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Everything posted by IrieBride08

  1. I actually like these shows! I set my DVR to tape them every morning.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by albrosious Christa, it could be worse, you could be hearing sex noises! Hang in there! Been there, done that! I hated my apartment but it was cozy and easy to clean! think happy thoughts! That's been my life for the past 6 months. Upstairs neighbors going at for hours 2 nights a week at 4am sharp! ...And not in one spot either...ALL OVER THE ROOM! Furniture creaking and female moaning. Come on, they can't hump during normal evening hours like everybody else! Every Wednesday and Sunday morning at 4am like clockwork!
  3. Hey there ladies! 36DD or 38D here, and while dress shopping, I tried on a 38D strapless body shaper from David's Bridals that turned out to be very good! I wasn't expecting much, but it really smoothed me out and gave me great support under my dress. It was comfortably soft (no hard boning), but very supportive and cinched my waist perfectly. I think I'm going to go back there and get that one (not sure of the cost though...)
  4. Phenomenal job!!! (I saved it as well!) I was planning to send a plain old letter, but that's out the window now!
  5. OMG!! I am very far behind right now, but plan to do some serious catching up! Done: * Bought dress * Confirmed reservations for resort & flights (for us and guests) * Deposits for flowers and reception (Evitas Restaurant) * Reception menu selected In Progress: * Accepting RSVPs and Payments from guests * Invites * OOT bags & favors To do: * BMaid & BMan outfits * Groom outfit (He wants to shop for it himself!) * Have all guests pay half their trip by 2/14! * Dress assessories, viel, etc. * Finalize plans for photography/videography * PASSPORTS (renewal for me & new one for FI!!!) * Plan ceremony (vows, etc.) * Select music, etc. * Buy FI's wedding band! * Buy cute outfits for wedding weekend and honeymoon * Programs, menus, etc.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN That is odd, are they just out of them or they never go that high? I guess I don't know sandard sizes. I was surprised, my FH is 6'7 and we got his ring there, maybe he has girl hands I think that rings over size 12 need to be custom ordered. At least that's what a woman in the jewelry store told me when we went to check out rings. There's still so much I have to learn about this whole process though! I don't see a place on the website to order a custom-sized ring though. I guess I'll have to shop around to see what's available. He likes the tungston rings.
  7. I wanted to buy one, but my FI needs a size 13 1/2 and I don't see any sizes above a 12!
  8. Hi Lisa. I'm planning mine at Sandals Grande Ocho Rios. While the location is different, a lot of the details are the same. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about planning a Sandals wedding...
  9. "I apologize for the inconveniences, it has never been my intention to put you in this uncomfortable situation. I think with this said you can accept the new contract."
  10. to the forum! Your plans sound exciting. Happy planning!
  11. If you can, do the Steel Drum Band for $350. Sandals is charging $600 for theirs!!! (And $600 for a DJ for 3 hours...) Rui's prices seem like a steal!! LOL!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride That does stink for those of you already booked for one of these resorts. Surprise fees are never fun. I think even if you have a group contract they can still change whatever surcharges or taxes they want. They just can't up the base rate you were quoted per person or per room. I know this is true for group airline rates. They can't up the base ticket price but they can increase the fuel surcharge or add on taxes even after the contract is signed. It usually says so on the contract so I would just double check it. I think you may be absolutely correct in that. I'm going through the contract with a fine-tooth comb to be completely sure. I guess I have to inform my guests so they can be prepared. I was already planning to send them a letter thanking them for booking and letting them know the next steps, (payment info, passport info, etc.) Now, I'll just have to add this tidbit of info as well. Bummer!
  13. I also got this email from the head of the Wedding Groups Department at Sandals. I plan to respond with an email because I have a signed contract. I'm not sure how they can raise the prices despite having a signed contract which locks in the fees. This change affects all properties owned by Sandals--including Beaches, and other properties.
  14. I guess acts of kindess is really catching on and spreading, because I saw on one of the morning shows today how one nice person in a drive through Starbucks line bought the coffee for the car behind her and that kind act spread from car to car for the next two hours with each car learning of the kind act and paying it forward to the car behind them. It was nice to wake up to a story like that on the news! I forgot how something simple like that can make a person's day. I used to do that whenever I was at a toll plaza, pay the toll for the car directly behind me. A small sentiment, but it goes a long way! Let's keep paying it forward!
  15. Ahhhh, didn't realize cultural customs were at play here. I hope your mother is able to help him be reasonable about your desire to take your husbands name!
  16. Part of me thinks you should call him on his bluff. He's just having an emotional tantrum, seems to me. If he's really willing to miss his daughters once-in-a-lifetime special day for something like that, I don't know if I'd want him there with that attitude. You're supposed to "leave and cleave!" Leave your family home and "cleave" to your husband. What if your mother's father gave her the same ultimatum regarding taking HIS name? I think you should ignore it for now and move forward with your plans. He'll probably come around closer to the wedding...(or he should...) Good luck with everything and don't let this stress you out.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv works for me! when do you need to order them? I'm not in a super rush but could do it as soon as this week. If anyone else wants them, let us know and we can add to the order. I'm not in a super rush either, but could totally do it this week. PM me and we can work it out!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by babycow Hooray for Wedding Twins! Make that triplets!!!
  19. They really look great Lizz! I fell in love with Julie's tags too! I don't know if I have the patience to make them though. Maybe I'll revisit the idea after the holidays. Great job!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv How many did you order? I asked him about getting 8 for a discounted price, and he gave me the same quote as you ($9/ea w/ free shipping) if I buy a minimum of 10. Yep, he told me the same thing. All I need are 5 and I want them in the blue/teal color. I'm willing to sync up with someone to place an order...
  21. Gosh! Can't wait!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, SATC!!!!
  22. One of my all time favorites that I can watch anytime of the year and feel in the Xmas spirit is "Home Alone 1 & 2". Not very conventional , but I absolutely LOVE that movie. (Love the soundtrack too!) (Also, Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life!)
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