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Everything posted by Jenn

  1. Looks like you guys had a great time! The place looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing so many pics! (I'm shocked you got so many posts in a row without a reply in the middle - lol)
  2. Morgan you looked so beautiful!!! And those are some amazing TTD pics! Gorgeous! Congrats!
  3. Great review! You look gorgeous and I love your hair! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  4. We've all been there at one point or another. I would definitely send them emails you've previously gotten showing what was promised, and stand your ground. I think I would even make a stink about the spa promotion... did it ever say that it was for limited dates? They may have changed the promotion since you booked, but why on earth would they ask you which package you wanted if it didn't apply to your date? That's ridiculous!
  5. Seriously, slow down. Take a few breaths, and make the conscious decision to forget the wedding for at least a week or two. Moving is stressful, but it should be exciting! Everything together would make anyone overwhelmed - so take a breather. The wedding will be fine... you are still 6 months out and have PLENTY of time to get stuff done. Don't worry about it again until you are somewhat settled in your house. *hugs*
  6. Sounds like fun!! Can't wait to hear what you guys did and see pics!
  7. That's ridiculous! Who doesn't know what RSVP means? Seriously! I'm sorry you're dealing with this... enjoy the shower though! It will be a blast even without the inconsiderates!
  8. Too funny... I was just stalking her blog and saw your slideshow. I didn't even see the date she posted it, so I just assumed I had missed your post. You looked gorgeous! Congrats!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Tammy the pics of your dogs are really cute. You are getting really good at the photography thing! Seriously Tammy! Your pics are amazing... they look very professional! And your dogs are so cute! Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah That's awesome Jenn! Congratulations How big of an ER do you work at? If I wasn't an OB RN I'd be in ER... my second fave. That's quite a promotion- didn't you just get out of residency last year? You rock! Thanks to everyone for the congrats My ER sees 35,000 patients per year. We're community but affiliated with a large academic center. And yes, I am only 2 years out, but it works. We have a few older docs who don't want anything to do beyond their clinical shifts, and then there are a few of us who are newer. Everyone is pretty excited to see our current Assistant Director go, and they've all been very supportive of my taking over.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy i make a little over double what my FI does. He is OK with it....and actually sort of enjoys it (he always makes jokes that when we have a baby - financially it makes more sense for him to be the stay at home dad). We're the same way... in all likelihood, my DH is going to start working from home or just stop working when we have kids.
  11. Trisha your dad's video is insane! Looks awesome, but when the strap broke, HOLY CRAP!!! That's so scary!
  12. Oh... I can't believe I didn't tell you guys... I got a promotion! I'm now the Assistant Director of our Emergency Department! No real raise, but I get an hours reduction (and a title!) which is nice!!
  13. That's ridiculous Lauren! I think you're on the right track... make them get a hold of him while you are in the store. The whole "he'll call you in the morning" is never going to happen. The situation totally sucks, but stick to your guns and get your money back. If they offer to redo it again, I'd say no... that you don't want to risk them doing any more damage to the dress. Good luck and keep us posted!
  14. I got engaged on my b-day... but I wish it had been some other random day. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful and special and a night I'll always remember, but I wish it wasn't attached to my b-day. I can't really explain why. I think if you are ok with it, then go for it. But I don't think I'd personally want my anniversary to be the same as my b-day. We tried to plan our date for a time that wouldn't get blended with either of our b-days or major holidays.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by thomastaci22 I just found out that I did not get a job that I had made it to the final interview round for! I even took a 1/2 day of vacation off my current job to do a ride-along with someone in the position that I was interviewing for!!! GRRRR!!! I'm sorry to hear that! Totally frustrating! I'm on the other end - I'm interviewing a bunch of people for a job in our ED. I want to kill my boss though, because I have 5 interviews setup with good candidates, and he is probably going to hire a woman who is already working with us in a different capacity. I told him I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's if we already know who we're hiring, and he wants me to bring all these people in anyway! It sucks!
  16. I haven't lived in NY in years, and it may not work for your group, but Lucky Cheng's is always fun for a party. Its asian food with a drag cabaret dinner show. With the right group, its a blast. And they can definitely accomodate a larger group. I took my mom there for her 50th b-day and she loved it!
  17. Caroline - by liveaboard, I do mean a smaller boat that you live on and dive off of for 4-5 days. It definitely gives you a chance to do more dives and see more remote locations, but I'm a bit concerned about being on a small boat for that long, the dives being more advanced than what we've done, and especially the night dives. For whatever reason, I'm scared of diving at night when you really don't have visibility. What didn't you like about it? Was it just too much diving at once? DH and I usually dive in the morning and then lounge the rest of the day, so I was a little concerned about 4 dives a day. Thanks for your input...
  18. Everything looked gorgeous! Congrats and welcome back!
  19. I'm sorry to hear about everything that is going on! Totally sucks!
  20. Relax... they will be fantastic! I actually had a lot of fun taking my BD pics I got all made up, felt really beautiful, and just had fun with them. If you are comfortable with the photog (which I think is the most important part), then you will be fine, and the pics will be fantastic! My DH LOVES his BD album, and was shocked to get it. He never would've guessed that I would do something like that, which I think makes them even sexier. Tracy - BD photos are sexy pictures - no rules, just whatever you think is sexy. A lot of girls have done them, so if you do a search on here, you will find a lot of posts. Many of us have gotten recommendations from girls in our area, but you can also find photogs online who do boudoir. I would highly recommend meeting with someone before booking to make sure you will be comfortable with them.
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