Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Okay...so I got my pink passport cover from Robin DePaula middle of last week...and then today I check the mail and I get this thing from amazon.com that looks like a card but also looks like it could be junk mail ( you know how they always think they are clever by making it look more personal so you will open it!). Luckilly i open all my mail, even the junk, because I am weird!
do anyway, it looks like an amazon.com gift card for $25. It is paper card though not plastic like a normal gift card so I wasn't sure if it was real, but it has a printed note from Robin and everything that says:
"Merry Christmas, Michelle!! Be on the look out for another little something that you're wanting!! Robin DePaul:)"
So I guess, this was supposed to arrive first and then the passport cover but either way...I am so excited and I wanted to Thank Robin for my additional gift!!!! Thank you! Thank You! You went over the top!!!! What a wonderful Secret Santa!! :) I'm so glad you got it!! I thought you would have gotten it before the passport cover . . . Have a Merry Christmas!!!!