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Everything posted by Sharonie

  1. Where is he traveling from, south or north? There's no construction right now going 281 southbound, but I am not sure about northbound. 410 typically is very easy and if he's going west bound, just make sure to follow the instruction mention previously. Texas highway is pretty easy to turn around if you miss the exit so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Depends on the hour of the day he travels, rush hour both route will be pretty hectic.
  2. Hi everyone, need your help! My sister has entered my 4 mos old niece Tristen in the photowow.com baby photo contest. The prize is a large framed canvas print. Because I helped my nephew to win the same contest 2 yrs ago (see him below in front of his prize), we're trying to do the same for Tristen so we don't get accused of playing favoritism in the future Please vote for her at photowow.com - Turn Your Photos Into Art and enter the number Entrant #: 50718 The photo below is the one entered into the contest Make sure you vote a 10 for Tristen and do NOT vote really low numbers for other people since lower scores might get deleted. I think every computer can be voted only once. Make sure you vote at work AND at home AND with blackberries. The contest will end next Tuesday at 1pm pacific time. Here is rules set by photowow.com Please do not encourage your family and friends to vote low on other babies in order to increase your baby's ranking. We have incorporated a formula that will not take into account certain low votes based on the second the vote is placed. Also, please remember that you and your friends may only vote once per baby photo. Thank you so much for your support!!!!
  3. Great pic!! I hope you win, when do you find out?
  4. We used Paul's hotel points and booked a cruise to Alaska the week after 4th of July. We will be spending two days in Seattle on the 4th and 5th and take Amtrak to Vancouver on the 6th. The cruise is an one-way northbound cruise sailing out of Vancouver and ends in Seward on the 13th. We'll then take red-eye flights from Anchorage. I am so exicited. The last few weeks I've done a lot of researched and finalized our excursions plan. They're every expensive but I think we'll have a wonderful trip!
  5. Getting to the airport these days is a mess with the construction going. If he will be heading west on 410, he needs to get off Broadway exit (the exit before Airport exit) and stay on the left lane. He has to make sure to stay on the left lane cuz he'll need to get back on to 410 then exiting immediately at the Airport exit. Majority of the airlines use Terminal 1, I think Aeromexico should be there too. Terminal 2 is the smaller one and only three airlines use them, one being Air Mexican. But double check with the airport just to be sure. We usually park at the Economy parking lot, that's $5 a day. But I am not sure if the shuttle is wheel chair accessible or not (probably not, I remember one time watching a lady trying to get a stroller up and a gentleman had to help her to lift the stroller up). There is long term parking across from the terminals but some walking is required. Have you found any hotels that will let you leave the car there? How long will he be leaving the truck?
  6. I've never had one until I picked up skiing a few years ago. It seemed like every time I would be dehydrated and my lips would crack - then the cold sore would pop up. So ever since, I've been religiously keeping hydrated and my lips moist with chapstick and the past couple trips I had not had one. Sorry it is taking so long to heal for you, it is really annoying to have it. I hope it is gone soon...
  7. ahh, Jennifer your article makes me really want to go to St Lucia now. It was one of my top choices for DW, but I ultimately chose Jamaica to save same cost for the guests. It is definitely on top of my to visit places list now!! Great writing...
  8. Congrats and to the forum! You're gonna have your hands tied planning two weddings.. But I bet they're gonna turn out beautifully, happy planning!!!
  9. Lisa, there is a lavendar farm in that area too you can check it out. It is really nice. I went a few years ago and bought a few plants to take home with me. Of course they all died on me since I have no green thumb at all. lol
  10. First time I went on a cruise was on Carnival's. It was okay but there are a lot of kids depends on when you go. There will be lots of activities on board to keep you busy. I think what's more important are the ports though and what you do at each port. Three days really is not very long to get a feel of it. Last cruise I went on was on Princess to Alaska. It did have an older crowd but I still had fun. Alaska is so amazing I am going again this July with Paul. This time will be on Holland America, which draws an even older crowd but that's what he has hotel point award with. I think we'll still have a great time. Hope you find the perfect cruise and let us know how it goes.
  11. He is not picking Chelsea, so it has to be Shayne!! Can't be another Bachelor not picking either...
  12. I missed the last two episodes! Can't wait to watch the tell all show. I don't think any of them will last w/ him regardless of who he's with. He just seems so dull to me.
  13. You should've bought my stuff for me too lol They all look so wonderful!!
  14. Check with your WC to see what your options are (with pics). And if you see anything you like, reserve it. You can always change it again when you get there and get to see with your own eyes. But at least this way you'll have something guaranteed. Just provide the WC your vision of the wedding and they should be trying their best to accomodate you.
  15. We miss Jamaica greatly. So go there, rock the place, and have a time of your life!!
  16. Oh I am going to miss next Monday's drama. I am just so glad that Marshana and Robin got kicked out last night. They were so annoying!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LMP333 Everything looks great! Have an amazing time!! Where did you get the MOH dress?? I got it from Nordstrom's. This color was on sale so I went for it although originally I was looking for something in sage.
  18. Ah Betsy, welcome back! Can't wait to hear about your wedding day and see all the pics...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi OMG! I can't believe you leave tomorrow! Can I come too?!?! HAHA! Have a WONDERFUL time! You're going to be such a gorgeous bride! I can't wait to see your pictures! Come on back to Jamaica Heidi! You and Reggie can have your 2 weeks vow renewal lol
  20. I completely agree with Ann as well. It is your FI who has to understand your point of view. Right now he might just see you as being upset and temporarily fixing it by not talking to her for a few weeks. After the storm is over, he lets it slide and continue the relationship w/ her. IMO, he is not seeing why you're upset about this whole situation then. Since she's always gonna be in your FI's circle of friends, then I don't think cutting off all ties w/ her is going to work. You and your FI might want to be casual friends w/ her but not the close buddy type. It is really up to your FI to adress this issue otherwise it is just going to undermine your relationship.
  21. Melissa, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Brain tumors are never fun to deal with. I really pray that it will be benign and he can continue on with his young and brilliant life. Keep us posted, we'll be crossing fingers for you. Do stay positive and be there for him for anything. He is going to need your support regardless of how it turns out!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I love it all. Especially your dress! AND the OOT bags. I love your MOHs bag. Where did you get it? I want one! I got it at Walmart. I love it so bought one for myself also. Actually the orange one posted is for me, the MOH one will be green.
  23. I probably will be selling my dress when I return too. I wear a size 2 and ordered a size 2. Since it has a corset back, it will fit sizes 2-6. I just posted my planning pics so you can see the dress there. It is a Maggie Sottero dress.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Sharon - can you tell me where you got the flip flops? They look perfect for Matt! Carly, the brand is Sanuk and we bought them at REI store. You can also find them at the same price on Amazon.com. Just have to be careful with the sizes if you buy online. Paul normally wears 9-9.5, but he fits in size 8 in these. They're very comfortable!
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