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Everything posted by Carolena7

  1. This question is for Jilly or for any of the girls who have previously gotten married at Dreams...how did you set you appointment up for your hair/makeup? Claudia told me that I had to send the spa an email..I did that about 2 weeks ago with still no response. I just sent them another email but i'm getting a little worried because I want to make sure and get an appointment that day.
  2. Carolena7

    New Member

    Welcome to the forum!!
  3. Happy Birthday Tammy!! Hope you have a Great Day!!!!
  4. Congrats Paula!! Have a Wonderful time and wedding day!!
  5. We are not having any bridesmaids...so no dresses I think the ribbon idea sounds good. I was thinking that the aqua colored daisies would be too much as well.....soo I think I will just do the pink and orange daisies and then the aqua ribbon....thanks for your input girls.
  6. I am having gerbera daisies and my colors are going to be aqua/orange/pink....should I do just orange and pink gerbera daisy bouquet and do aqua with my other things I am doing for the wedding or should I incorporate aqua into the bouquet...I have actually seen aqua colored gerbera daisies....though they are probably hard to find. What do you girls think??
  7. Jodey...I was also told by our TA that we wouldn't pay anything until we got down to Cancun and now I have Claudia emailing me telling me I need to send her money which I'm not totally comfortable with so we are contacting our TA to ask why we have to send her the money when we are going to be down there in 4 weeks anyway. Claudia sent me an email with ways to send her money and she doesn't even have a paypal account set up or anything she wants me to send her my credit card information...which like I said I'm not comfortable with, anyone could get ahold of that information that way, it's just not a very secure way of doing it. I'll get back to you with what else I find out. Let me know if you find out anything else as well.
  8. I had requested from Claudia a copy of the ceremony that they read so I would know if we wanted to use there's or write our own. I thought some of you girls who are getting married at Dreams Cancun would like to read it. Here it is: In this special occasion you should recall to moments when you first met and all the events that made you come to this place at this time… you are here today to affirm your love and devotion one to another. We are gathered here to perform your civil marriage under the Mexican law, from now and you will have rights but also obligations before it. You are given a great step in your personal, family and social life, as of today you shall form a new family. The ______ family. You are entering into a union that is the closest and intimate one; it is the most precious relationship between two people. Contracting marriage is not only the result of a signature on a document, it does start with it, but it shall not be seen as a mere requisite. Marriage is the sum of both your consents, it is the result of common dreams, goals, desires, set out to give yourselves for the better good and to live in perfect harmony, next to the person you have chosen to share your life with. Marriage is not, in any way, a state of perfect union, it is however, perfectible and it depends on each of you to ensure that everyday life is to be a continuous flirt, a romance that nourishes itself everyday, and whenever it may be clouded by difference, may your heart and head resolve them and not your hands or insults. Forgiveness, understanding, communication, respect and love will be the primary tools to solve your marital problems. “What love means†LOVE IS PACIENT AND KIND, LOVE IS NOT JEALOUS OR BOASTFUL, IT IS NOT ARROGANT OR RUDE. LOVE DOES NOT INSIST ON ITS OWN WAY, IT IS NOT IRRITABLE OR RESENTFUL, IT DOES NOT REJOICES AT WRONG BUT REJOICES IN RIGTH LOVE BEARS ALL THING –BELIEVES ALL THINGS—HOPES ALL THINGS ENDURES ALL THINGS ‘LOVE NEVER ENDS’. Keep that beautiful like that shines in your eyes forever, just remember that the love between a couple is to give and live for the other the best you can, (just as if it was the first day and loving as if it was the last) If you can love with your minds as well as your hearts and bring humor and compassion to your differences, if you can be faithful in though and in deed, and generous of both hand spirit, yours will be a marriage of growth and joy... So I guess this is when he asks if you do and all that jazz..... I think we are just going to go with this....doesn't sound too bad....hope we can understand him or her....isn't easy from what i've heard.
  9. No, it's okay...I was already undecided. Maybe talking with you will make me finally make up my mind what I want.
  10. Tami, I think they go great together....and I have to say I love your dress too...I don't think I've seen it before...if you posted it I missed it..anyway..I love it.
  11. The colors we are having are aqua and orange....so now that you said it, an orange flower would add a bit a color.....see what I mean...simply can't make up my mind...that's why I need you girls on here.
  12. Those look Great!!! Looks like you put alot of hard work into them and it shows....Great Job!!
  13. Morgan....you sound like me...I can't seem to make my mind up about anything it seems, and just when I think I know what I want I see something else I like and I change my mind again. I better make my mind up pretty quick though I don't have too long to go. I had originally bought a white rose but I don't like it, it is definetly too big. I think the orchid or lily sounds good...but like I said...I can't make up my mind.
  14. So do you think that one of those other flowers would look okay with my gerbera daisy bouquet?
  15. This is one of the styles that I found that I like but still looking. [/img]
  16. I am having gerbera daisies as my wedding bouquet. I am wearing my hair up and I want to wear a flower in my hair, but do now want a daisy. What flower would you recommend??
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