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Everything posted by Attila

  1. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'm one of the apparent few who prefer #1. I just feel for a save the date, you want to have that eye contact, that "looking forward" look, to keep that connection with the guest as you both anticipate the big day. The 3 others you're all looking away. They are calmer, more relaxed, more peaceful, and less connected to the viewer of the photograph ( eye contact ). To me, leading up to a wedding is not calm and peaceful-- but I'm not meaning from the stress angle necessarily! There's a lot of nervous excitement, happiness and a little giddyness. I think that #1 expresses those. The last one, walking away, great great shot, but it looks more like you're already married, starting your lives together as you walk into the sunset. Great pick, for me, wrong momentum... Just my rambling opinions... All are great as has been said before...
  2. By some standards, you've got to post a heck of a lot more to be "crazy"... :-) It's funny, right after I designed your save-the-date, I got a sudden rush of request for the same thing! When it rains, it pours... Good luck, and let me know when you're ready...
  3. My wife says I'm good at these deal things, but wow, that -is- a good deal! Nice job.
  4. Thanks, Shelley. I see that your big day is close at hand... Makes me think of my habit, with my wife, to watch bridezillas at least once a month. Usually she asks me ( I'd be watching the history channel, so you think you can dance, the news, or the cooking channel ) why I'm doing this!? I invariably reply "well, since I had so much fun at our wedding, I want to see some other people tortured as well"... Of course, I was just thinking of the dry mouth, the strange feeling in my stomach, the fact that I was told I was swaying too much when we were cutting the cake... :-) For me, it was a great day back in 1996, and after all the nervous joy, at the end I unexpectedly whispered, "Too bad we can't do this again. This was fun"... No matter what unexpected "problems" come up, make sure you enjoy _even them_. One day. It goes by as quickly as a bad game of PacMan.
  5. Thanks, Sarah. Your wedding photos are very nice... Have to check out your photogtrapher's site. No matter how you're able to doctor up photos after the fact, there's no beating getting great shots to begin with...
  6. Tlseege, Thanks, I appreciate your comments! Whenever possible, I try to take the photos myself if a client is local. Since faces are the most important, it's important to start out with at least a couple good clear close-ups. And yes, a couple of my favorite subjects are my little girls... What kind of father would I be if... :-) Mrs. B., Thanks for the Kudos! You're great to work with.
  7. That's odd... I've never had an under construction sign up! I just tried byattila.com and byattila.com and they both work as expected. Are you able to use the links above?
  8. I meant to add that if there are any questions about invitations or announcements here, I'm happy to answer or help if I'm able. I'm also continuing to compile a list of resources regaring paper, stock, and printing that is useful if you're planning on doing some or all of the mailing yourself.
  9. Hi everyone, my name is Attila and I run a boutique photo art studio serving the North American invitation & announcement market. Our product is a beautiful, elegant, yet modern centerpiece for your upcoming mailing, whether invitation, announcement, STD, or anything else. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what your recipient receives will have more impact than pages of traditional invitation text. It's not that our design centerpieces don't have words, 99% do. It's just that adding imagery elevates the piece you mail to a whole different level. An important part is that we separate the design—the concept, layout, element integration, text and individual photos—from the final printing. So, say if you find a perfect deal or perfect paper in one place, but perfect text or style somewhere else, there's no more choosing. And what we design can absolutely mirror your existing (or planned) theme. The final digital piece you receive is eminently portable (still a digital file), and so your favorite photo finishing and paper stock accoutrements vendors will still be available to you in completing your project, as cost-effectively ( or as lavishly ) as you choose. In effect, we operate in a space somewhere between photography and the post office. And what we do appeals in a strange way to both those requiring a premium, upscale presentation, and those requiring a cost-effective elegance, still on a do-it-yourself budget. So whatever your goal or budget, I hope you come by and visit byAttila.com, and hopefully we'll have the opportunity to surprise your audience with a side of you they were waiting to see. __________________ Attila, Lead Designer byAttila.com Photo Art Boutique Invitations, Announcements, Large Format Canvas nine seven three, three three three, four two seven six
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