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Everything posted by DreamsTulumBride

  1. I got married at Dreams Tulum and I just love the place but I do not like to travel at the same place... So, I've been wanting to go to the Dreams In Los Cabos but from Montreal, it is quite expensive for my "teacher" budget ! I read on the Internet that there will me several new "Secrets" resorts. The one that I like is the Secret Maroma (in riviera maya). Does anyone have informations (beside from the Secret Internet site) and pictures of the resort + beach? Secret Capri is quite pricy in December but I was wondering if Secret Maroma will be cheaper in December since it will be a new hotel (probably opening in July 200 Special prices for the opening... Thanks! Annie
  2. You're back ! The pictures are great ! Congratulations Heidi!
  3. You are so photogenic ! Even in the pictures on the road with almost nothing on ! Wow!
  4. They are building new "Secrets" hotels... (the only one now is Secret Capri) What is good about the "Secrets" is that they seem to have the same luxury + restaurants + activities ... but no kids allowed as the "Dreams" hotels (same chain)! ! The new Secrets Maroma (near Cancun airport) will even have 14 pools (including an infity pool) and should open in July 2008. Can anyone help me get more info + pictures on that hotel (besides the website of "Secrets") as well as prices (from Ottawa or Montreal) I am now planning on going there the 1st week of December (1 year anniversary)
  5. For both my pregnancies, I gain + or - 70 pounds ! I totally understand her !
  6. awwwwwwww Why do people do that ? Some do not have any good ETHICS
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ellsbells Uh, should i interpret your quote below to mean that all wedding festivities have to be wrapped yp by 10:30 pm?!? Given that my wedding is currently scheduled for 6:30 , that sounds a bit early to me! (I was assuming that in june, since sun sets at 7:30, doing it at 6:30 would have me getting married round sunset - anyone know if that's a reasonable assumption? And yes, plan on doing my photos earlier). But I'm hoping that there's at least somewhere else to go on proerty if the party actually has to end at 10:30! Ack - another thingk i didn't think of yet... Yes ! They stop entertaining + working at 10:30... Don't forget that the people who work there have been there since 7 am... I would ask Sandra, just to make sure. As for me, I wanted to go to bed at 8:30 ! I was so tired... getiing married is a good stress but it will get to you !
  8. 60% chance of another snow storm! But sunny and no snow for Monday + Tuesday
  9. it better be all done ! let me check on the weather channel...
  10. 24 hours later... Here I am with my daughters on the side of the street. My eys are kinda closed because the reflection of the snow hurts my eyes! My lamp post (which is 6 feet high) at the end of my driveway My kids having fun! My fence that no longer protect the kids + pets from going near the pool !
  11. Here is the morning vs evening picture of my driveway light which is about 6 feet high!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece OMG! I don't know what I would do. When we get even a threat of snow or ice in Atlanta all the schools close, people don't go to work, and stock up on bread and bottled water! It's actually pretty pathetic. How long has it been like that? Since the end of NOVEMBER !!!! The 1st snow storm was at the ewnd of November and while I was getting married in December at Dreams Tulum, Montreal has a huge snow storm (45 cm). My inlaw were stuck at the airport and they had to stay somewhere in the states for 2 days since no plane where going to Montreal ! ! So, this is why it's been a bizarre winter ! The last time I remember have this much snow for the whole winter season must of been when I was 20 or 22 (I am 32 now)!
  13. HERE ARE MY UPDATED MPICTURES ! 10 hours later ! WOW! IT is really snowing out there, there is a blizzard warning ! No one should go out ! This fence goes all around my pool...for safety since it's inground...now look at the fence ! No more security ! And here is my light outside... what a difference from the picture taken this morning ! I will try to find a summer picture so you can compare the light pole outside (winter vs summer) !
  14. May you have a wonderful day ! I wish you the best time ever! Congratulation !
  15. Where abouts in MTL are you? I live in Hudson (a very small town) - 30 minutes form Ontario (Hawkesbury) Thanks for the complment on my house ! We built it 4 years ago and I love the area (lots of children but a very quiet area)
  16. SO again, this morning there was more snow... I haven't seen a winter like this in many years ! And to top it off, they said on the news to expect another 10-20 cm of snow today. By the way, I have 6 steps in from of my door (my house is on a hill), you do not see them since I took the picture from the road. But that just tells you how much snow there is! There is also a 5 feet trellis under the railing that you do not see because of all the snow! Here are a few pictures taken this morning while I was out with the dog. Look closely at the light post near the street... I hope we won't get to the point where we do not see it anymore! Annie UPDATED PICTURES FURTHER DOWN (pages 3 and 4)!!! 10 hours later... we are having a real blizzard !
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