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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. to the forum! The most popular Jamaican resort on this forum seems to be the Riu Ocho Rios. Defitenly check out the Jamaica section of the forum. Start there, and I am sure you will find some of your answers! Congrats & Happy planning!
  2. Very cute! I love the colors and the starfish. Very tropical feeling. Congrats on getting them done
  3. Very cute. I love that you guys went back to the place you met as well as used nature for your background. Cant wait to see the rest!
  4. Don't feel bad about failing in the female friends department. You haven't, dont worry. You have plenty of female virtual friends here :~) lol One of the sayings that I keep near to me is, 'People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime'. I had to learn the hard way who some of my 'seasonal friends' were. I have actually lost someone as a friend who I grew up with as well throughout this planning process. She was causing me waay to much undo stress during what is supposed to be one of the happiest times in my life. What seems important to us as brides, are defitenly not some of other people's priorities (regardless of what they may say) But, I defitenly agree that you should talk to her and explain exactly how you are feeling. Especially since she has already booked her trip. Hope this gets straightened out :~)
  5. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  6. I love how you added the Tide! Great idea, too bad we dont have one in GA! On a sidenote, one thing you may want to remind guests about is that the nail file cannot be on/in the carryon bags! It will get confinsicated :~(
  7. Everything looks so cute! You did a great job. When do you guys leave?
  8. Here are just a few pics I found online: Secrets Maroma Beach Resort Honeymoons, Reservations
  9. Enjoy the weather and cant wait to see pics!
  10. Its from Island Importer. Beach Wedding Attire: Drawstring Linen Pants, Cotton & Linen Shirts, Shorts - Island Importer Lol, I will never forget the hairy model! They currently have a 30% discount on their site for all International UPS Air Shipments
  11. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  12. to the forum! Happy Planning
  13. to the forum! Your plans sound like fun! Congrats!
  14. to the forum! Happy Planning
  15. Here is something similar I found via mi amiga Google: Maggie Sottero Bridal Gowns - JSM1042 I think its a one piece. Here's another, I think: Maggie Sottero Destination Wedding Dress, WITH HOOP AND VEIL - Edmonton Clothing For Sale - Kijiji Edmonton
  16. I think a cd is a great momento! We plan on doing this as well. Who knows, it may help keep some of your guests 'busy' (lol) instead of bothering you guys!
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