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Hey girls ! You can go to this Kodak website and for 24$ you can have a personnalized tote bag to put gifts for your guests. Be creative + original ! Lots of opportunities here !
Hello to you all !
I was just wondering where you put all those bags if you want to give them at the resort? All in one suitcase ? What will the customs do when you are at the airport?
you will find lots of informations + pictures about Dreams Cancun !
At the top page of this forum you will see "SEARCH" just type in the hotel's name you will find lots of things to read + look at !
Hi Lizzy !
I am a French Canadian not Scotish ! That explains my spelling + phrase structures in this forum !
But I do have relatives in Glengarry ! ! ! I live 1 hour from Glengarry. What a small world ! !
jaime, thst is a great idea! My TA was the one that 1st mentioned this to me...she said more and more couples put their travel agency on the registry so that they can have a trip that they would normally not have ($$$$)
Look at some of the pictures posted here and this should give you some ideas! You will have lots of reading in this forum and this will help your planning...
You are getting married in March...I would avoid popular areas since alot will be on March break (unless that is what you want! )
How about Turks and Caicos?
Los Cabos?
Riviera Maya?
I can't answer your question but all I have to say is that I will have my dress with me at all times during the flight (not putting it in a suitcase)!
Can't wait to see all your pictures!
Here are my shoes...got them on sale ! I was so happy about that!
they are Nine West sandals. My FI is the same hight as me so I don't want to be taller than him on my wedding pictures !
Great question ! I was just asking myself the same thing ! ! !
I will then just bring a waterproof mascara and a lip gloss...hopefully my "morning eyes" will not show on the pictures !
I would also like to have a TTD session around 7am ... before most of the guest get up and walk on the beach ...including my in-laws + parents !
I want to surprise them with a TTD session !
Thanks alot !
I will then have my wedding on the SeaSide grill side ! Also, I was planning on stealing your idea of the chinese unbrellas! Next week, I m going to China Town in Montreal. I should find them there...I hope
As for the staircase, I was planning on having pictures taken there. They are just wonderful !
Is it true that the resort painted the walls so that the older section looks more like the newer section? I just loved the dark yellow walls ! It looks more Mexican.
Your TTD picture is soooooo beautiful ! Was it hard to convince your husband to do ttd pictures? Marc said yes but with a funny smile ! At what time did you trash your dress?
How late was your wedding ? If mine will be at 3pm, does that give me enough time to take alot of picture during day light ?
I glad I finally saw wedding pictures done at the opposite side of the resort. Normally we see pictures of wedding near seaside grille!
I can't wait to go to Dreams Tulum but... the money stolen from Lisa on her wedding day is stressing me !
people who shave have thicker hair because it is stronger (the glands from the roots work more since you shave more...) When you wax, the hair is thinner be the glands do "less work". When the hair is pulled out by wax, it kinda gets a "shock" and take a while to reproduce a hair.
This is why so ma y people are confused about lasers !!! We all get different info !!!
I all care is that it woeked for me even after the last session which was 2.5 years ago ! I have dark skin and dark hair. I look tan even during Montreal winters!
people who shave have thicker hair because it is stronger (the glands from the roots work more since you shave more...) When you wax, the hair is thinner be the glands do "less work". When the hair is pulled out by wax, it kinda gets a "shock" and take a while to reproduce a hair.
This is why so ma y people are confused about lasers !!! We all get different info !!!
I all care is that it woeked for me even after the last session which was 2.5 years ago ! I have dark skin and dark hair. I look tan even during Montreal winters!