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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Try this: Press the Fn and F9 keys simulatenously (I think this is the function to enable/disable the touchpad) OR if that doesnt work... You could always do a power cycle: Ex: unplug the AC (the plug in the wall from the laptop) .. take the battery out.. Plug the AC back in and try to turn computer ON with AC alone (Ex, leave the battery out and just start computer with AC power).. Once windows loads up and everything is fine, then turn system off. Unplug AC.. put battery back in.. Plug AC back in and restart computer.. Hope this works!
  2. Awww, boxer puppies are the cutest! Now only if I could get my boxers to do this now at the age of 2 and 3,lol! I miss them being that small! Aww, you're going to make me ask my FI to get another one,lol. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to forward this to my FI.
  3. Like everyone else, I am terribly sorry to hear that you are going through, especially this close to the wedding. Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do. I defitenly agree with Maura making a forum PSA about this company. That is just plain ridicoulous!!! Is there any alternative plan to get your FPIL's to your wedding?
  4. Good luck Erin. And dont forget the pics!
  5. My boys are currently on Nutro. One is a really picky eater (always has been). He has to have it moist or with canned food and the other will eat just about anything! Every now and then we also add a little Biljac (the one in the freezer section, not the dry food), they love it! Their coats are nice and shiny and it has defitenly helped alleviate their gas! lol
  6. to the forum! Happy Planning
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Dreams has been very unstable these past few months...I;m sure they are overwhelmed with the weddings but some consistency would be nice...One minute I was dealing with one WC then she must've left, then I was dealing Miguelina and she was good but out of nowhere she stopped responding to my emails for like 2 months, now I deal with Maria but she really doesn't answer all my questions....then she acted like I had to send the form in to book my date which freaked me out, after several emails back & forth she replies she does have my form and my date has been booked since early this year. Its frustrating...I'm sure everthing will work out for everyone, its just annoying at times. OMG, this is EXACTLY what I've been through dealing with my resort. So it isnt just Dreams PC. I think I am on my 3rd or 4th WC (I've lost count!), and this last one sounds just like your Maria! It is VERY stressful to deal with, especially with my wedding so freakin close and I still cant get straight answers!!! Sorry to steal the thread,lol, I just wanted to let u know I felt your pain!
  8. For those DR brides that recently were married, can anyone give me a description of the order of ceremony they had? I wanted to do a program that listed the order of ceremony, but I've been asking my wedding coordinator for a copy, but to no avail. I am trying to figure out where to incoroporate things like the sand ceremony. And with only 19 days left, I am running out of time Even if I dont do the program, it would still be nice to know how things operate beforehand. TIA
  9. twinkletoes


    to the forum! We dont have much longer! Congrats
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha We are not going to stop....we should change the title to "Let's Praise Becks!" Again, THANK YOU! I cannot agree more than with this entire thread! I was about to start a 'thank you Becks' thread but I see she already has her own mini fan club (which she more than deserves), that I am unquestionably an official fan. All of her templates have been such a great help to me, especially the timeline! To top it off, Rebecca saw that I had some last minute guests but I didnt have enough raffia fans. And it seemed like ALL of the vendors were on backorder. With only a 2 1/2 weeks b4 my big day, I was starting to get frantic. Damn those last minute guests! However, Rebecca came through for me Not only did she send me the extra fans she had, & did not want me to pay for them, but she priority mailed them and included a sweet handwritten note! (sorry my camera is out of comission right now,lol, or I would post a pic) I got them yesterday!!! I am truly amazed about the generosity I have found on this forum (my home away from home, lol) And this act of kindness is such a blessing from a 'virtual friend'. THANKS SOOOOO MUCH REBECCA! You can add me to the list of owing you a drink, lol. I just wanted to let you and everyone else know how much I appreciated your help. I cant thank you enough. You rock girl! One Love
  11. Have a wonderful time and enjoy your day!
  12. Jaime you look beautiful in the dress! Congrats on getting that out of the way
  13. to the forum! Great intro, lol!
  14. Yari those are very cute! Great find. And not a bad price either.
  15. I'm a little late, but glad to hear things worked out (despite the minor setbacks) for your AHR. Looks like you guys had lots of fun! Your nieces and nephew are soooo freakin adorable! Happy house hunting!
  16. Congrats Now on to the fun wedding,lol!
  17. Your hair turned out very pretty I'm glad you guys mentioned about what side to wear the hair flower! Thanks
  18. Were you talking about this website where u just have to pay shipping: BridalPartyTees- Bridal, Wedding, Shower, Party: T-shirts maybe Let me see if I can find the specific thread.
  19. Thanks guys! You have defitenly helped me answer the main ?s I had. We dont need to refinance for anything in particular right now. I will defitenly share these answers with my FI! Your help has been greatly appreciated. Thanks again :~)
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