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Everything posted by brigopens

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by CanadianLindsey Totally off topic here, but does anyone know about renting a projector and screen for a slide show? Do they even have on at EDR? Thanks girls! Took our own lap top and projector. Not sure how much they wanted but I remember that it was a lot. I took a sheet, and strapped it between the poles at Tucanes. Worked great and save us a ton of money... Good luck!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BagLover21 ladies, this is a weird question. but has anyone seen a picture of the bathrooms in the jr jacuzzi suite? i've never actually seen a picture of the bathrooms. can anyone provide any insight? Assuming that you want a guys opinion as well, here goes... There are 2 different models of bathrooms in the jacuzzi jr suites. An old and new model, but both are very nice and roomy. Large walk-in showers. Long counter with toiletries and fresh flowers. In the old ones, you walk in and the sink/counter faces out onto the front walkway with the shower towards the room. In the new ones, the sink/counter face towards the room with the shower and toilet behind you. Little bit nicer if you ask me, but both are more than adequate! Hope that helps! We can't wait to get back there again soon for our 4th time!
  3. Jamie -- Have a gift certificate from our recent visit. PM me if you are interested in it and I will give you all of the details written on it. Otherwise, I will probably just put it on eBay.
  4. Just got back from our 2nd anniversary visit to the resort. Let me know if we can be of any help to anyone. Saw most of the resort and wedding locations again. Resort is even better now than it was when we got married there Nov 2007!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jennib31 When everyone made a room block at the hotel - did you have to put down $5,000 in order to hold the block? We have 84 room nights held and they are requiring 18 room nights to be paid for. That is $6,480! Why cant they hold the rooms until we start getting some reservations? I am so overwhelmed with the costs - I jsut paid a photographer, invitations and dress and don't have an extra $6K! HELP! We had everyone book their rooms (and air if desired) through a travel agent. We didn't put down any money to hold rooms, simply paid our own deposit for our portion of the stay and wedding. It is a huge resort, and while there's no way to guarantee that it won't sell out, you should be safe. If you have responsible guests who are going to commit to coming and book soon, I wouldn't give them any money except for your own deposit. Whatever you do, don't let it ruin your weekend. You can figure it all out on Monday!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch You definitely want some awesome photos. I did hear Elizabeth? is one of the best. I cant recall her name at the moment. I can check in to some of the ones that were recommended to us. Good luck. There are several good photographers, but Elizabeth Medina did our photos and the entire experience was amazing!!! Elizabeth Medina Photography, Mexico Destination Wedding Photographer, Wedding Photojournalism throughout the Riviera Maya, Yucatan and Mexico The final product is definitely important, but the experience in dealing with the photographer that you choose also matters. The chemistry with Elizabeth was fantastic. She was having fun shooting the pics, which in turn loosens everyone up and makes the pictures that much better. She knew how to deal with the resort and the policies, so I think that you should just talk to her about that if there are still issues with that. She lives in Mexico, so that should help with some of the issues it seems.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by november7 I am getting married at El Dorado Royal in November and am having around 50 guests as well. Where was your ceremony and reception. I think I am having a private cocktail and reception at Tucanes, but would love to hear what you did with that many people. I also think we will have the rehearsal at one of the restaurants for everyone as well. I would love to see any picutres as well. What type of room did you stay in? We got married at EDR in Nov 2007. Almost everything about it was PERFECT!!! We had exactly 50 guests. Had the ceremony at the gazebo all the way south on the property with the stone wall and waves behind us. Reception at Tucanes which is by far the best choice in our opinion. For that number there is enough room, but it's very private! We did our rehearsal with their free dinner the night before at El Cocotal and then got together in the martini bar and watched the Eagles-patriots game (which most of our 50 were very interested in!!!) We stayed in a regular suite for the first 3 days and then upgraded to a casita the day before the wedding so the girls would have somewhere nice to get dressed, take pictures, hold the lingerie shower, etc... Here are links to our pics, which should give you a good idea of the resort and locations. Enjoy! a.. Amy and Brian Our professional photographer's slideshow b.. Noelle Roberts Photography One of our best friend who was in the wedding, and also happens to be a photographer... Click on client proofing, enter password "Trash"
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 WOW! a $1..that's it, what a great buy. Would you mind sharing pics if you have any. And by the way, how did u get to PDC from EDR? Was it a long trip? All the maracas we saw looked the same. You can see them in our slideshow. There's a once daily bus from EDR to Playa or you can just cab it for approx $20 each way... We needed a cab with all that we bought. :-)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 BRIGOPENS..., You mention that you guys purchased your Maracas at the Walmart in Mexico. Which Walmart was this? Because we really want to do the Maraca favors too. we've been trying to purchase them out here in NJ, but we haven't had any luck finding some. How much did you guys get them for if you don't mind me asking. I wonder if I should wait to get them while we're out there. We got out maracas at a small store in Playa. Didn't have them at Walmart. Definitely shop around. We met guys trying to sell them to us for as much as $5 per pair. Eventually found a store with tons of them, still packaged and in pairs, who was willing to do 100 for $100. I have the address and contact info somewhere around here!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda I am very curious about the Walmart in Playa...did they have everything you needed? I am planning on buying a bunch of stuff for my OOT bags at Walmart or Costco (I think they have one in Cancun) once I'm down there. Did anyone else here do that? We got mostly table decorations... All of our glassware and votive candles. We did buy some tequila gift sets there as well. Definitely not like an exact replica of our US WalMarts but they were relatively well stocked up. We also found a few other glassware stores throughout town, which is where we bought our sand ceremony container and some containers to put sand from the reception site as a keepsake for our parents.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ikupoo Hey Brigopens, I noticed that you did slideshow! How much was it to rent out the screen and the projector? We made the screen ourselves out of a white sheet and had my dad hang it between the ceremony and reception. We also had a friend bring the projector. They wanted a ridiculous amount of money for their screen and/or projector... Can't remember how much, maybe $200
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by tulsarockchalk I am getting married at EDR on May 9th, so I know that my 90 day window is coming up soon. Does anyone have any advice on what I should focus on the next few weeks so that I am ready to make final details? Right now, invitations with travel information go out this week and we're doing dresses and attire in the next few weeks. I know that the 90 day point is when I coordinate with Valeria (who has been great) on flowers (for wedding and reception), location for reception (wedding at Gazebo 55), and food for reception. Is there anything else we do at that time - ceremony, other decor, hair and makeup appointments, etc? If so, does anyone have any advice on any of these? I'm sure I'll have more questions as it gets closer, but want to try to have as much ironed out as I can before that time. Thanks for everyone's help - this forum has been great! You need to "finalize" yes, but remember that things can still be changed... We changed our location when we got there (pending availability...) and also how we wanted things set up for the reception. We also changed our back0up location in case of inclement weather. I woudl try to plan things the best you can but know that it's nto absolutely set in stone. A lot may also depend on how many other weddings they have the same day as yours. You can ask them that!!! The other final details can totally be changed. No point in making hair appts, etc... Just do it once you are there unless you already know exactly what you want to do!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by natalie ann Hi I just switched to Eldorado Royal, have a few questions. We are rushing to get everything decided! I'm worried about a beach reception being too cool after dark. Ours is a Jan 31 wedding date. We have 55 of us so we are told either in a hall that could be a MI wedding hall or on the beach. Did any of you have your reception on the beach at night? Was it too windy and cold? Are there other options we are not being offered. We are the only wedding that day. I really wanted something outside. I think the reason you are having a problem is the extra 5 people. Several of the facilities that other people have mentioned (Health Bar, Tucanes) seem to have a 50 person max in their minds... You can talk to them about it, or just tell them that you are down to 50 and pick your place, then add a few extra people the day before... We had exactly 50 at Tucanes. You can see plenty of those pics on our slideshow: http://www.elizabethmedinaphotography.com/amybrian/ We've been to EDR twice now, both times in late November/early December. Once the weather every evening would have been great for a beach reception. The second time, it was cooler and very breezy, and we wouldn't have been happy with it! Quote: Originally Posted by natalie ann Also where is there jetskiing during the day, I read on one post someone was jetsking? There are also multiple excursions that they take you to their sister resort (El Dorado Maroma) which include waverunners. You can combine it with snorkeling, ATVs, catamaran, etc... There are no JET SKIS at all from what I saw in Mexico. Maybe you meant wave runners? Not trying to be technical, just wanting to make sure I answer your question... There is a hut on the beach near the beach bar and also up in the Casitas near Gaviotas. You can rent wave runners to take out right at the resort. I believe the price was approx $55/hour. We did it from the beach the first time. Last visit we booked thru the lobby to go on a catamaran/snorkeling/waverunner trip which was a great time and very reasonable!!! Quote: Originally Posted by natalie ann Oh and if we are bringing votives and sea shells for our tables (all extras are so expensive) will they put them out for us or do we have to pay extra!! We are painting names on sand dollars for our seating chart and they want to charge $40 to rent a box with sand to put them in. We went to Walmart in Playa when we got there and bought glass votive holders and candles, large vases for table centerpieces, and maracas for all fo our guests! We didn't mention it to EDR because we were told they might charge us. We just had our mothers head there while we were taking pictures after the ceremony and everyone else was at the bars. They were helpful in putting things out with our moms and nobody gave them a problem. It also gave us a little piece of mind to know it would be done exactly like we wanted... :-)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BandE2008 Brig How did you get to watch a specific game at the Martini Bar during your wedding? Did you pre schedule it? Did they have satelight? Reason I am asking - Calgary (where I am from) just got into the gry cup which falls next weekend OF COURSE! And many people really really want to see it!!!!! We did talk to them ahead of time to make sure it could be on. They have satellite but not everything will be on there. Not sure about the Grey Cup. Ours was the Sunday night football game, so it just happened to be broadcast there! Sorry I can't be of more help... Just check with the bartenders when you get there. If it can be found, I am sure they will put it on for you!
  15. Don't worry about what they tell you mellowdrama. If you don't want to use the group dinner, just tell them you changed your mind. if they ask, just say you are each going to do your own thing that night. Then, show up where you want, when you want... You may not get seated together at a large table for everyone, but you can all eat there. We even had success getting a few tables right near eachother a few nights at Fuentes. We'll be down there celebrating our 1st anniversary while you get married. I hope that we get to meet you and congratulate you both! You might even try talking to someone the morning of, to see if they can make even more definitive arrangements. Whatever you do, don't stress about it. I know that's tough, but you have to take it from those of us who have been married down there! it will be amazing!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BandE2008 Hey! Anyone use the free dinner at El Cocotal? What were the table set ups like? ie: 2 larg tables, lots of small table sof 4 or 6? Just trying to be planful. Any photos would be awesome too! Thanks! We had a large table with about 16 around it, a smaller round table with 8-10 and a long narrow table with 10-12... Nice ambiance and a little more intimate than the other choice... BUT, food was much better at Las Fuentes... Not sure what we would do if we had to make the choice again. May depend on what size group you have. If it's a but smaller, there's a sort of back room that they could put you in. PM me your email and I'll try to send you some pics after the weekend.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by beth Did you and your guests have a hard time hearing the music? Our reception is at the white gazebo on the beach. I'm worried that the water will drown out the music. Thanks so much for your feedback on this! We had no problem hearing the music at all, BUT we were at Tucanes... I still don't think it would be a problem as long as you use their speaker set-up, etc... I would be hesitant to try your own speakers or set-up, but otherwise wouldn't worry about it.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by animaldoc Is anyone not spending the night with their FI the night before the wedding? We are pretty sure we will spend the night apart, but I am not sure where to send him to spend the night, any suggestions?? We are thinking he may stay with his parents, but that may make getting ready on the wedding day a challenge. Thanks, Jennifer We spent the night apart. After our rehearsal dinner, we watched the Eagles-Patriots game at the martini bar and then headed to Guacamayas... From there, the girls went back to our casita and had a lingerie shower for my wife. I hung out with the guys (talk of going to Cancun which we luckily decided against) and crashed in a single friends room. It was a little bit of a hassle the next day to make sure to avoid eachother but it really was worth it. Just put someone in charge of making sure you're never in the same spot. We basically had her stay in the casita half of the resort and I stayed near the lobby. Only time we had to worry was when the girls went to the spa on wedding day, and that was easily handled by a couple of phone calls... You might check with the resort. I feel like they were offering an extra room for the groom the night prior to the wedding at one point. Can't say for sure, but they can probably figure out a way to accomodate you if need be... Good luck. It will be an amazing time either way!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by beth We are trying to decide if we are going to hire a DJ or just use the IPOD set up so we can control what songs we dance to. Does anyone have an opinion or experience with either? Thanks! Go iPod all the way. Put the time in ahead to figure out your setlist and timing... Save the money (lots of it) and use it elsewhere. See if someone who will be there minds running the iPod or MCing the deal with a few simple introductions and it will be perfect. Just my 2 cents, but everyone at our wedding said they loved it, and we were able to splurge on other things like food, excursions, etc...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina Hi El Dorado Royale brides! I thought you might want to check out the slideshow from the most recent wedding I photographed at EDR, Lauren and Ryan EDR Wedding I thought the wedding was so pretty and you can see some of the different areas of the resort. This is the slideshow I made for the bride and groom, sorry it is sooo long! Amazing as always. Hard to believe it's already been a year since we were at this amazing place! We look at the pictures you took of our wedding almost every day. I'm sure that Lauren and Ryan are just as happy as we are with the great memories that you've captured for them!!! Anyone reading this who hasn't chosen where they're getting married yet -- look long and hard at EDR! And if you don't know who your photographer will be yet, there's no reason to put too much thought into it... You need Elizabeth there to photograph everything!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda Has anyone had any experience with any of the "approved" photographers/videographers at EDR? My FI and I have decided to use one of the resorts photographers to avoid the $500 fee. The choices are Caribe Photo; Royale Photo; Claudia Rodriguez, or Mexican Wedding Photos. I know a lot of people on this forum have said positive things about Claudia, but, I'm wondering about the others....the prices vary quite a bit, so, I'm wondering what the best choice is... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Honestly, I'd pay the $500 fee and have Elizabeth Medina do it! We may have had a differing philosophy than you do, BUT I promise you that once you're 8 months out from your wedding, the pics will be worth it. I only wish she could have been there the entire 10 days we were at the resort to capture even more... I was hesitant at first to spend the money, but we look at our pictures almost every week. We've spent hours showing them to friends and at our back home receptions!!! Everyone is amazed! Take a look at some of her work and you'll have a hard time going anywhere else... Nothing against Claudia or the other "approved" photogs, but we'll always be in love with Elizabeth and the memories she captured from our amazing EDR wedding!!! See for yourself: Amy and Brian
  22. Elizabeth Rocks, simply put!!! From her demeanor when we met her, to her energy during the day, to the final product -- TOP NOTCH and worth every single penny or peso or whatever you're paying with!!! Check out our pictures! We absolutely loved them! Amy and Brian
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by bre We burned cds and had no problem playing them for the ceremony. just be sure to bring a back up in case something doesn't work and have it on your iPod too. THankfully we didn't need to use either back up. Also, make a cover for the cd that includes the number of the song and when it should be played (ie- pre-ceremony music while guests are seated, bridesmaids, brides processionals, document signing music, recessional, etc.) As Bre proved, that can definitely work. I think it was probably a lot easier to just put it all in order, on a iPod though... If you want to see our spreadsheet listing songs, timing, etc... just PM me and I can send it to you. Like I said, we put a ton of time into the music, but it was worth it... We got to our reception by 6:30 and time really did fly! Before we knew it, we were taking the party to the swing bar at 10:15!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by nolaroy724 So annoyed. Monica said that we can only use a cd with their cd player for the ceremony. I thought we could use an ipod? I'm so worried about a burned CD not playing in the player, the timing, etc. We 100% absolutely used our iPod for the ceremony. We had it at Gazebo 55 but the equipment was portable... Unless somethign changed, you've been given incorrect information. Ask her to check again or check with Valeria...
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch I hear the swing bar is a great time. What time does the band start playing? Yes, we had fun there pretty much every night. Met lots of people from outside of our group as well!!! I believe they start playing around 8, eventually stop for a show (different each night) around 10, and then start up again until maybe 12:30 or 1. After that they have a DJ until I guess 2 or 3
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