Okay, can someone give me a legitimate reason why candidates solicit/raise MILLIONS of dollars each just to campaign?? I don't like being solicited for anything, let alone $, when I have have no clue what its going towards or I don't believe in it.
I mean, I know they have travel expenses, staff, commericals, and other marketing things that have costs associated with it.
I heard on the news this morning that Hillary is trying to raise $x million dollars in 3 days so she will have the same funds as Obama. And she mentioned that she contributed $5 million from her own pocket.
And I know money supposedly = power.
But in all honesty, in my opinion, all that moolah could be used toward something better. (I could list an abundance of things off the top of my head, but I wont) Someone out there please tell me that there is some good behind these funds!!