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Everything posted by DreamsTulumBride

  1. welcome !! you have lots of time to plan your perfect wedding!
  2. it's called: wedding cakes! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ing-cake.html?
  3. yes, I started one about 1 month ago...let me find it !!!
  4. I love it ! Is that you in the dress ? If so, I can't imagine what you will look in it on your actual wedding day...
  5. The girl's name is denise (DEE1974). I also booked 2 seperate packages with her (wedding ceremony + next day ttd)
  6. Welcome! let me know if I can help you...I am getting married there in 7 weeks!
  7. Is nov the only date you want to get married? How about the day beofre or after? Otherwise, how about a 11 am wedding? After the ceremon, you can either have your reception for lunch or wait for the supper. You can take your time for the pictures in the afternoon, relax, have some time alone with your hubby tthen meat again for supper.
  8. I would try to contact Elizabeth Medina. Hurry because alot of people want her. She will be doing my wedding this December. Mexico Wedding Photography, Yucatan, Mexico, Elizabeth Medina photographer
  9. The hotel perform maximum 3 weddings per day and the times are subject to availability , all weddings should be in different time and in separated locations . This was in the new brochure given to erica by Landy the assistant WC ! ! ! 3 a day maximum ! ! Wow ! !
  10. I just love your slideshow ! Lots and lots of great pictures ! I want the same bouquet as yours... can you pm me a picture of it so I can show it to my wc ?
  11. I guess it will make things easier + allow longer private reception (music + danse floor + slide shows) !
  12. For those who plan on getting married after Feb 2008, you will be happy with this news!! The resort is building a new convention center. Go to the wedsite of the resort and click on "meeting"
  13. I will be taking the basic wedding package (the free one if you reserve 5 rooms or more) and will be adding a few things to it (eg. more flowers, bows on chairs, hair do, makeup...). Since in package one, no meal is included but we are at a all inclusive resort... We are 12 and we would like to eat together after the ceremony. I will also be adding to my basic package some flowers for the dinner table as well bows on the chairs - I am hoping they have 20 to 30 inch clear vases so I can fill them up with sand, seashells and candles as center pieces. I prefer not bringing vases in the plane since I will already have the sand ceremony things with me ! ! ! So this is my question... it's about time ! : Is it possible to eat all together without paying the extra 700$ (private reception) ? We are a small group, I don't mind being in a restaurant with other people. But I would like all of us together ! Round tables can sit 8 to 10 people... Is it possible to have a rectangular table? I know this is possible at the Sushi restaurant, but I do not want to have my reception there...maybe seaside grill (or other beach side restaurant). I cannot eat at the Bordeaux restaurant since I have 2 kids (maybe they will make an exeption since it's my wedding day !) I was thinking of something just like this wedding table.doc
  14. Lisa got married there and she once said that there is no point in organizing everything from home since once you get there, things may change ! I wish you a beautiful wedding day and vacation Hope you find a good spot for the TTD pictures !
  15. Welcome ! I am getting married here this December... There are tones of info here about that resort; just do a search (top of this page) : dreams tulum bride or dreams Tulum and you should get lots of info!
  16. I know the shoes will not show under the dress but they will when we sit down to eat and during certain picture poses ! Which ones do you prefer? I cannot wear those nice pointy santin shoes since my feet are size 9...tehy will look like size 11 or 12 , that is why I prefer an open toe shoe! 119$ St-John 149$ Anne Klein
  17. These are even better ! But my FI is the same hight as me so I am trying to find some shoes that are the same hight as his black shoes (less than an inch! !!!!!
  18. for those who are looking for nice flipflops ... to walk down the aisle on the sand (see previous website)
  19. Welcome to BridalShoes.com - Enchanting Bridal Shoes and Wedding Shoes MAny good things here! Take a look
  20. very very nice pictures ! I love the pool picture! Any more ttd pictures?
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