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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Sorry to hear about what happened. I hope everything is okay. My heart goes out to you and your family. Let us know how the results turn out
  2. Have a wonderful wonderful time Betsy! Enjoy yourself :~)
  3. It looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks for sharing your pics :~)
  4. Must be nice :~) I can only wish & dream about stuff like that, lol
  5. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  6. Could you maybe get one of his friends/siblings to take him out for the day just to hang out possibly?
  7. I hope everything turns out more than you ever dreamed of! Happy Wedding Day!!!
  8. Do you mind if I ask where you got your BM dresses from? They are cute, as well as your dress! I love them both :~)
  9. Good, at least you have options! Let us know which you guys decide to do.
  10. Everything looks so nice and classy! They did a wonderful job planning your shower :~)
  11. Glad to hear they got their stuff together!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura "Jessica picked it because she felt it was an honor to have Cash's baby" I'm sorry if I offend anybody by saying this, but.... VOMIT. Ditto, loooool
  13. I love that sunset! It looks like a great place to have a wedding.
  14. Sorry to hear about your flights. Glad to hear you were able to get everything worked out in time.
  15. Awww, Britt, sorry you are having such a bad morning. There's not much really I can say that will help your situation, but just know we are here for you! At least your FI only saw a few outfits. Dont worry, he will still be blown away by the pictures. Maybe he just thinks that is your honeymoon lingere :~) I'm sure he feels pretty bad. I second the buying a padlock idea or is there someone elses house you would feel comfortable keeping some of your stuff at? Let us know how things work out with your mom.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by melody Why don't you sign the papers with the judges to make it legal @ 1pm and have a symbolic ceremony at a later time? I remember talking to my wedding coordinator @Excellence and she suggested doing the symbolic ceremony and the legal ceremony with the Judge at a different time. Don't know about the other resorts, but I know Excellence did not charge extra. It was just a courtesy because the judge had such a busy schedule. This option was also available for my resort. I would defitenly talk to the coordinator and see if you could arrange something like this. Good luck!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I was worried about it too. But, now I'm glad we decided to do it this way. We told our parents & they totally approved. I also told a few friends. No one sounded at all judgy. We are telling anyone who asked that we are taking care of the paperwork before we go. Originally we planned it this way so it would be simpler & cheaper. We are saving about $1000, don't have to worry with the legal stuff, and can personalize our ceremony how we want. Now, I'm excited about it instead of just thinking of it as cheaper & easier. I know the day of the wedding I'll be so busy talking to all our guests and so worn out that night. So marriage day will be all about me & Mike. We get so excited talking about it. I'm going to wear a simple white dress & we'll go to the courthouse in the morning. Then we will honeymoon the rest of the day. We also plan to go to a Mexican restaurant that evening I also like that I put him completely in charge. He'll probably come through with some romantic plans. When we first started planning it I thought we'd try to make it as uneventful as possible so it wouldn't take away from the wedding day. Now we want to make it it's own special day. That sounds really special. I think maybe I'll put my FI in charge of the 'paperwork day'. It could be very memorable. Great idea :~)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Who does them!? (Although, you gotta be careful with leaving those pictures on your cell phone. I forgot to delete one and my friend was using my phone to take pictures of something while we were out and all of a sudden I hear him say "Jess! I just saw your boobs!!!" Oops!) Lol, that is too funny! We send text messages back and forth throughout the day. Him, more so than me :~)
  19. All the shoes posted are super cute!!! Keep them coming ladies Oh, feel free to show off your grooms' shoes as well? I'm trying to find my FI some cute sandals.
  20. to the forum! You have defitenly come to the right place for support and ideas. Happy Planning!
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