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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 That's cute, thanks for posting! Where'd you find it? Sorry, I forgot to post that info! They are called 'Spirit Orbs'. I found it on Welcome to Everyday Artifact. I contacted them and and go for $25 each + shipping. They print them to order.
  3. I thought this was cute, so I wanted to share. There are various sayings you can get as well (sorry one of the pics is so HUGE, I tried to resize in photobucket but that obviously didnt work! weird):
  4. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  5. How did I miss this thread Wow, only 4 more months! I cant believe it. It feels like I have soooo much left to do! I need to get my butt in gear! Seeing what you ladies have already done will hopefully be my motivation. I'm going to try and dedicate my weekend to wedding stuff (we'll see how that goes, lol).
  6. I wish you the best of luck Catherine! I'm all about being an educated woman, so cheers for you Tell us more, what school, what made you decide now, etc... (If you dont mind!)
  7. to the forum! Happy Planning
  8. Hey Nora! to the forum! I originally contacted you before EdenH had even officially opened & you were of great help. I mentioned you to other girls, especially due to your quick and thorough responses. Thanks again for all your help!
  9. to the forum! Happy Planning
  10. to the forum! Happy Planning
  11. to the forum! Happy Planning
  12. to the forum! Happy Planning
  13. to the forum! Happy Planning
  14. to the forum! Happy Planning
  15. Thanks for the tip about the tour companies. I will defitenly alert my guests to be fully aware! Sorry, on more question. Can you give me an estimate of how many people were in a van/bus from the airport pickup? I want to make sure my group flying in together can stay together as much as possible, as many have never traveled internationally before! Thanks again
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