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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. How cute! Tammy, I always enjoy seeing your pics, they always turn out so nice.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamminworld I've actually purchased both of them. I can't figure out how to add a poll to this if you can give me instructions I will definitely do this. Go to 'Thread Tools' (located right above the thread, but not at the very top of the page) and click on Add Poll to this thread
  3. to the forum! If there is a link where here template thread is, just click the link (it should then open) and then save the file to your computer. Make sense
  4. to the forum Ashley! Happy Planning
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by kychick OMG, I would be freakin out too! Yes, I am an Edenh bride. When is your wedding?
  6. to the forum! You have defitenly come to the right place for great ideas for your sisters wedding.
  7. to the forum Jenn! Congrats & Happy Planning
  8. Yaay for Davina. I was wondering where your review & pics were. Your pics are gorgeous by the way!!! Congrats on becoming a Mrs
  9. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  10. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  11. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  12. to the forum! Happy Planning
  13. to the forum! I am a PC bride, with only 2 weeks left!!! You should defitenly start out by checking the Dominican Republic section off the forum, that may help you with some of the resort ?s. We have plenty of travel agents here on the forum that could defitenly help you. Just send them a PM. Congrats & Happy Planning
  14. Sorry I couldnt help, but glad you whatever it was, was fixed,lol
  15. LOTTALUV92 - Congrats on your weight loss! That is awesome Maura I love the layout of your program! And the color and font flow nicely as well. I am still waiting on my freakin WC to get back to me with the order of ceremony so I can make my freakin programs!!! Hmm, I'm wondering how much is bail $ in DR,lol, cause if she doesnt answer me soon and my %#@! isnt together when I get there, its on! Any who, I have actually started my packing list as well and have dedicated a room in the house just for our luggage. I found the cutest little dress today (still not sure if I want to change for my reception or use it as a TTD). I'll try and post a pic in the morning. I am soooo ready to go on vacation!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by kychick I sent an email last week and I am still waiting on a response. Ok, I was just wondering if she was avoiding me,lol. Through all this planning, I am still not 100% comfortable with receiving email responses 2 weeks or more later! Especially when my wedding is in 2 freakin weeks!!!! ---- Are you an EdenH bride? Just wanted to know so I can add u to the list :~)
  17. Hey Ladies, have any of you contacted Lillian lately? If so, how long does it usually take for her to respond to you?
  18. to the forum! Check out the August 08 brides thread. I believe someone posted a menu or 2 there.
  19. Aww, how cute is she! Thats great that you guys included her in something so fun. I bet she felt very special :~)
  20. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Yaay, another PC bride. Happy Planning
  21. That sounds like fun Morgan! And not a bad price. I cant wait to see your pics!
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