the forum...you'll find lots of help here.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Um, no. Old cake is not hot...especially if it moved through a few time zones before it made it to the freezer...lol Good...that just seemed disgusting...and when Drea suggested it, I almost lost my dinner. Oh, and it figures that the only person online right now would be the SoCals...lol
  9. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet you haven't spoken to your grandparents at all regarding this? When things like this happen in my family, I demand that the distraught parties talk amongst themselves. Often times they realize too quickly that it was all a big misunderstanding and that the rumors were wrong. Might I suggest you do the same before you worry too much without confirming if it is even true or not. With that said, I would also suggest cornering your sister and asking if she going to be present at your wedding, if she might be willing to offer her timeshare to those that would like to be there like your grandparents. Or ask if she might be willing to chip in as a sort of anniversary present. However you look at it, I am sorry that you have all this going on, but before you go crazy, get some answers. Then, once you have answers, if the information is as bad as you think, I know a couple guys with baseball bats that might be able to "Convince that sister and brother in law of yours" Only kidding...LOL Erik
  10. If you are worried about pictures, just have the Photog Photoshop out the tat in the final print. If you are concerned with appearances in person....got me.
  11. Welcome to the forum...there is always someone who can help.
  12. flavor...german chocolate...but as that wasn't available for Drea and My wedding, we got some strawberry type that I had a small bite of and it disappeared. Hey, does anyone actually keep their cake for a year in the freezer anymore and eat it on the 1 year anniversary? That always sounded so odd to me that I wasn't about to try.
  13. welcome...get the questions ready...everyone loves to help...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I totally see why you'd be super frustrated with your friend. She goes on and on about how she wants to make it to your wedding no matter what, but yet can't make that effort to save by limiting spending. And I don't think you were asking her to change her lifestyle, she's the one that said she wanted to come! I still think the friend is just trying to be nice in person and telling her what she wants to hear, but in private is bitching and revolting...kind of like I did. I told me friend that I'll do whatever it takes to his face, and then bitched to everyone about why I should...whatever. I would be willing to bet that if everyone sat down and talked, they would find that this is the case and that guilt and pressure seems to be the driving force as to why one second they said what they did. Talk to her!!! it'll either get clearer, or you'll come back and yell at me.
  15. Isla Mujeres...wow...I love the island, but only because of the topless beaches. I would suggest first is finding a coordinator who is either on the island, or will work there without additional charge. then ask what they suggest as far as beaches to have it, locations, etc. I might also suggest asking my Cancun freak of a wife as she goes every fall...damn her... Drea...where are you?
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