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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  2. I also do the "unread posts" link. I find it waaaay easier to search this way unless I know there is a specific section I need to go to, then I will go directly to that section of the forum.
  3. to the forum! I think there are about 3 brides on the forum getting married there in March 08. I know there are a bunch in April 08. All of which are willing to answer any questions you may have. You will find lots of ideas on this forum. Be prepared to get addicted. Congrats & Happy Planning
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Danielle, I have two BT's as well. We actually volunteer with a BT rescue group and we foster through them, so I have a female foster too.. My sig picture is of our two boys, Chulo and Mijo. Awww,Tammy... Too cute! I would love for my boys to take a photo with Santa! But I don't think they would sit still for that long! (Let alone fit in Santa's lap,lol)
  5. I wouldnt say my FI and I set a Fitness New Years Resolution, but we did join the YMCA yesterday and are planning to start utilizing their facilities this afternoon! Yikes (I havent worked out in a looong time) I have the hardest time losing any substanial weight. I can only manage to lose about 4 or 5 lbs!!! I like to say I'm on the 'Slim Slow' diet. lol With that said, we are planning, not just for the New Year, but overall, just to start living a healthier lifestyle.
  6. Let me be the 1st to say to the forum! Glad you decided to finally join! You will find lots of ideas here to help plan your son's destination wedding. As there are a LOT of Jamaica Riu brides. Congrats to your family!
  7. Trisha, there are no words that I can express that will make your situation better or make it easier for you to decide what to do. Just wanted to let you know, like the others said, we are all here for you.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I AM SIPPIN now. He is playing lil john and said he and our son will walk down the isle to soldierboy I NEED A BIGGER DRINK Catherine! I am dying laughing reading this post! I hope the margarita(s) worked.lol
  9. to the forum! Like Catherine said, you will find lots of ideas here! Everyone is so helpful and supportive, regardless if it has to do with a wedding or things going on in your life in general. You'll love it here and will quickly become addicted. lol Congrats & Happy Planning
  10. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  11. I agree with everyone else. Both dresses are absolutely beautiful!!! You did an awesome job picking those out. Yaaaay
  12. Davina, I think they are soooo cute! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into it, and its paid off. I dont think you need to start over, these are just fine in my opinion. :~) I love them! How many are you planning on making? And how long did 1 take you to make?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad congrats how do you play? Go to the vbPlaza Menu, click on Lottery. You can enter a weekly lottery for 100 points or a daily lottery for 50 points. Good luck!
  14. I think they are sooooo cute! I love the personal touches! Your guests will love them.
  15. to the forum Virginia! Congrats & Happy Planning
  16. to the forum Jill! Congrats & Happy Planning
  17. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  18. Mo - Awesome Awesome review! I have a few questions for you I hope you dont mind answering. Here goes: 1. I saw you chose the Royal Wedding Package. (Included is a candlelight dinner and cake) Since you had your reception off-site, did you negotiate the package price or substitute in place of those things? 2. How much did you have to pay for your trial updo? 3. Did the minister read the sand ceremony or someone else? 4. After the ceremony and pics, did you and your hubby arrive separately to Evita's or with your guests? How long was the wait in between after the ceremony and arriving at Evita's? (For you and your guests) And did someone announce you when you arrived at the restaurant? 5. From your pics it looks like Evita's has inside and outside seating. Did you guys only sit on the inside? 6. I saw you did a TTD session. Is it safe to assume you did this after your reception? 7. Oh, did the resort have the beach party while you were there? If so, what day was it? Ok, I think I've asked enough questions for one day. Thanks!
  19. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  20. to the forum. Yes, planning a DW can be extremely overwhelming, but only if you let it! I think once you've picked a destination and date, you will feel much better. Especially with the support of all the wonderful people on this forum! Everyone is willing to listen whether its good or bad, and always willing to lend you a hand or give advice. You'll love it here! Congrats & Happy Planning!
  21. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  22. Yaaay to the newest Mrs! Can't wait to see pics!
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