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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. How many days/nights is your price quote based on? And is it based on double occupancy?
  2. Ok, I am so F'in pissed right now!!!! Sorry, but this is going to be a long rant! This has had to be one of the worst weeks I've had in a while. I've had 2 funerals to attend. Heavy deadlines at work. Family drama about the wedding (as usual). Not to mention, last night we went out to Dave & Buster's for a function for my company and got home like 3am this morning. I accidently left my digital camera/bag in the truck, but took my navigation system out. It wasnt an hour later until I heard one of my dogs barking. We ran outside and what do we see! Someone through something through my f'in back window of my truck and stole my camera!!!! A camera that I havent even had for 3 freakin months!!! And I have tinted windows!!! My doors were locked and the alarm was set, but the alarm on the car doesnt sound unless a door is opened. They rummaged through my FI's car, but I think the dogs' bark scared them away. We are the only house in the cul-de-sac and everyone's house is pretty far apart. So it had to be more than 1 person. And they found a victim's purse in the empty lot across from us. So we call the police, and they take FOREVER to get to our house. Come to find out, the damn thieves hit every house in my subdivision (its only 1 street long with about 20 or so houses). They also hit a lot of houses in the next subdivision over in the past couple of weeks. WTF!!!!! Ok, as police officers, wouldnt you try to warn the citizens of your community to be on the look out or something. I'm still trying to get over the fact that the police said they don't fingerprint the scene! I mean, its totally my fault I left the camera in the car (that's what I get for having too many drinks). But they were too bold. The vehicle was in my freakin driveway!!!! My stupid garage is too small to park my truck in comfortably!!! So now I have to wait until Monday afternoon(take a day off of work) for someone to come out and fix the window. More money out of the budget! I would have rather just left my doors unlocked and still have a damn window! Ok, with all that said, does anyone know of any good security systems that will activate with the slightest touch. I would rather the alarm go off even if someone bumps against the car, then not at all. Or what about a good camera surveliance system for the home? We are going this morning to look for some, but I was just looking for suggestions. We are also getting more motion lights. Or does anyone have advice on starting a neigborhood watch? All the neighbors were outside this morning and we briefly discussed it. But I would really like to get something going sooner than later. Thanks for letting me vent!
  3. OMG, Comcast has this on ON Demand! I've watched 1 episode so far, its hysterical!!!
  4. I actually had to do work on Friday instead of being on BDW off and on!!! I was so bummed, lol
  5. I just walked in the house and saw this on the news. Another very sad situation!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz It's always on the circular that I get in the mail. I think that's the only place to get it (someone correct me if I'm wrong!). Its also in Sunday's newspaper. So I usually have 2, 1 from the paper and one from the circular they send to my house with a bunch of other area ads!
  7. I love Michaels!!! And the weekly 40% off one item coupon always helps!
  8. twinkletoes

    wedding 08

    to the forum Vanessa! Happy Planning
  9. We too are planning to hit the Jellyfish during our honeymoon. I've heard nothing but good things about this restaurant. I think their rival is Captain Cooks (or something like that). We may have to check out both places. The food looks muy delicioso!
  10. Symbolic ceremony is looking better everyday! Thanks for sharing. (You always find the best info! :~) With this kind of info, I defitenly think symbolic is now the way to go!
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