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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Congrats! I am thinking about St Thomas so I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you once I'm more into my research. Can't wait to see your pics!
  2. to the forum! You've come to the right place to find very helpful information for planning your destination wedding! congrats
  3. to the forum! You are sure to find lots of great info here! Congrats
  4. I am so glad to hear that things worked out for you guys. I will be facing similar family drama as well. My FI has 7 siblings and I have 4! i dont care if I was to give them a year or 10 years advance notice, there will still be drama. But I believe his family will pull the last minute drama the most. Anyhow, how can someone not be close to such a cutie pie! Liam is so adorable. They will be glad they finally came to their senses when they see how beautiful your wedding will be. If there is anymore drama b/w now and the wedding, tell them too Kiss ur LOOOOOOOOOOL
  5. I am in the pre-planning stages and I already know there will be family drama when we do decide to send out invites/tell family. My FI has 7 siblings and I have 4. Im glad to see I'm not the only one dealing with family issues. We have issues trying to get everybody together for Thanksgiving!!! I am still trying to decide on a destination partly due to I really want as much of our family there as possible. (For Example: St Thomas vs Jamaica - way more all-inclusive resorts) But then again, I dont want to choose a destination based on this factor and then have people back out, which I know some will. I realize in life, that people do what they want to do when they want to do it. And while I want to take other people's feelings into consideration concerning our wedding, I also want to do what's best for me and my FI. Is that selfish? We're already strapped with the wedding budget and other things in our life, so we can't really afford to help pay for any of our family. We have decided that we will pay for our mothers if need be, everyone else has to find another ATM. lol I'm at the point where if its just me and my FI, I'm good. I will probably be upset in the beginning about the family that act like they cant afford to go, and I know they can make a way. But I figured after the wedding, my new "family" will consist of me and my FI, and our new beginnings. And I will eventually get over it. And the family that decides not to come will have regrets because we will have a great time with or without them! Our wedding will be our special day and I am not letting anyone ruin it or stress me out. There's already enough stress planning :~)
  6. Forgot to mention anticipated wedding date: August 8th, 2008! Any ideas surrounding the date would be great. Currently I am thinking about incorporating the infinity sign(sideways eight) as part of the wedding theme.
  7. Just wanted to say hello to all the other Newbies out there. We are debating on whether to have our wedding in ST Thomas, Jamaica or Bahamas. I have been to the latter 2 destinations more than once so I am leaning more toward St Thomas, preference Magens Bay. I would have loved to do Mexico, but dont think we can stretch having to be there 4 days in advance! However, I am having problems finding a lot of info on St. Thomas. Especially about all-inclusive resorts. If anyone can give me any info concerning getting married there, it would be greatly appreciated. Does the Bahamas offer more affordable all-inclusive resorts? I know Jamaica offers plenty. 1st choice: St Thomas 2nd choice: Bahamas 3rd choice: Jamaica I'm looking forward to exploring these forum pages and getting lots of ideas! Thanks in advance..Off to the forums...Wish me luck
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