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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. to the forum Taylor! Happy Planning
  2. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  3. to the forum! Happy Planning
  4. to the forum! yaay, for another PC bride. Happy Planning
  5. Hey ladies, in case anyone is interested here is a link with just a few pics from someone on TA of the resort photographer: Professional Pics pictures from travel photos on webshots
  6. to the forum Lanelle You'll find plenty of help and ideas here. Happy Planning
  7. Ok, I would officially like to thank twelve_piece for telling me about the Kohls sale today, and for having me spend $$$ out of my imaginary budget! FYI, I'm using you as a scapegoat when my FI sees all the stuff I bought from there today!!! lol
  8. to the forum! Happy Planning
  9. So far April 26th tentatively works for me too.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by morenaindc Wonderful pics. What does "BD" stand for? and when do you gthese pics to your fiance? I am sooooooooooo new at this! Stands for Boudoir Photos. Most people give it to their FI's the day of the wedding, before the ceremony (usually have it special delivered, so its a total surprise!).
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by nenamono Thanks for sharing this seems really helpful. Im trying to find the website now to check it out but I only get this womens organization. Can someone PM the link? Here is the link, I'll PM it to you as well: WEDO .:: Taking care of your legal documentation for your Dominican weddings
  12. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to hit Kohls while I'm out today!
  13. Aww, baby bean is an angel already. How cute, for their first 'pic'. lol Congrats!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BrittneyD I am going to get an album done, so there will be a lot of flexibility. I can always get a bigger book if needed. The tough part will be waiting to give it too him. He is going to flip...especially since we decided 2 months ago not to have sex until the wedding. No nookie in 6 months and he's getting these before the ceremony. He is going to flip. Lol, he is going to say, 'damn the ceremony, lets go straight to the honeymoon!' after seeing those! lol those pics are smokin!
  15. Britt, I love them!!! You looked so calm. And all your lingere is so freakin cute :~) Hi Five!
  16. She's been busy as a bee over the past few months! If she's not signed on in the next 3 days, we'll have to put out a APB on her, lol.
  17. What a way to start of the weekend! Have a wonderful time.
  18. welcome back! Congrats Cant wait to see your pictures!
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