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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Congrats
  2. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Dont worry, I am an EdenH bride to be. There are about 3 or 4 of us here. Check out the DR section of the forum, I have posted quite a bit of info about the resort. If there are any specific questions, just ask away, I'm sure one of us might be able to answer. Happy Planning! Here's a thread I started just for EdenH brides : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14906. I'll add you to the list!
  3. I must agree, great review Heidi! Very descriptive. I was anxious to read your review and I'm not even a ROR bride to be, lol. I am sure you have helped the future ROR brides out even more. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time. Cant wait to see more of your pics! Congrats again :~)
  4. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Yaay, another August 08 bride! Happy planning
  5. Your dress is very pretty and it looks like it fits you perfectly! Your middle daughter! She looks like she can be your sister!! Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day!
  6. Wow, I'm glad all of your vendors were able to work everything out!
  7. I would say maybe a spa certificate. I think all mommies would LOVE to be pampered! Edit: Maura beat me to it :~)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mpark46 I've been looking for the ring orb EVERYWHERE!!! Everyday Artifacts only has them in purple, or blue exterior with purple interior. When did you contact them? They told me that they were no longer making the copper/blue and I was SOOOOO SAD! I contacted them this week. I just emailed them asking what colors where availalbe. Here is the response: 'We have the Spirit Orbs available as follows: copper exterior with the lavender enamel interior powder blue enamel exterior with the lavender enamel interior lavender enamel exterior with the powder blue enamel interior' So it looks like the only one with copper has lavender interior! Yikes! I wish it was at least white inside. The one on their homepage shows the lavender interior, I guess it doesnt look too bad I'll have to see what my FI thinks! I wonder why on earth would they stop making them with copper/blue?
  9. Sounds like everyone had a blast! You must be one of the coolest moms in the world, b/c even at this age, I would be embarassed to do 1/2 of that stuff in front of my mom. You rock I love the BM dresses, btw!
  10. I dont ever think I posted pics of my boys in this thread, here goes (sorry, these are the only ones I have here at work!) I love my munchkins! Tahj Then: Tahj & Kayto :
  11. A co-worker of mine just had his house broken into while he was out of town and when I say EVERYTHING was stolen, I mean EVERYTHING. From his tvs, stove, fridge, clothes, computers... EVERYTHING. So his insurance company is giving him a little bit of a hard time about his 'valuables'. So that prompted me to start searching more about homeowners insurance. So I came across the idea of creating a home video inventory for insurance purposes. So, I know we have quite a few new homeowners on board, and I thought this would be a good idea to share with everyone. If you rent and have renter's insurance, you can do this too! Has anyone ever done this? If so, please share any tips. Here are a few tips I have found online from various sources, kinda long, but I think worth it: ehow.com Step 1: Obtain a video camera. If you don't already own one, borrow one from a friend or rent one from a rental facility. This may even be a good time to consider purchasing one, especially if you've considered it in the past. Step 2: Clean your house. Surprisingly, it's easier to get an accurate video of your home if it's clean. Do your best to declutter and straighten up before you begin filming your video home inventory. Step 3: Choose a room. Pick the room where you'd like to begin. It's best to do your home in an organized fashion so you don't miss any rooms or belongings. Top to bottom or north to south are possible options. Step 4: Record the date. Make sure you record your name, the date, the time and the location of your home on the video tape. This will help avoid confusion, especially if you make additional tapes at a later date. Step 5: Video your belongings. Move slowly through your home and videotape your belongings, pausing on specific items. To keep this simple, consider the big picture, too. You don't need to pause on every single item of clothing. Instead, slowly pan through the entire closet to get an overview of the amount and styles of clothes you own. <You can also take still pictures of particular items and keep them in a file as well to get a more detailed view> Step 6: Narrate. Make sure you narrate through the entire process. Point out any items of high value, such as expensive electronics, appliances or jewelry. If you remember their approximate cost, be sure to mention this in the narration as well. It's easier to remember the prices of items when you're making your inventory than when you're under stress after a recent burglary. Step 7: Store it in a safe place. Once you've finished your video home inventory, make sure you store a copy of it in a safe place. One good choice is a safe deposit box in your bank where it will be safe from both fire and burglary. http://www.compuquotes.com/making-video-inventory-your-homeowners-insurance.html What to Include in a Home Inventory? The short answer is – everything. Even if you don’t have receipts and information about the items, having a visual record of it will help the insurance company assign it a value. More specifically, you’ll want to include every piece of furniture, all major appliances, any collections of artwork, crafting equipment, crafting materials, toys and home goods. Some of the things that many people don’t consider include your wardrobe, silverware and china, children’s toys and gardening/outdoor equipment. Some of the things people don’t think about until they have to replace them: your kitchen appliances small electrical appliances your living room suite your bedroom suite furnishings in other rooms the draperies and window dressings any collections your craft and hobbies materials your clothing and accessories
  12. Wow, looks like you girls know how to have fun! I'm glad you had a wonderful time. :~) Cant wait to see Round2 pics!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari These are super cute. Thanks for posting. Did you see the shadow boxes? Way cute! I wonder how much they are, no prices are posted. I know, I saw those shadow boxes. Too cute. When I emailed the company about the orbs, they responded very quickly with pricing and availability. I'm thinking about going ahead and trying to order one this weekend.
  14. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  15. Can you take a pic of yours? I dont have one close by, but for that price, I may be willing to drive a little to get them! Thanks
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