Different laser machines = different prices ! You should shop around and always ask which type of machine they use and how long they have been doing it !
Laser hair removal is more and more popular because it is less expensive than 10 years ago ! My friend went to a beauty salon and they burned her... in the private area. You can't always feel it at the moment, but the next morning, she was red + in pain...she felt as if someone put a hot iron on you know where area ! I told her that she should of went to my specialist even if she is more expensive ! I have to tell you that she regrets it and finally took my advice !
The genital areas should take between 6 and 10 sessions depending on how much you have down there and how thick is the hair. The thinner it is , the quicker it will totally dissapear ! But I have to tell you that it took 12 sessions for my arms pits since it is an area that you shave more often, the hair is thicker.
For all the girls who usually use wax, it should take less sessions, for those who shave, it will talke longer (more hair + thicker + grow faster)
Also, it doesn't 100% go, once in a while you will have a few popping out ! But it doesn't matter since the majority is gone and no more red bumps !
A little tip, once you have it done once, you should notice that the hair will fall off after about 10 days (so don't shave if you want to notice it!). Take note of the place that the hair did not fall by itself and tell the person you are dealing with. That way, she might put more light (laser) on those areas. And by the way, when you start the laser treatments (about every 6 to 8 weeks X 7 to 12 sessions) you cannot wax just shave ! But you will notice after a few session that the hair takes longer to grow...that is why you feel it worked during the 1st session (not quite true, it just takes longer to grow since the root is weaker).
2 weeks prior to your next session, you shouldn't take any sun without covering the area or putting on a good sun blocker cream) otherwise, the laser will burn you. You should of seen my legs last summer... since I always put on a towel around my waist once I was out of the pool, I just looked awful ! ! 3/4 of my legs tanned and the rest white ! !
At the end, it's alot of money to have the bikini area + armpits but sooooooooooo worth it once it is done.