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Everything posted by Jenn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Weird, I wonder what happened. Huh, I will try to fix it. Fixed! Very pretty. I like the hairclip in the 1st picture!
  2. Too funny! I'd totally do something like this, but Sam is NOT a dancer. I think he's upset that we have to dance for an entire song, let alone trying to do a routine. I'd love to see one of you gals pull it off though!!!
  3. Julie - I can only see the second one... very pretty though! I wish my hair was long enough to do something like that.
  4. Congrats Tammy and Steve!!!! Can't wait to see pics of your beautiful boy!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Well I think that's what it's called, it's just the standard registry you get from Macy's/JC Penney/etc. when you get married. Household items, electronics, that kind of stuff. Duh... for some reason I had something else in my head.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Yay! That is the coolest feeling. We didn't want one either and my mom insisted that some people depend on them. We started getting gifts before the wedding and they still come in. It's a nice bonus ) I should add ours was a wedding registry not a honeymoon one, but gifts are gifts! Never heard of a wedding registry... that's really cool!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Fun! What was your first present? 5 rounds of shots (1 for every year my friends have been married) and Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to recover in the morning! I thought it was a cute way for them to put together some of the little things on our registry I love presents, btw!
  8. We just got our first presents off of our honeymoon registry, and I'm totally psyched! We hadn't even planned to register, but our friends and family were asking, so we decided to do the honeymoon thing. That little email saying we got a present really just made my day
  9. We did these, and also have a long piece of string coming out of the bottle. We've since changed our colors, so I need to redo the beading and labels (hadn't put them on yet luckily), but here's what they look like... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...vitations.html
  10. We'll be in Jamaica for a total of 17 days - few before the wedding, and 10 days after. After our guests leave, we're moving into Negril and actually splitting our time between 2 resorts that we fell in love with and couldn't decide between. We'll be staying at Sunset at the Palms and then The Caves! I actually just finalized the bookings today!! We decided to fly first class as well - which I am totally psyched about! I always wondered what goes on through the curtains and out of the coach cabin - lol. I can't wait!!!!
  11. Absolutely gorgeous Carly!!! You look beautiful in it and the details are amazing!! Congrats!
  12. Gorgeous! Congrats on ordering it! Can't wait to see the finished product!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride It went better than I expected. I can't wait to see how the pics turned out! I was nervous and felt awkward at first but it got better. It got to be an all day thing. I went in the morning to get my hair done and then I went to Sephora to have my make up done. I was at the studio for about 3 hours. I had been tanning all week. So I felt pretty good plus my photog promised to photshop/edit my stretch marks out of pics that they showed up in. She also had a Maxim magazine with her and she used a lot of poses from there. We did some cute things with my FI's police hat and hand cuffs and even a pose where I was topless but holding a teddy bear to cover me which I think will be cute. I am so glad I decided to do it and my photgrapher was great. She had awesome ideas and just told me that she has seen it all and not to feel embarassed. I go back this Sat. to look at the proofs and decide what I want to order for the book. I will ask her if she can also email me the proofs so I can send them to any of you girls that are interested in seeing them or interested in using Janice as a photographer (She is awesome and she does DW's too). That's great Mo!!!! I'm so glad it worked out for you and that you had fun with it Assuming you love your pics (which I'm sure you will), I will probably get in touch with her for a shoot in the coming months. I'm going to need another month or two of diet and exercise before I go in, but I'm glad you found someone great in the area!
  14. We're staying at a small B&B and have the whole place booked, so I think we're going to just leave them in everyone's rooms before they get there. Nice little surprise when you get to your room
  15. We're not having any. We have 20 guests, and felt that just having them in Jamaica was support enough. We initially were planning on having his sister as his 'best woman' and my best friend - a guy - but decided to go it alone. I'm just really excited that the people we want there are coming!
  16. Its a lariat necklace, right? Not the exact one, but... This place does custom work, so could probably work with you... Nola crystal lariat Wedding Jewelry and Bridal Accessories - Lariats Will keep looking... not sleeping so a project is good
  17. I love that dress... its really flattering on and I love the neckline. I was actually looking for this one on ebay - lol. Great find!
  18. Welcome to the forums!!! Let us know how we can help. And congrats on your engagement!
  19. We're using aqua with red accents. Will probably also add in some orange - and yes we have starfish too!
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