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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. to the forum! How many guests are you expecting? And how far along are you in your planning? (if you dont mind me asking)
  2. Yeah, I saw this last night on tv. I used to watch the show all the time! A&E has cancelled his show indefitenly! I agree, things like that just dont "slip out". But that goes to show, we never know what really happens with these stars when the cameras are off!
  3. to the forum! You've come to the right place for planning, everyone is so helpful here!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amy706 THANK YOU EVERYBODY! You guys are so helpful!!! Can someone email me a general idea of how much it costs for your guests for a room at Riu Ocho RIos for 3-4 days? Is there a reason nobody did a wedding at any of the other jamaica Riu hotels? how far is it from the airport? THANKYOU! The costs will depend on what time of year you are planning on going. There are a few other brides on the forum that have chosen other resorts besides the RIU in Jamaica. See: (for Sandals Grande Ocho Rios - IrieBride08, and for Beaches - see Carlymcmullen) These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. There may be a few more. Everyone is so helpful here so you will for sure find the information you need. As far as distance from the airport - I think its about 65 miles away. Hope this helps!
  5. Ok, until today I totally thought no one was really this ! I work in the IT department at my company. When someone needs helps from IT, they 1st have to submit a helpdesk ticket and one of us will aid the user from there. So, we have this new chick at work that put in a helpdesk ticket. The ticket stated,"My computer isnt doing what its supposed to do." Ok, so I call her up and ask her what exactly is her problem with the computer. She says exactly,"Well, Christina, the documentation I am reading says press any key to continue. However, my keyboard does not have an any key, or maybe I just cant find it." At this point I am hysterically laughing! I cant believe she actually thought there was a key on the keyboard named ANY!!! I wish I could tell her exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to say,'Well, the problem exists between the keyboard and the chair!"
  6. Here's a few more in Microsoft template formats. They aren't nearly as fancy, but maybe they will help: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/re...spx?qu=tickets
  7. Hey Shelley~ I'm assuming you're talking about the Concert/Event style Invites Try this site: Home I havent had time to look at the site in detail, so not sure how helpful it is.
  8. Happy Anniversary!!! Are you guys doing anything special tonight?
  9. Happy Halloween Everybody!!! We are having a huge Halloween bash at work today including costume contests, potluck, face painting, pumpking carving contests, and games! I wont be getting any work done today, lol. I gotta go finish helping my department get our pumpkin together. I'll post pics once I get a chance! Have a great one and be safe!
  10. I love them! Especially the expressions on most of them! That's what you calll Kodak moments! Thanks for sharing
  11. Awesome review! Glad to hear you had a great time!
  12. Oh my! I totally missed this post!!!! Shelley, as all the other girls have said, sorry to hear about you guys postponing the wedding, but as long as you guys do whats in your best interests, then its all good. Its a blessing to be able to communicate with each other openly and both parties be open-minded and considerate of each other. In which I think you have done a remarkable job of doing so! I think about postponing our wedding literally every freakin week, b/c my FI's family isnt quite on-board and causing me major headaches! Sorry, I'm rambling. But what will be, will be. Let me know if there's anyting I can do this way. Oh, BTW, this is my self-invite! And I am so in for a road-trip up north, lol
  13. I agree with the other ladies, everything looks great! It looks like you have everything in order! Yaaaaay! Try and relax (as much as possible,lol) this week, because starting Saturday, its going to be a nonstop party!
  14. Happy Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your day sweetie
  15. Awww, he looks so sad. God Bless you for taking him in! The owner is such a loser! Somebody should...never mind! lol
  16. You looked gorgeous! And it looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks for sharing your pics, they are awesome
  17. I just sent you a PM about the OOT bags & the key chains!
  18. to the forum Reggie! I'm glad you've joined in the journey of virtual planning!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Yay! My time has been changed to 2:00 instead of noon! I have been practically stalking the RIU to find out if any brides have canceled and found out today that one did. I would still rather have 4:00, but I'm a lot happier that I got 2:00 now!!!! Congrats on your new time! LOOOL, I thought I was the only one that stalked the RIU to find out about any cancellations. Glad to know I'm not alone
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride I am doing pint size bottles of Jamaican Rum as our favors. We are actually tying the place cards to each bottle with ribbon. Our tables will be named rather than numbered. Each table is named after a Jamaican Rum Cocktail, like Jamaican Sunset, jamaican me Crazy, Coco loco, Dirty Banana, Hummingbird (these are all popular drinks there). So the place card says Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jamaican Me Crazy Table and on the back of the place card is the recipe for the Jamican Me Crazy Cocktail and it's tied to a bottle of Jamaican Rum. I am buying the rum once we get there. I made the table signs and put them in 5x7 picture frames. This idea could be duplicated with small bottles of tequila and names of margaritas. I love this idea! I may have to steal it, lol, I mean borrow it!
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