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Everything posted by DreamsTulumBride

  1. It only cost me 7 $ for a taxi ride to the ruins in Tulum ! take a taxi, not a bike... the ride is long and difficult ! Bring your bathing to the ruins so you can swim there, the water is beautiful !
  2. Thanks everyone! I am back now since 9 pm ! I promise I will write my review + post pictures ASAP... I have so much to tell you ... the good and the bad !
  3. Lisa , what is TTC ? The thinker looks like a pregnancy test ! ! ! Nothing is packed ! I am doing this today since I am leaving tomorrow morning at 7 am ! I will have my computer with me, hopefully the Internet works well there so can give you all an update once I get there ! andpictures, of course !
  4. thanks so much ! I am leaving in 36 hours to Dreams Tulum! ! ! My wedding is just around the corner!
  5. I just noticed Lisa's new ticker while I was reading her comment about Dreams Tulum restaurants ! ! ! Congratulation Lisa !
  6. I wish you a very nice and magical wedding day ! Hope everything goes as planned (well with your plan B since the initial place you wanted to get maried was destroyed by the hurricain...). I am sure your new place is a wonderful as the other one. We can't wait to see your pictures, of course ! Congrats! Annie
  7. that parent is a "type of parent" that was trying to get some money to pay for the ambulance bill + fees. I hope...
  8. Christine, Most of all schools in the province of Quebec are peanut-free school! This allergy is very serious (can be deadly). That is why for the past 5-8 years, schools are peanut free. The studies show that there is more kids in the states that are allergic to peanut...I thought that they started the "peanut-free" school ? ? ! Yes, I am leaving in 12 days...and no, I am not ready ! ! Not only am I getting ready for my vacation-wedding, I am also trying to do all my homework (last semester of my Masters in French Litterature)...My last 2 essays are due next Monday...After that, I can organize / finalize all my wedding things !!!
  9. WELCOME ! Enjoy planning your wedding!
  10. I am so sorry that your daughter has problems with peanuts. It may not have been the school. My son takes peanut butter and jelly EVERYDAY for lunch, maybe it was a friend that had it and passed her something. A peanut-free school means that no kids + no adults is allowed to bring to school anything that has nuts or peanuts!!!! This morning, it was very hard for me to send her to school... what happened last week not only stresses me but the school as well...when they saw me this morning, the principal suddenly had time to see me (once I told her who I was)!
  11. she always has her epipen with her. I had a nice belt made just for her that has her epipen + Benadryl in it. Epipen is only to be use when the patient has breathing problem... you don't give it when the person has urtica ( like hives). Epipen is not "the perfect medecine" that cures everything! You need to take it only when needed. The reason for this is that since every allergic reaction gets worst and worst each time, that means you need more treatments each time. Ig.if she take her epipen, maybe the next time she will need 2 or more... If benadryl doesn't work (5 times the regualr dose- 25ml) every 4-6 hours, then people take cortezone shots to releve some pain...
  12. I am so mad, pissed off, scared and frustrated... Last Thursday, my daughters teacher called and left a message on my answering machine saying that my daughter (she is 5) was complaning that her body was itching...and that the rasch was getting worst and worst. She tehn called my FI, who rushed to teh school as well as tok the time to dill 911 for the some rescue... he had a feeling the school wouldn't, and they didn't! I've told them a million times what to do and who to call in case this ever happened : "we know what to do, we are familliar with this", they tell me! THIS IS THE 2ND TIME THIS YEAR THEY CALL ME !!!! SHE IS ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS AND THE SCHOOL IS PEANUT FREE...or they say it is...WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE They all know she is very allergic (if she touches it, she reacts badly). We were in the hospital until 4 am (her pressure ws too low to come back home). I am not allergic to anything but the doctor told me that it would be the same as having a poison ivy ich all over your body. She is only 5 and I couldn't take away her pain and agony... Each time she gets in contact with peanuts, the reactions gets worst so I cannot imagine next time (hopefully no next time...) she reacts... It was so bad last Thursday.
  13. I was just wondering if you plan on wearing a bra or bustier under your wedding dress ? I am going shopping this weekend for my last minutes wedding/vacation and I am wondering if I need to by one... everything seem "in place" without one (LOL) but is it better to have one?
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