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Everything posted by Jamaica08bride

  1. The driver pointed out the RIU Montego Bay and said that the first phase was almost complete and will be opening soon and the second phase was still under construction. The completed buildings look very nice, much like the ROR.
  2. You may want to make sure that they are in fact having a beach party when you are there. They did not have a beach party the week I was there but that may have been due to wedding receptions.
  3. Hey, Congratulations and Welcome Back!! I was the one you met at the pool. I met Marsha briefly and I think my mom met her as well. I watched her wedding from the balcony of a friend's room and it was beautiful. I hope your day was perfect and I can't wait to see your pics. I guess I need to post some of my own as well. Niki
  4. Yes, you are more than welcome to check it out. I too am stressed about my hair. A friend of mine was going to do it but after several attempts it just did not work out. So now I am just going to depend on the ladies at the salon to work their magic. I really want to wear my hair up but I'm afraid that my hair may not be long enough for anything cute. I usually keep my hair short and have been growing it out so I can try something different for the wedding so I hope it all works out. Sorry for the hijack
  5. I am so glad to hear that I was not the only one who had to deal with this. I swear our STD cards were being passed around like trading cards. I think my mom was the main culprit. I was getting phone calls from the most random people saying "I heard you are getting married in Jamaica...You know I'll be there." I'm thinking how are you going to be there if you weren't even invited. In the end it all worked out. Most of my family was unable to come for various reasons (that's another set of issues) so that left us with a few slots open. As long as we were under 50 people the price for our reception was going to be the same so in February we just opened it up to anyone that wanted to come..LOL. We stayed under 50 and we have a few people coming to our wedding who we have never even met! But oh well I am so over all the drama I just want to be married already.
  6. We're leaving on the 6th and will be at the RIU until the 11th then going to Sandals. I am getting more excited by the day! I think we finished up all the wedding stuff last night so we just have to pack. The goal is to relax over the weekend and have our last date night as single people.
  7. My gown is Sottero Midgley and very similar to that. I initially found it at a little boutique and fell in love with the dress but not the price. I ended up going to a "lower end" bridal shop and while they did not carry the dress they were able to order it for me and it was $250 less than the boutique. So I say try going to other places and see if you can find it cheaper. Also the Sottero Midgley dresses come in a few fabric selections. Going with the cheapest fabric can cut the cost as well.
  8. How Funny, that is the exact style of my bridesmaids dresses. Their dresses are green and tea length but the style is the same. I guess great minds think alike.
  9. When we were looking I also found two rings that I liked. I liked the style of one but the engraving on the other one. The jeweler added engraving to the first one so it was the perfect compromise and I love my ring. I agree with the custom ring option (if it's not crazy expensive) so that way you can get exactly what you want.
  10. We are fortunate that with the exception of two people all of our guest are staying at the resort. The couple who is not staying at the resort had already booked the trip to Jamaica for their 1 year anniversary and as luck would have it they were already going to be in Jamaica the day of our wedding. So we will pay for them to come onto the resort for the wedding day.
  11. We are using Chris Baltazar for our wedding. He is out of Springfield, VA. Our wedding is not until next month so I have no picture to show, but from what we saw we really liked his work. His prices are reasonable and he has an easy going personality.
  12. Wow, everything looks great and now I feel like a huge slacker. I may get a peek at your beautiful gowns in person since I am getting married the day before you. It should've been the day after so I could just "borrow" some of your stuff. j/k
  13. I too have been wondering what I'm going to do with my hair. I usually keep my hair fairly short but have been growing it out for about a year to give myself a few more style options. I think I've decided on a simple bun of some sort. Me and a friend are planning on experimenting tomorrow so hopefully we can pull together something that I like and then re-create it on the wedding day. The best part of it all is neither one of us are hair people. I hate it when my hair gets long enough to touch my neck so I don't know what to do with my hair once it grows out a little. She had a short natural when I met her and now locs so I have no idea what her hair styling skills are, but she volunteered and I trust her. This is going to be adventure! I told her as long as she doesn't burn me or my hair we can walk away friends.
  14. He proposed on the 2 year anniversary of our first date. He's much better than I am at remembering that type of stuff. We will have been together just over 3 years when we get married.
  15. We are having a steel drum band for the ceremony so I figured we'll just walk down the aisle to whatever they decide to play. I just hope it's something nice. We are using Is This Love by Bob Marley for our first song. At first we were going to pick something a little more mushy but it just wasn't us, so we decided to go with something a little more upbeat and fun. My friends have been giving me a list of all the mushy songs they can find so they will probably be very surprised when they hear what we finally decided on.
  16. I am jumping the broom as well. I think I may have our mothers read the verse stating the symbolism of it. My future mother-in-law is in charge of bringing the broom so I hope it will be nice. Maybe I'll send her that link to give her some ideas.
  17. Welcome and I'm sure you'll find this forum very helpful.
  18. Blue Mountain Lobby Bar: Open 10:00am-12:00am Bob Marley Bar: Open 6:00pm-12:00am Dunn’s River Bar: Open 5:00pm-12:00am Reggae and Rastafari: 2 Poolside bars with swim up bar both open 10:00am-6:00pm Seagrape Beach bar: Open 10:00am-6:00pm Sports Bar: Open 24 Hours Pascha Disco: Open 11:00pm-2:00am
  19. Yup, The bags are from cheap totes. I got the iron on transfers from office depot (the store brand is $50 for 50). My fiance actually did the ironing but he said it was pretty easy. However, he started out ironing on the countertops and it caused a crack in the granite so I wouldn't recommend doing that. He ended up doing them in the garage on the concrete.
  20. Yeah, I ordered them from discount mugs. The mugs are a little more lightweight than I thought they would be but the price was good and we'll weigh them down with plenty of rum, so no complaints here.
  21. I got an early surprise today, my mugs arrived! They weren't supposed to be delivered until the 13th but they are here and they look great. Here is a pic along with my OOT bag.
  22. This is very true! We bought our bands at the end of January and by mid-February his band had gone up $800 and mine went up $250. We were actually looking at watches one day and the salesman told us about the price of metals going up so we acted fast.
  23. My fiance created our menu cards. Basically he just put our logo on top and then the text of the menu below that. I found some blank ivory wedding invitation cards at Michael's and we printed it on those. We also bought colored cardstock to put behind it to give some color. I plan to just sit it on the plates and not even use the restaurant menus. He did it on his computer so when he gets home I will post it.
  24. After hearing all of the great things about Seagrape I am checking to see if it is available for my reception. One question, how hot was it being outside? My wedding is in May so I'm hoping it's not too unbearable dancing outside.
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