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Everything posted by IrieBride08

  1. Yayyyy!!!!!! I'm really hoping this all works out. I was shopping around for alternatives online and nothing comes close to the deal we got. I've seen prices ranging from $9.00 to $35 per pash! There are some on Ebay for $4.99 each. I was hoping to not have to spend more money on them. I'm going to send positive thoughts to the pashmina gods!
  2. Ok, thanks! I guess I need to figure out what to do next! So, it's the popular colors that they are holding hostage...I see.
  3. How much of my order do you have in hand? I guess that will determine my next steps...
  4. The Maryland number is listed on the website, but it's not an 800 number. The general number is listed as 410.764.3038.
  5. Damn, $19! maybe I should have ordered mine online too!! LOL!! I'm glad it worked out for you though!
  6. I would suggest doing that. Definitely call and check into it. I booked and Sandals and they were very responsive. The deal was done within the first week. They emailed me a contract for the rooms in an excel spreadsheet format and gave me a booking number.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece That is just such a cop-out answer. I hope she is just really busy and thats why her response was so short. I emailed the RIU wedding dept about this too so if I ever get a response I will post it. I couldn't agree more. I hope this all works out for you Riu ladies!
  8. I ordered mine using the 877 number I posted before. Mine cost about $75, but I ordered 2 birth certificates (at twenty-something each). I think the phone service had a small fee as well. Also, I was born in Wash DC, so the prices vary a bit. I saw on the Maryland link I sent you that the Maryland birth certificates cost $12 each.
  9. Hi, I just ordered mine last week using this 800# and I received it in 2 days. Try calling 877-572-6332. Here's another site that should work too: Maryland Birth Certificates Information
  10. Sounds to me like she's saying, "Call me Bennet, I'm not in it" or "Call me Charles cuz that's between y'all"
  11. I'm also leaning toward a birdcage viel as well. Here are another link I found: Birdcage Veil - Birdcage Veils I like that they have so many pictures of real brides wearing the veils and the lady who runs the site was very nice and responsive. The veils at somethingbold.com seem less expensive though. I decided to go and try some on (where I don't know though!) because it's hard to choose which viel would be best sight unseen! I absolutely LOVE the look of this viel! Mon Cheri Bridals - Product Detail
  12. Yayyy!! I'm so glad you were successful! Be sure to post pictures!
  13. and congratulations!! Nice to see another Sandals bride. Happy to help out however I can.
  14. I've always vowed that I would never do the bouquet/garter toss whenever I got married. It's one tradition I dreaded (as a single person!) I never considered doing something different in it's place, I was just going to skip it. However, I really like "dance of all ages" idea... hmmmm...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Are you putting 1 candle per bag? Are you making your own stickers for them? What size? One candle per bag and I ordered the stickers offered on the website--just picked a style that had palm trees. The sticker size is 1.375 inch circles.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Yeah and we still haven't heard about a bunch of folks! IrieBride08 - where did you get your travel candles and travel mugs? I'm trying to find something good and cheap (oxymoron?) I got the travel candles from beau-coup and the travel mugs from discountmugs. I ordered 48 and paid $230 with free shipping. I can't wait to see them! (I decided to get the steel mug with the black type and used clip art from the site to make things easy.) They responded with a proof the same day I ordered!
  17. I'd be willing to bet that they would have J. Helm dresses. They seem to carry a wide variety of designers. I saw Ramona Keveza, Vera Wang, Melissa Sweet, and others I can't even remember to name.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Yup we thought about those too but found that they were too small for some of our needs. Thanks anyway! Yeah, I thought they were too, but then I saw a video on the bliss website of someone creating an OOT bag using them and I think they may be big enough for my purposes. Here's the video. I just ordered mine today (35 of them) so I'll let you know how they turn out!
  19. Hi, here's a new coupon code for BlissWeddingsMarket that just worked for me: MSWIN07 Takes 5% off (excludes bridal labels and hang tags though.)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmm, I am not sure how it works, but I have 3 rep comments and 11 points. Let's see what Morgan says about it since she seems to be the all-knowing repper. Yeah, I'm curious to know cuz before, whenever I'd click my own scale, it would tell me that I had 7 rep points even though none ever registered in my usercp. Just getting 3 reps from some super sweet members bumped my number up to 10 and I finally got a karma! I think it's kinda cool that there's always something new to learn about how this forum works!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw i got really sad the other day because i realized that when i legally change my name i have to surrender my old passport and get a new one with my married name (plus pay the fee for a new one, ugh!) i have lots of cool stamps in there from when i studied abroad and i feel like it contains a record of my life's journeys. also, it will have the passport stamp from our wedding trip.... maybe ill just tell them i lost my passport and need a new one, and i can keep the old one! Luckily, you will get your old passport back. They simply punch a hole in the old one and mail it back to you along with your new one. I just got my passport last week and they sent my old one back with two small holes to invalidate it. I was glad cuz I wanted to keep my travel stamps too!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO YAY...My 1st rep point!!! THANKS IRIE BRIDE!!!! You're so welcome! Your rep point helped me finally get a Karma point! (I'm not for sure, but I think that 10 rep points = 1 karma.)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod Are any of the Brides in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area going to the Running of the Brides at Tysons Corner on April 4th? Has anyone here ever been to one before? I went to the one they had in downtown DC this past fall--but I went after work. I didn't even attempt to "run with the brides" at 6am or whatever. They keep the dresses there until closing, so I tried on dresses from 6pm until it closed. It was MUCH calmer atmosphere at that time, even though there were tons of people shopping that evening. There were still lots of options there, even though I didn't score a dress for myself.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 I just tried to give out some rep points and it said I have given too much rep in 24 hrs - try again later LOL Well I just tried to rep you again and it told me, "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jen3878 again." So, there are rules to repping!
  25. Thanks for the rep point Jen! I finally see it on my usercp! I made sure to return the love!
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