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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. I read a couple of reviews on TripAdvisor this morning about the Riu. Seems like last week and earlier this week, there were a couple of problems at the resort. I would be beyond pissed if this was to happen while I was there. I wonder if the guests will be compensated in any way? Lets just hope this problems are fixed asap! Check it out: Ocho Rios: Riu Ocho Rios - Traveler Reviews - ku de'ta at the riu - TripAdvisor
  2. to the forum! You've come to the right place to get ideas!
  3. twinkletoes


    to the forum. Happy planning :~)
  4. to the forum! Happy planning :~)
  5. Here's a review I found about registering online at Target (via epinions): Where to start! I was registered with Target.com for my wedding. I had several out of town family members purchase gifts online and have them delivered. The first one I received was the complete incorrect item (wasn't even on my registry). I took it to Target (store) they wouldn't return/exchange it for anything! Then in order to return it to Target.com, I had to pay shipping myself! The next deliver again, was incorrect. I received 2 of the same gift, instead of one of each gift. Same problem occurred dealing with both Target (store) and Target.com. After numerous phone calls, legal threats, etc. The situation was finally resolved 8 MONTHS LATER! Not to mention a month after our wedding, our registry was removed from the internet making it impossible for "late-gifters" to pull up our registry from their own home. Since this all happened, I have advised EVERYONE I know from using any of Targets registries, or ordering from them online. Even their in-store return policy has gotten ridiculous. I wanted to make an EVEN EXCHANGE on a Christmas gift (just wanted a different color). They told me that they would have to track that to my driver's license number. I told them absolutely NOT, that's absurd!
  6. to the forum! Congrats :~)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jerzzygirl I have a riu card allready from my last trip. I also heard that all stays this fall will get double points. So my next trp next year at the new Riu montego bay or the Riu aruba I will have some nice points to use..... Just have no clue what i could use the points for...lol Wow. I didnt know they were planning to open a Riu in Mobay! Do you know the anticipated opening date?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Lizz - if you don't mind me asking, how much did you book it for? Cuz my wedding is the day after you and we would proabaly fly out of Philly to. My TA quoted me $670!!! I told her to forget it, I would wait. then I looked online and I saw ones for like $350-700 and I wasn't even sure if that was a good price, but KNEW that $670 wasn't. I know when we went to Jamaica last year with a group of our friends, we booked directly through Air Jamaica travel agents. I cant remember the total # of seats we had, but we got somewhere like 5% or more off the given ticket price since we had a group. You may want to try to contact them directly and see where you come out.
  9. to the forum! Don't be surprised when ALL of your questions are answered in like 2 minutes! lol. Everyone here is always willing to help in any way they can. I love it here!
  10. to the forum! Its good to have another down south bride joining the forum :~) I am located in Georgia as well. You will find LOTS of helpful information on this forum to help you along the way. Congrats & Happy Planning!
  11. Don't forget to start gathering those important documents(passports, birth certificates, etc) and let your guests know what documents are required to travel to your destination.
  12. Oh my! I hate to say it, but I am laughing so hard at your story my side hurts! I think its so hilarious to me b/c that is totally something that would happen to me! I lose things and its either right where I'm sitting or somewhere crazy. Havent had to pull the lost and found out of my *** though! Loooooooool. Glad you finally found it :~)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 Great idea! I'll do it now. (I wonder if I'll still have a job after my wedding is over...way too much time on this forum!) LOOOOL. I swear I was just thinking the same thing! I'm working on a project that I am supposed to have finished up by the end of the week, however, the forum keeps calling my name!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by RiuORBride2B You could always have your weding off site. There is a company mentioned in some of the other posts that will coordinate an off-site wedding/reception. they looked really nice. My travel agent is trying to convince us to go to the RIU in Negril, he really loves it. He said he saw an awesome wedding at some little hotel called the caves. Great idea. I didn't even think about that option. I could always just have my guests stay at the Riu. That may just work :~) Thanks!
  15. to the forum! You have defitenly come to the right place for ideas and advice on planning a destination wedding. Everyone here is so nice and eager to answer any questions you may have. I second that you will be addicted to this forum! Its great :~) Congrats!
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