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Everything posted by Jenn

  1. We aren't TTC, but we aren't trying not to either. I went off my BCP 2 cycles ago. The first month was REALLY hard... my hormones were insane, and it took 6 weeks to get a period - of course I was reading sites that said it could be up to 6 months if you've been on BCP for a long time, so I was going a little crazy. My second cycle seems to have really regulated though, and was right on track. I'm not temping or charting, so no clue if I ovulated. I'm on PNV (aka a good multi-vite), and I quit smoking. I gotta say, being off BCP has been interesting (I've been on for 13 years pretty much straight through). First month my hormones were out of control. Now some of this may have been quitting smoking too, but I seriously was insane. That's definitely leveled out (thank g-d!). I've noticed my skin has been really bad though off of BCP. Like - I haven't had breakouts like this since I was a teenager! Its crazy. Anyone else noticed this?
  2. So excited for you Yari!!! You're going to be a beautiful bride and your guests are going to be amazed!
  3. I just went through this whole thread and was really hoping for a happy ending... but the truth is that you did get a happy ending. While I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, better to have this happen now, before your wedding, then after. You really have a fantastic attitude about it. Sounds like moving back with your parents is definitely the way to go and you will be able to pick up the pieces with your family, who will always be there for you and your children. Again, I'm so sorry for what you're goin through. If you need to chat, we are here to listen {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}
  4. I agree that 48hr is a good time to shoot for, and it sounds like you do a good job of that, even if the answer isn't available in that timeframe. I was married at a small resort in Jamaica, and most of our frustrations were on a communication level. We ran into problems getting a full understanding of our options and what they would cost. Money was a big factor for us, so we were somewhat flexible with our vision of decorations, etc based on cost. I think pictures speak a thousand words, so if a bride has questions about flower/cake/decoration options, as many pics as possible can be helpful. Also, although it may be true, the answer of "we'll figure it out when you get here" can be maddening when you are in a state of frenzy over seating arrangements or arch location - lol.
  5. Happy B-day Jac!!!! Enjoy and do something fun!
  6. I definitely gained weight, and need to get my but back in the gym! But, I gotta tell you, I missed french fries and hamburgers for 6 months before I got married! I can't go back to 1200 calories a day!
  7. Awesome! This is one of the resorts we thought about for our HM. They get great reviews on tripadvisor!
  8. We couldn't decide where we wanted to HM, so we did 4 nights at Sunset at the Palms and 4 nights at The Caves. We then decided to extend our stay and spent 4 nights at Jakes in Treasure Beach. The Caves was gorgeous, secluded and romantic, so if you can afford it, its DEFINITELY worth it!
  9. Great review Alyssa! I'm glad to hear that the glitches were minor and that noone noticed. Its definitely the nature of DW, but when you're somewhere THAT gorgeous, who cares? I'm with Rachel... how much was your average guest's cost and how long were they there? I'd love to check it out! Congrats again!
  10. Not sure how I missed this, but I'm so happy that things went well! You look gorgeous! I can't wait to see more pics
  11. That's so exciting!!! I've never been to Hawaii, so no info here, but sounds like you guys are going to have a fantastic HM!
  12. I bought mine from gabbymacdesigns on Ebay, and they shipped quickly. I would find something on Ebay (try for a Buy It Now auction), contact the seller before buying, and let them know your time constraints. Many will accommodate by doing overnight shipping, etc. If you find a seller tonight, you should be able to buy by tomorrow, and you could probably guarantee they get to you by early next week.
  13. We were engaged and married in just over 7 months, so it is definitely enough time We booked our location at about the 6 month mark, and skipped the STD step. We essentially got our wedding website up, invited everyone verbally and through email, and had most booked (with deposits) within a 3 week timeframe. We nagged... a lot... but we reserved a small hotel that only had a total of 12 rooms. It was also on the inexpensive side, so people who booked quickly (ie before airfare went up), got a 4night/5 day all-inclusive vacation for about $900pp. It can be done, but get the word out quickly!
  14. Gorgeous pics!! I love your dress! Simple and elegant. I'm sure you're dying to see the rest, but a really beautiful start!
  15. I'm so sorry you are going through this! Stay strong and know that we will all be here for you Anytime you need to chat, we're here...
  16. to the forum! Don't let the planning stress you out This website has a ton of fantastic ideas and templates that girls have used. Thailand is wonderful! Enjoy!
  17. I think you're fine leaving it 4-3! If there is someone you want to include, go for it, but otherwise, return the stuff and use the money elsewhere Nothing says you have to have the numbers even.
  18. You look beautiful! I can't believe how close your wedding is! So exciting!
  19. I'm so sorry about the videographer! That is total crap! Your siggie pic is beautiful though! And I'm sure that the rest will be just as wonderful. Congrats!
  20. I ordered from the same place. I posted pics and details in this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12714. They were very nice quality - we bought the 34x70 ring spun towels at $6.75/towel (19lb) - $9.50/towel with embroidery. Our guests thought they were awesome, and we thought they were a great wedding favor. They were heavy though, so if you are having a large wedding, plan to either give them out before travel, or have a lot of people to carry them down. We had 20 people so we managed to get them down without a problem.
  21. Never heard of these, but totally agree... why bother? I mean, $30 for a pair of undies that require hand washing, ironing, and adhesive tape so that you don't get panty lines? I'd just go without... How do you use the ladies room with these things on? Do you need to bring extra adhesive with you?
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